
Chapter 2


I stepped out of my small apartment and into the cold morning air, a sense of monotony settling over me like a dark cloak. Another day, another routine to follow. A life devoid of excitement or adventure, where each day bled into the next in an unending cycle of sameness. This was my reality, a quiet existence in the bustling town of Brookside, where nothing ever seemed to happen.

The streets were alive with the hustle and bustle of early morning commuters, the sound of cars honking and people chattering filling the air. I watched them from the sidelines, a silent observer in a world that always moved too fast for me. There was a time when I longed to be a part of it all, to carve out my own place in the world, but now, I felt like I was destined to be forever left behind.

I made my way to the college where I worked as an admin assistant. I couldn't shake the feeling of loneliness that hit me every time I approached my workplace. Everyone around me seemed to have their own lives—they had kids to run after, partners to love, their own dreams and aspirations—while I was stuck in a never-ending loop of mediocrity. Even my own omega nature felt like a burden, a constant reminder of my failure during my mating season, a time when I should have found my true mate or someone who would like me, but instead found myself rejected and destined to be alone.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, interrupting my thoughts. I pulled it out and forced a smile when I saw the familiar name flashing on the screen: Sarah Reynolds, my best friend and only friend. I texted back quickly:

"Hey Sarah! Want to grab lunch together at the cafeteria today? I could use some company."

Almost immediately, a response came through:

"Sounds great, Jane! I'll meet you there at noon. Can't wait to catch up!"

I slipped my phone back into my pocket and continued on my way. The thought of spending time with Sarah lifted my spirits, if only temporarily, easing the ache of loneliness that seemed to weigh me down.

As I approached the college, I couldn't help but feel a sense of longing wash over me—a longing for something more, something beyond the confines of my quiet existence. But I couldn't seem to break free from the chains of my own insecurities, couldn't shake the feeling that I was destined to be forever stuck in this unremarkable and boring life.

I greeted my coworkers with a forced smile as I made my way to my desk, the familiar rhythm of the office lulling me into a sense of numbness. Each spreadsheet and email felt like a small victory—a distraction from the overwhelming sense of failure that threatened to consume me.

As the morning wore on, the emptiness inside me seemed to grow, expanding until it felt like it would swallow me whole.

Finally, the clock struck noon, and I practically dragged myself out of my chair, eager to meet Sarah at the cafeteria. She was the one bright spot in my otherwise dreary existence, the one person who had never given up on me or left me behind.


As I walked into the bustling cafeteria, my eyes immediately scanned the big room, searching for the familiar figure of my best friend, Sarah. And there she was, sitting at a table near the window, her radiant smile lighting up the room.

I made my way over to her, a mixture of emotions churning inside me: joy at the prospect of spending time with Sarah, but also a twinge of jealousy that I couldn't quite shake. She was everything I wasn’t: beautiful, confident, and happily married to her Alpha.

"Hey Jane!" Sarah exclaimed as she caught sight of me, her eyes sparkling with warmth and affection. "I'm so glad we could meet today!”

I forced a smile, trying to push aside the feelings of inadequacy that threatened to overwhelm me. "Hey Sarah," I replied, trying to keep my voice light and cheerful. "It's good to see you too."

I took a seat opposite her. I couldn't help but admire the way Sarah glowed with happiness, her golden hair cascading in soft waves around her shoulders. She had always been stunning, but now, as a married Omega, she seemed to radiate an inner beauty that was impossible to ignore.

"How's married life treating you?" I asked, just able to keep the bitterness out of my voice. It wasn't that I wasn't happy for Sarah, I truly was, but sometimes, it was hard not to feel a pang of jealousy at the happiness she had found with her Alpha.

Sarah's smile widened, her eyes sparkling with affection as she spoke. "It's amazing, Jane," she gushed, her voice filled with warmth. "I never knew what true happiness was until I wed Michael. He's my rock, my everything."

I nodded, trying to swallow down the bitter taste that rose in my throat. Sarah deserved every bit of happiness she had found with her Alpha. But sometimes, it was hard not to feel envious of the life she had built for herself, the life I had always dreamed of but could never seem to attain.

We chatted about work and a few new events at the college over lunch. I couldn't help but marvel at the story that Sarah was telling about Michael and their new home that he had just finished building. Despite my jealousy, there was a part of me that couldn't help but feel a flicker of hope, that maybe there is someone out there for me too. Someone who would see past my flaws and insecurities, someone who would love me unconditionally, just like Michael loved Sarah.

But for now, I pushed those thoughts aside, focusing instead on the precious moments I had with my best friend. Because no matter how much envy I felt, there was one thing I knew for certain: I would always be grateful for the friendship we shared, for the laughter and the tears we had shared over the years.

We finished our lunch at two o’clock and prepared to part ways. I hugged Sarah tightly, the warmth of her embrace chasing away the bitterness and the jealousy that sometimes lingered inside me.

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