
Ch.13 Decision.

His harsh words chopped her little heart into a thousand pieces. She froze; without blinking her eyes; she stared at him. Her condition was like her soul left her body after hearing those rubbish words.

How could he say that he purchased her? didn't he marry her ? or if he purchased her and she was his property then what about those lovely words, his caring nature, those dreams which he showed to her.

Means he was fooling her by those acts. So she could easily sleep with him. He can use her whenever he wants, where he wants. So he was using her like a thing that was not love nor feelings. No, that was a feeling of lust. He just wanted to satisfy his lust.

He saw her dull and pale face. His heart also hurt. He cursed himself to lose his tempo. His words were really too harsh. He could handle this situation in other ways but now. It's too late to regret. 

He closed his eyes for a while to calm himself and thought something. He was in his thoughts and he heard " So.. you purchased me. I am a bloody thing for you. YOU ARE USING ME LIKE A WHORE, RIGHT VIKASH SIR? "

Now it's Vikash's turn. 

" Sandhya. .. do what I say..? Wait. You didn't share this with anyone, right? " he intentionally avoided her words. Becoz he also could not be able to answer and of course his so cold man ego.

Sandhya shook her head slightly. Then she put the file and read all terms and conditions of their marriage. 

" So. As I said. There is no mention here about the future child or my pregnancy and also about my relationship with you. Here one line mentioned that I am free to decide whether I like to be intimate with you or not. It's my choice and my preference. You have no right to force me. I am free for that decision. "

After putting down the file she went to the wardrobe and started packing those clothes which her parents bought for her. But she never used it because in this rich family it matters of embarrassment. 

" what are you doing?" Vikash panicked at her movement. He was frightened by thinking that if she decided to divorce him then… 

He quickly took that file and read all conditions. There was a clear mention that she can't apply for divorce but he can.

He said with an arrogant tone to mock her. " You can't divorce me. But I can. And I will not go to divorce you. . You have to live with me, have to face me and have to do what I say. "

She didn't stop her hands by Vikash mocking words. He felt annoyed by her behaviour more and more. 

He took a few steps towards her but before he reached he heard her voice " I am shifting to servant quarters. I will also not divorce you. If we separate then you get a chance to trap another innocent girl. And also because of Aska. I also used to

 her. "

Hearing Aska's name he got an idea to blackmail her. "Exactly Sannu. . If you also have your child, then how you will take care of Aska. That's why I said no...your love will be divided, your attention will be diverted. Aska will feel that you were loveless. Or.. "

" I will not. Vikash sir. it's not the education that my parents give me. When I married you I promised my parents that I would never let them down. My first priority always is Aska than other family members. Till this day I do the same and also in future too.. "

With that, she completed her work and stood up to leave the room. Vikash grabbed her arm to stop her.  She jerked herself from his grip and snorted. " Please don't. .. you already spoiled me a lot.. and I will not abort my baby.. rest assured my baby and I will not claim your property.. "

With that, she ran away from the place. She ran till when she reached the servant quarters.  

" Leela, you have the room's keys. ' she was a gardener and also Vikash driver's wife. She was surprised to see Sannu there. But as a rule for servants, she could not ask any questions to her.

Vikash was in his study. He was thinking in his action. He was regretful but couldn't gather his courage to say sorry.

If he will say sorry then he has to accept the child too. If he controlled his tempo that time then he could easily convince her for abortion but he… 

 He was obsessed with her. Her presence gave him relaxation and peace. But he lost her. He hurt her pride He was in that complicated mess, finding a solution.

Suddenly he heard Aska's voice. " Mummy. . Tomorrow. .holiday. .want to go to the park.." 

" ok.. we will. Maybe your Astha sister will also come back tomorrow. So it will really be fun.. "

He quickly left his study room and went out. " Sandhya. . I want to talk to you.."

She saw her daughter and said, " it's Aska ' s  sleeping time.. sir.. after that. ." 

" Mummy… why sir?? you go. I can sleep by myself." Aska's little head thought something happened between her parents. So she quickly left her hand from Sannu and ran to her room.

" Good girl Aska. Papa's smart child.." he happily praised his daughter.

" Shall we? " he asked her with some hope. He moved to his bedroom.

Sannu also followed him but she had a big fright in her heart. His actual intentions were already revealed to him so spending time with him alone in the same room it's too dangerous for her and her unborn baby too.

She didn't enter the room, she just stood out of the room and asked " Sir. "

" What are you calling me Sir? I am your husband. "

" I was wrong before. Sorry for past mistakes... now I will not... "

" Sannu " he sneered. " Don't try to provoke me.. Tomorrow you are coming with me for abortion. " he chewed those all words meaningfully.  It was a clear threat that he could force her.

She was shivering of fear. She clenched her fist tightly, with lowered head staring at the flooring with teary eyes… 

With a sobbing voice, she murmured, " I will not. Please,  I already promised you. We will never bother you. "

He grabbed her arms and took her inside the room. He directly threw her on the bed and started unbuttoning his shirt.

What he was going to do,  she knew very well. " Please. ..please. … I am pregnant. . I can't. . I can't. . ." She quickly got off from bed. He threw his shirt on the ground and again grabbed her wrist.

" you make me cruel Sannu.  Sorry. .. after this you definitely will hate me but I really can't accept this child.." he was also crying. He again pushed her on the bed and covered her. 

" stop.. stop… please.… help.  " 

He held her both hands above her head and tried to touch her tummy. 

Same time They heard voices.

" yeah...Mummy papa… you are back… almost 20 days. You guys travel a lot. 

" Yeeeeee. .grandpa..grandma… uncle.."

His grip loosens on her. Sandhya quickly pushed him and ran away from his room.

When she reached downstairs she found Ashok and her parents-in-law coming from their foreign visit and Vidisha and Manit also there. She was surprised that Naina and her daughter Astha also came from her parent's house. She didn't know when those two came back.

She thought it's GOD's help or mercy from the heavens. They all came back to save her. She will be safe in their presence and also she could complain to her parents-in-law about Vikash.

She had teary eyes and a heavy heart rushed to her mother-in-law first.

Vikash also came from his room. He was climbing down and thought that it will impossible for him to convince Sandhya for abortion. She will definitely tell his mother everything and then his mother will teach him a good lesson for his deeds. 

He was nervous and scared by thinking of the upcoming consequences. 

Suddenly a sharp voice of slap they all heard. Vikash froze in his position. 

He saw his mother slap Sandhya.

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