

The dark lord's chilling words hung in the air like a heavy cloud, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease crawl under my skin. His eyes bore into mine with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine.

"Now, Laura, let's make something clear," he began, his voice low and dangerously calm. "You're under my control now. You will obey my rules, without question."

I squared my shoulders, refusing to show any signs of weakness. "And if I refuse?"

A slow, ominous smile crept onto his lips. "Ah, if you refuse, my dear, there will be consequences. You see, I have a rather . . . unique pet named Leo."

I raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued despite my apprehension. "Leo? Is that your dog or cat?"

His laughter echoed through the room, sending a chill down my spine. "Oh, Laura, Leo is no ordinary pet. He's a tiger, a majestic beast that I've trained to follow my commands."

My heart skipped a beat, and I felt the hair on my back stand. A tiger? This couldn't be real. It had to be some sick mind game he was playing.

"You're lying," I retorted, though my voice wavered slightly.

He leaned in closer, his eyes boring into mine. "Do you really want to test me, Laura? Do you want to see if Leo truly exists and if he's as hungry as I claim?"

I swallowed hard, my bravado waning as I imagined the possibility of facing a fierce lion. "Fine, let me believe you. What are your rules?"

He smirked, seemingly pleased with my compliance. "Rule number one: When I call you should answer, on the phone, in the bathroom, anywhere and anytime. On no account should you ignore me or refuse to answer me."

I rolled my eyes. "What's this? The military?"

He smiled but continued talking. "Rule number two: You will do as I command, without hesitation. Rule number three: You will not attempt to escape or contact anyone on the outside. And finally, rule number four: You will satisfy my desires whenever and however I please."

When he finished his last sentence, I became confused and angry at the same time. And then I laughed bitterly. "You must be out of your mind if you think I'll follow those ridiculous rules. And as for Leo, well, I'd love to see your pet tiger try."

His eyes darkened, and a dangerous glint flashed across his gaze. "Very well, Laura. You've made your choice."

As he turned away, a sinking feeling settled in the pit of my stomach. I had no idea what I was up against, but one thing was certain: I was in deeper trouble than I had ever imagined.

The weight of my situation bore down on me like a relentless storm. The memory of Matteo's words replayed in my mind, and the reality of my newfound existence made me shiver with fear.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

With Matteo away, I paced around the room, thinking of what to do about my current situation. When I had no answers to the questions in my head, I stood before the grand mirror in the bedroom. I looked at my reflection, studying the face that stared back at me. "What happened?" I asked myself.

I didn't know how long I stared at myself, just hours ago I had pseudo-freedom in Antonio's clutches but now any hope of freedom has been cut short, I wasn't going to cry again. Why should I? It will solve nothing.

It was when I was deep in thoughts that Matteo re-entered the room, his presence commanding the space. He looked at me with an intensity that sent a chill down my spine. His lips curled into a knowing smile, as if he could read the thoughts racing through my mind. Maybe he mistook my silence for submission?

"You're beginning to understand, Laura," he said, as his figure apprehend behind me his voice a velvet purr that wrapped around me. "This is your reality now, and you would do well to accept it."

I could see him in the mirror, he pulled my hair into a ponytail, cupping it with his hands, he pulled it back, I moaned lowly "You're beginning to understand that you're mine," He whispered in my ear, his words caused a chilling sensation on my skin and I shivered.

His index and middle fingers found their way to my mouth and my red hair was wrapped around his hands that looked aesthetically beautiful in the mirror.

"Open!" He commanded and surprisingly, I obeyed, he inserted the fingers inside and I guess the instruction was for me to suck, so I did just that. I look at the reflection I have to admit, it's a picture perfect image, with the dark lord's hands fisting my hair and his fingers in my mouth.

