
Chapter Eleven

Mistakes... I remember when I was a kid and I 'mistakenly' stole my mom's car... God! That day. I knew what a hiding was and I instilled in my mind what 'mistake' meant. 

My father explained to me that taking something knowingly without permission wasn't a mistake... a mistake was tripping and falling... because I don't think anyone plans on that. 

So... for Valentia Louw to fucken stand in front of coach and say kissing me was a mistake! That was absurd. She kissed me more than once and she knew what she was doing. She didn't trip and caught her lips on mine.. she leaned over and kissed me knowingly... so her saying that was a mistake was just fucken bullshit!

I was fucken hurt... I mean I couldn't even explain why it hurt like this because me and Ms Louw were nothing or we didn't even label what we were...but that didn't make it hurt any less. It actually hurt more. 

So she was dating coach and didn't feel the need to tell me.. we

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