
Chapter 7: submission

“ you don't satisfy me the way I want. You are a total waste of my precious money.I will kill you and feed on you” laying firm grip on Jewel's neck he flung her across the room.“Alpha Marcus gave me garbage. You are not submissive to me. Take her away immediately” he said in fury. His guard walked up to Jewel and picked her up. No one uttered a word as they walked down into the dungeon. This dungeon had Ricks victims of torture bounded by chains and the whole environment smelt bad. The pain she felt was intense. She had suffered both physically and emotionally. Sometimes,she was kept under the scorching sun and since her hands were tied,she would be unable to resist the flies that perched on her delicate skin and fed on her bruises. Other times, she was kept in the rain till she fell sick and shivered because of the cold.Alpha Rick had shown her no mercy since the very day of the consummation that she was brought to him. The disappointment and heart break that she had felt had grieved her so much that she had totally lost consciousness of the things that happened around her. Alpha Rick had ordered that she be brought to him. When she was ushered into his room,she had been so mesmerized by the beauty it withheld. From the fine and expensive yarn neatly woven into exceptional embroidery on the bed sheets to the antiques and furniture that were carved out of perfection. Even if she had not ran her hands through the rug carpets,she was sure they would feel warm. “Come to me immediately” ordered Rick. His deep voice jolted her from her fantasy and she came back to the realization that she was standing before the'all known Alpha Rick'. Rumours had it that he was ruthless, an evil man that had no remorse for humanity. He was cruel and quick to anger too. This thoughts chills to run down Jewel's spin. She completely lost control of her feet's as they were failing her. They knew of the impending doom that awaited her in this house and so they remain steady on the ground. The guards grabbed her arms and dragged her towards her boss. Jewel was trembling in front of Alpha Rick. He seized her and bringing his nose close to her, he sniffed her neck.“ah you smell fresh. Just as I want my prey to feel. Now listen to me. You belong to me and I will do whatever I please with you” Jewel still caught up in fear managed to say in whisper” please don't hurt me " “silence!“ Roared Rick “ hkw dare you speak. It is up to you to decide if you want to live or die” grinning devilishly as he said these, he held her firmly and gave her a rough and forceful kiss.Jewel pushed him off with all the strength she could muster. He slapped her immediately and roared in anger ordering that she should be taken away.

 Rick gave Jewel three days to submit her self to him but she couldn't. She did not belong to him even if her father had sold her off to him. The thought that her father could choose his pride over her grieved her so much. He should not have despite all the sacrifices she made to make sure that he was happy and satisfied to have a daughter. She yearned for Asher. She still loved him very much. It was a night to the consummation ceremony that gave her the first blow. She had caught Asher and her own sister on bed. She had wished that it was a mirage but then she knew that she would be lying to her own self. Jana had given her so much alcohol in the name of celebration and she had drank them just to please the sister she felt had her best interest at heart. She wanted to call everything off but she was too scared of what her father would say and the possibility of loosing Asher permanently. She had decided to sweep the whole issue under the carpet and move on as though she never saw anything. One time,Rick had asked for Jewel. She had been brought to his room. She had resisted by moving away from him as he edged closer to her. Ripping her clothes apart he had struggled to have his way with her. Slapping and kicking her without mercy. Jewel had struggled to protect her dignity. She had tried pinching back and it annoyed Rick even more. Eventually, he ordered that she should be taken away.

“The cocaine where discovered at the airport. The drug agency are making serious investigations but Litmus is doing everything thing possible to wipe out evidence that could trail them to us”James said till so calmly but within him he was scared for life. He had made a terrible mistake and he knew the consequences. He knew that the chances of him being spared were very slim but he would still give it a try to beg.“ How could you be so careless "said Alpha Rick in rage” you don't deserve to be a life. Just one operation and you messed it up” falling to his knees, James trembled in fear” spare me ,please spare me. It won't happen again”.He now had beads of sweats trailing down his face . Rick picked up a gun that was placed beside him and shot James right on his chest. Snapping his fingers, James body was taken away never to be seen again.

Rick wanted entertainment. He felt like killing someone for pleasure so he went down to his play house;the dungeon. He walked past a man who was barely living. The man had flies perching on his bruises and he would occasionally groan in pain as he tried to move his body. “ you should never have tried to play a fast one on me” Rick said this without facing the man. He paused and sniffed on his cigarette "finish him”. He continued walking till he got to where Jewel was bound.“ Poor princess,you dare to disrespect me so much these days. I hope that you have missed me because I have been missing you my dear” rick said as he pulled Jewel by her hair,he said" you look very lean. Unattractive if I must say. Today I am bored and I intend to make you my puppet for pleasure”.“please spare me”Jewel said quivering in fear. Dragging her by the arm, he took her to a room in the dungeon. Fear gripped Jewel as she saw what she never thought her eyes would see for a single day. There in the room laid bones,torturing equipments and knives of different sizes sneered with dried blood. The room had a stench. Its odour came from the rotten corpse and blood that splattered all over the place. She stepped on something as was scared to look down on her feet slowly, she brought her head down to see something unholy. A finger! Jewel screamed as she kicked it away” quiet you lab rat, I don't entertain noise but I would prefare you saved the screaming for your time of pain” said Alpha Rick. Continuing,he said” I am quite of a messy man  sorry its not as neat as a play house meant for a princess or rather a puppet in my play house” laughing out loud,he pulled her by her hair and spoke directly into her ears.“ Do you like what you see? You could be one of them. But then,I am not done with you. I am evil and I do what ever I want”.  Edging much closer and pressing his body against hers he said "enjoy the pain. Poor you,you stink. Your story of hell could be a best seller but unfortunately you might not make it a live”.

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