His hands left my mouth and travelled to my neck, he choked me lightly and again I moaned, this weird scenario playing here felt like foreplay. His hands traveled down, fisting my right breast. "Such a good little submissive, you'll do whatever I say," He cooed and my fists clenched at my sides, this can't be happening. I had been through so much, fought so hard, and I refused to let him break me. But his words were a constant reminder of the power he held over me.

"Never," I spat the word out, my voice laced with a steely determination. "I will never accept this."

Matteo's gaze hardened, his eyes narrowing slightly. He took a step closer, invading my personal space. The scent of his cologne enveloped me, a heady mixture of danger and allure.

"Still stubborn, huh," he mused, a dangerous glint in his eyes. "I admire your spirit, Laura, but do not mistake it for foolishness. You will learn your place."

'Foolishness?' Did he just call me a fool? His words made me angry, a blaze of resistance that burned brighter despite the fear that simmered beneath the surface. In that moment, I knew that my battle was far from over. I would not be broken, no matter how formidable he seemed.

As if testing my resolve, Matteo reached out, his fingers brushing a strand of hair away from my face. The touch sent a jolt of electricity through me, a reminder of his proximity. But I stood my ground, refusing to cower before him.

Without warning, he leaned in, his lips dangerously close to mine. Every instinct screamed at me to pull away, to escape his grasp, but I held my ground. And then, in a swift and unexpected motion, his lips met mine in a searing kiss.

Shock coursed through me, a mixture of surprise and anger. Without a second thought, I brought my hand up and delivered a sharp slap across his cheek. The sound echoed in the room, a symbol of my defiance.

For a moment, there was silence. Matteo's gaze bore into mine, his cheek flushed from the impact. And then, to my astonishment, a slow smile spread across his lips. It was a smile that held a hint of admiration, as if my resistance had pleased him. I didn't know how many times I had to slap him for him to get the memo.

"You truly are a force to be reckoned with," he murmured, his voice husky. At this point I realize that slapping him may have turned him on the more. "But remember, Laura, I am not so easily deterred, no man has laid his hands on me and lived to tell the tale, but here you are, frail and scared, yet you've slapped me thrice."

"And counting," I replied with fury in my eyes

"Thrice and counting," The dark lord said with a laugh

In that moment, I realized that I had ignited something within him— a challenge, a desire to conquer. Acknowledging this made me scared, but also, it fueled my courageous spirit. I was determined to show him that I was not his to command, that I would fight for my freedom with every ounce of strength I possessed.

As Matteo's eyes held mine in a steady gaze, I knew that the battle between us was far from over. The dark lord had declared his intentions, and I had made my stance clear. The clash of wills had begun, and I was prepared to face whatever trials lay ahead, even if it meant defying a man who seemed as unyielding as stone.

Matteo's lips curved into a sly smile, his eyes locked onto mine with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. Without uttering a single word, he mouthed the phrase, "We'll share the same room."

The weight of his declaration hung heavily in the air, a suffocating reminder of the power he held over my circumstances. My heart raced as I processed his message, a mixture of anger and helplessness welling up inside of me.

"No," I whispered, my voice barely audible even to my own ears. The defiance in me flared, a desperate attempt to assert some semblance of control over the situation. But I knew deep down that my resistance would be met with an unyielding force.

Matteo's smile widened at my response, a silent acknowledgment of the futility of my protests. He took a step closer, his presence enveloping me like a dark cloud. It was as though he reveled in the unease he provoked within me.

"We're bound by circumstance, Laura," he finally spoke. "You'll always be available to me, just a room away."

But he seemed to forget that he created the circumstance. His words echoed in my mind, a haunting reminder of the reality I now faced. The idea of sharing a room with him was a twisted form of captivity, a gilded cage that I couldn't escape.

"You expect me to share a room with you?" The words escaped my lips before I could filter them. "You must be delusional if you think I'll willingly subject myself to that."

Matteo's gaze remained unyielding, his eyes holding a mixture of amusement and something deeper, something that I've never seen nor encountered before.

"I have no delusions, Laura. I know exactly what I'm doing," he finally said . . .

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