

Dinner at the Drummonds was never dull and that night’s dinner was no exception. It was two hours after Kelsey’s trick was revealed and for the first time in a month, Mikel had a real smile on her face. She was currently seated next to her best friend and eyeing the sulky cowboy opposite her. Killian was hunched over his meal not talking to anyone. Herself, Kels, Mama Roarke, and the ranch foreman were holding back amused smiles while trying to have a decent conversation. Mikel took that time to take in the appearance of her friend’s big brother. She saw the pictures their father proudly showed her on past visits. They were all photos of him all over the ranch and rodeos, some with their mother and some with his father. The one that Keagan Drummond showed her with so much pride and gusto was him in his dress blues. He was 18 then and curiosity about the world was in his eyes.

Now looking at the twenty-nine-year-old man before her, she saw the changes. Broad shoulders to fit his six feet frame, black inky unkempt hair that looked really good on him, a beard that he was growing out, and a muscular, ripped body that will send any woman in a titter. What struck her forcefully earlier in the den were his blue eyes so much like his father’s.

She saw his interest in her but it didn’t make her uneasy as most male looks do. He was truly interested in her. She saw the lust and also sheer curiosity. The man was appealing.

‘Stop it Mik. You’re practically still married.’ she admonished herself. That brought back the heaviness in her body. Dominic. Her late husband's face took home in her mind, his playful smile and those rich brown eyes that were so expressive. She thought she had a hold on her grief but the memory and love of Dominic Heath were strong. He was her best friend, her first love. Tears pricked at her eyes with that simple thought of him. This wave of uncontrollable grief washed over her unexpectedly. She couldn't stay seated.

“Excuse me,” she said hurriedly dashing from the dinner table and out of the house. Mikel walked quickly to the stables, with tears blurring her vision. Everything came back to her on that cruel day. She was finding it hard to breathe, going down onto her knees she let it all out.

The pain of loss. The pain of the truth she was dealt with. The pain of being neglected and the pain of losing a second chance. Lost in her heartache she didn’t hear her intruder all she felt was the slim arms of her friend wrapping around her shoulder. “Why him? We just wanted to be happy,” she cried. Kelsey wrapped her arms tighter around her best friend tucking her head below her chin. Tears fell from her own as she looked at her companion by the stable door.

Killian stood a few feet away watching his sister comfort her friend. His heart went out to whatever pain she harbored. Someone who looked as pure as she didn’t deserve whatever she was dealt with. The protector in him wanted to go and scoop her into his arms and do anything to make her smile but he will be out of line. They just met. He saw Kelsey slightly shaking her head with a sad smile, his baby sister knew him to the core of his soul. With a final nod, he left the two.

Kelsey watched her brother leave reluctantly. Mikel was still crying in her arms. She remembered that day when her friend’s world came crashing down. What made it worse, it was her birthday and what she wished for Mikel came too late. “Let’s get you cleaned up. You had a long few days. All you need is a nice warm bed and a bright new day,” Kels said getting up from the floor tugging Mik along with her. Mikel went along still sobbing as they both walked back to the house. The men weren’t there only Mama Roarke. She gave Mikel a watery smile and placed a hot mug of cocoa in her hand. “It will help for the dreams.” the older woman spoke with experience. Looking down, the dark brown liquid was beckoning her to drink it for its momentary comfort. Not wanting to be tortured by her husband’s bloody body she took even sips of the rich drink. Mama Roarke gave her more when she gestured for it. The three women sat in silence. “He did love me.” Mikel’s voice sounded hoarse when she spoke. “He loved me,” She said once more with a teary smile before slowly making her way upstairs with Kelsey’s help to her room.

Her loyal dogs were already in her room waiting for her. Roman and Romulus. They were Christmas gifts from her late husband. She remembered that Christmas clearly. As usual, they wanted to avoid their families and decided to go to Vermont. The two-week white holiday was what they needed. They entered the marriage as a means of escape from their controlling families. It was a marriage of best friends with healthy sexual appetites. Three years into the marriage, Dominic went back to his old ways but dropped them after a month. “I was disrespecting the woman I cared so much about. Forgive me Mikky,” he told her that night before their vacation on his knees. After that he was on the straight and narrow then a photo emerged online. Dominic was beside himself he cried and pleaded with her to believe his innocence. This happened a month before his death. She believed him and told him so. He proposed again, this time of his own will and she accepted. With the fabricated photo, she found the source of it but never told him.

She will admit it. She was beginning to love her husband.


She loved her husband.

The day she was informed of his death, she found the travel plans he made for them and a personal planner for the months ahead. She even found the birthday present he hid from her. She thought he forgot her birthday. The gift was still unopened but the card he attached to it was in her purse.

Her heart was ripped out on what was meant to be a special day.

But she gained something equally so.

Kelsey listened from the bedroom as Mikel showered. It was going on fifteen minutes since she left the grief-stricken woman in there. She rushed to the door and knocked loud enough to be heard. “I’m fine Kels.” was the soft reply.

She waited till Mikel came out freshly showered and dressed in Dominic’s old Harvard t-shirt and a pair of his goofy socks. “You really were falling for him huh,” Kelsey asked with a smile. Mikel stroked the heads of her two companions and returned the smile.

