
16. A Lesson Learned

The next morning, Carver awoke with a sense of dread, the events of the previous night casting a shadow over his thoughts. The room was filled with the soft glow of the morning sun, casting long, haunting shadows that seemed to dance and flicker. Each one a reflection of his inner turmoil.

He rose from the bed. His movements were slow and deliberate, his body weighed down by guilt and regret. The room was a mess, a tangible reminder of his weakness. His surrender to temptation. He glanced at the floor, his eyes drawn to the evidence of his transgression. His heart pounded in his chest, a rapid, unsteady rhythm that matched the chaos in his mind.

With a grim determination, he set about cleaning up. The task was both physical and symbolic, a way to cleanse himself. To wipe away the stain of his actions. He worked methodically, his thoughts consumed by Ava. The way she had looked, the sound of her voice, the connection they had shared.

Finally, the room was clean, the evidence erased. Th
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