
Chapter 2

Angel's Pov.

We are here in the cafeteria but do you know? I'm not comfortable in my place now. How come Zack is next to me so I can't seem to move. Who wouldn't be thrilled if your ultimate crush was next to you now?

OMG I've been feeling reddened before because of the thrill I'm feeling.

This is our sitting arrangement today.

*Zack, Me, Joza, and Tristan. 


At the table, I saw James, Leza, Aira, and Tyrone.

"Hmm, it looks like the two of them are going to explode because their cheeks are so red," Lexa said.

Even if you really need this woman who is good at teasing. I sneezed.

"Let's go boys, let's order our foods," Zack said. He's really handsome, I can't deny it.

"You Angel obviously you're in love with Zack," teased Aira.

"Also joza. Their cheeks are both red," Lexa said.

"But Lexa aren't you new to Zack? He seems to be returning to where he used to be," Joza said in astonishment.

"Yeah, because just now he invited us to come together and take note ah, now that Angel is here. He doesn't seem to be insulting too much," Lexa said angrily while looking at me.

"Don't make any noise there because they might find out that i like him," I replie so they stopped.

When they arrived, they immediately placed their orders on our table. Zack also stepped aside from me.

"Oh here you can eat everything so that you can make your skinny skin fatter." I suddenly felt a shiver at the same time as his friends and my friends looked at us with matching crazy smiles.

I just ignored them and started eating what Zack gave me.

"Oh slowly you might choke." Because of what he said I suddenly felt ashamed of myself but I was more shocked the next what he did to me. He touched my chin causing me to look up.

"Look, you're not taking care of your foods," He said calmly and then he took a tissue and wiped something on the right side of my lips. I suddenly averted my eyes from him because of what he had done.

Lexa was sneezing.  "A lot of ants. Ouch their bites,"  Lexa is really the most nonsense imaginable. 

"Where? There are no ants," One of Zack's friend said to Lexa.

"You're so slow. Tsk! I'm referring to Zack and Angel," Lexa said.

"You're just jealous. You don't have a lovelife. The ant still has it pretending to be bitten," James said on Lexa's trip

It seems like I just want to laugh at lexa's reaction but I know it's a bit silly so don't stop me from laughing.

"Stop hurrying the food so we don't get sick in our next class," Zack scolded the two.

Triztan and Joza, on the other hand, don't seem to know each other because they don't even speak. Zyrone and Aira are all just eating. I sneezed. Same vibes they really are.

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