

Mathin canted his head and studied the reddish-brown liquid. “What do you mean?”

Used to explaining her oddity, though never comfortable with it, Andrea traced the rim of her cup. “I have hypoglycemia. It’s an inherited disorder. Diabetics don’t produce enough insulin; hypoglycemics make too much. If I eat too much sugar or too many quickly metabolized carbohydrates I get sick. Headaches, leg cramps, numbness in my hands and feet. Mood swings. Sometimes I get really cold or start to sweat.” She swallowed hard, reminded of some of the grimmer symptoms. “Many times I get depressed, or dizzy and confused. Sometimes my body just shuts down and I start to lose consciousness.” She paused and then added glumly, “Suicide is very high among hypoglycemics. The sudden blood sugar drops make people go

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