
13. Finding Information

Thomas threw Mateo another shirt as the others were currently being washed among all of their other clothes and combing his wet and now clean hair back; Mateo quickly shoved his head through the shirt hole, tucking the tail into his pants, and rushed to put on his boots before rushing back down the stairs of the saloon. Men had gathered themselves into a poor excuse of a line, all waiting to see if they had the magical answer that was the key to Cassidy’s body though with Dodge standing beside her sitted self made most squirm in their bones - he was Death incarnated. 

Cassidy, on the other hand, loved the way men had lined up, offering her any information that they deemed worthy only to fall short to the girls expectations, and even though disappointment flooded her veins at the lack of knowledge of her father's murder -other things included- but if all else failed, he’d find

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