“I think we both were falling for each other over the years and was confusing it with lust and our friendship. I remember one night the lovemaking was much more intense, and electrifying. The look in his eyes was different I knew he saw the same in mine too. He called me Mikel. Not Mikky. We were going to make it,” she said burying her face in Roman’s fur.

“And here I thought you weren’t happy.”

Mikel chuckled, “I’m sorry. It was a front. You witness and know our parents. They placed us together under their way of upbringing and the chances of gaining more notoriety and wealth. They wanted us to be resentful and miserable just as their parents made them. I remember Nicky and me talking the first night we met. I expected a complete douche but he helped me escape my mother and we actually talked. For the two to three years of our ‘courting’, I was allowed to have my freedom at his expense. He was my excuse to leave the house and long stays.”

“Even the spring break holidays down here?”

Mikel laughed at the incredulous look on Kelsey’s face. “A few when we knew they wanted us for some country club kissing ass event. He will go out with whatever college buddy,” she said with brows furrowed.


“I just realized during those years he was hardly in any scandal. Only the random photos of some one-night stand or his friends.”

“Do you think he fell for you way back then?” Kelsey asked following her train of thought.

“I don’t know. We were close as platonic friends then. Swapping jokes. Asking for advice. Checking up on each other. He was a great friend,” Mikel answered sadly. Distractedly she went under the covers of her large bed looking at the ceiling. Though her happy arrival to the Drummond ranch turned to this somber mood, Mikel believed it was time to tell her friend everything. Even the secret she kept from her mother and in-laws. 

“I’m going to be a single mom Kels,” she whispered.


Mikel laughed at her friend's incredulous expression and

then explained how she found out she was pregnant with her late husband's child.

“You have me and the whole ranch even your family in Georgia. Do his folks know? Your mom?”Kelsey said sincerely.

“No. Only my dad’s family. They were both happy and sad. They liked Dominic and supported us in our rebellion against our family.”

Kelsey lay beside Mikel and hugged her, listening to her silent cries. “I’m sorry. My wish for you was to be happy and here you were about to get it with Dominic.” Mikel's sobs grew louder as she buried her face into her friend’s chest. Roman and Romulus began to whimper sadly and came closer to their mistress, comforting her more. “You will be happy. I promise. You’re strong and this little one?! That’s Dominic’s way of leaving his love for you. Don’t give up hope.” Kelsey said softly stroking her hair.

“Thanks for being my sister,” Mikel whispered.

“And thanks for being mine.” Kelsey couldn’t help tearing up at her words. Mikel was family and family take care of each other.

An hour later in the den, Killian heard his sister coming down the stairs and into where he was sitting. The strain on her face told him she was battling the pain also her friend was suffering from. Without thought, he opened his arms for her and she came and sat by his side, allowing him to give her his famous brotherly hugs. They stayed quiet for a moment before he spoke. “Is she okay? What happened?”

Kelsey stayed quiet contemplating if to tell Killian the reason why Mikel was here in Montana three months earlier than usual. He was now part of her life now, he legally owns the ranch and probably can help her heal. Releasing a heavy sigh she got up and walked to the mantel where their family photos were displayed. Photos of her and Mik were in her room on a designated wall but one was on their family mantle. Stretching for the photo at the back of the others, she smiled at it and then handed it to Killian.

Her brother’s eyes widen in shock then soften. It was a photo of herself, Mik, and their father at her third championship competition for barrel racing. “We found each other through an English writing program in senior year. Her school and mine had the collaboration. We hit it off instantly through our love of horses and show jumping. Letters were coming every week sometimes twice. Then texting and video chats, funny emails -I had a best friend. I was glad for her to be my friend after you left. I was still resenting you for leaving me even if it was over two years but she explained to me why you left.

She was the one who told me to write to you. A few months later nearing her 18th birthday. Her dad died. He was her world as she was his. The only child of Michael Rysdale of MR Corporation...”

“Wait. MR Corp?“Killian asked in disbelief.

“Yup. In our house is the sole owner of that billion-dollar gold mine.“Kelsey said with a laugh.

Killian didn’t laugh he was flabbergasted. MR Corp was the company that was spearheading some of his war relief missions. They spared no expense in providing for the families plus they had a refugee help fund in over twenty states.

“Mr. Michael was a great guy. I saw him on a few video chats always teasing Mik and asking me about my competitions. He sponsored me twice even when I refused. So when he died it hit me hard too. I was worried about Mik. Her mother wasn’t.... a mother. If you understand what I’m saying. She wasn’t like ours. She broke Mik’s confidence and self-esteem down during her time of grieving. She became all the more mean and vindictive when Mr. Michael left everything to Mik and placed her on a monthly allowance until her death or remarries. I think it was greed or spite when she arranged the marriage between her family and the Heaths. I thought so but Mik saw it as an escape and agreed.

That was when Mikel got her backbone back. Till tonight I thought she was unhappy with Dominic but they both were playing a role for their parents." Kelsey stopped and tried to remember the times she saw the two together and chuckled to herself. How was she so blind? With their teasing and comfort around each other, they were happy.

“Dominic?” Killian asked sitting at the edge of his seat. He was intrigued by the woman upstairs and by the sadness in her eyes.

Kelsey gave him a sad watery smile. “Her late husband.”

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