
Chapter 7: Day 3 (night)

“Ella? Where the hell- Ahh, there you are!”

Looking up from the book she was reading, Ella smile slipped at the troubled expression on her friends’ usually happy face as she walked across the patio towards her. Wearing the typical black garb that the guards favoured while on duty and her almost blue-black skin she blended into the night almost as well as her black Werewolf form did when she changed. Usually though her bright smile and her pale blue eyes gave her away but right then only there was no smile. “Oh god. Hi, Mel, something wrong?”

Even though she had been sent there with a task to do, Mel pulled out the chair Ella gestured to and sat down with her to enjoy whatever time she could grab with her. They saw each other every day and yet it felt far too long since they had managed to have any time together to just chat and be friends. “Yoanna wants to see you.”

Ella slipped her bookmark into place before gently closing the book and placing it in her lap. Fingers traced over the cover, seeking comfort in all the familiar dents and scratches placed upon it over time. “Why do I have the feeling this is something to do with Sinn?”

Mel tried to school her face at the mention of the other woman but it wasn’t easy. Not when it came to Sinn… not with what she had done to Eric and the others. “Maybe because that girl is trouble with a capital ‘T’?”

“Now you’re starting to sound like Marcus. One of these days I’m going to say ‘she’s not that bad’ and someone will believe me,” Ella sighed in frustration and poked her tongue out as Mel flashed her a dazzling white grin. She wished they could all see the side of Sinn that she did. She had been Sinn herself not all that long ago, she knew the anger that drove her as it had pushed her and controlled her actions in the past too. Yes, Sinn had an unfortunate way of getting in their path but that was only because she was a good Hunter. That she let her path be altered to do good, instead of just blindly following the instructions of the mysterious Mentor that was holding her leash, just proved that she was a good person too.

The only other person there that seemed willing to see that there was more to Sinn was Yoanna and she was one of the ones Sinn was least likely to want to trust no matter how much of a beautiful couple they had looked curled up together when Ella had seen them last. “Where’s Yoanna?”

“In the upstairs library. She seems to like that place almost as much as you do,” Mel nodded to the book Ella had been reading. If she wasn’t reading, her friend could usually be found up amongst the stacks of books in the library, they all knew that. And they all knew that since her pregnancy her passion for them had only grown… especially since the Healers and Doctors had ordered her to cut down on what she considered her duties around the mansion and Bitten.

“And no Sinn?” She knew the answer but asked anyway.

“Nope. She’s nowhere to be found and Eric says no one saw her leave either so he’s got everyone out checking to make sure she’s not hiding out.” Which had not impressed Eric as that meant his precious schedules were thrown up in the air once more.

“No one would unless she wanted them to.” Not wanting to keep Yoanna waiting any longer than necessary, Ella quickly made her way to the library while Mel went to see where Eric wanted her that night. She was glad that the ointments their Healers had given them had healed up the deep cuts Sinn had inflicted on everyone… broken bones took longer but at least there would be no scars for them to hold a grudge about.

There were actually two libraries in the mansion, one in the above ground part of the main building and a second one that was cut into the bedrock along with the main sleeping area and more expansive living quarters for the Vampires that weren’t strong enough to handle direct sunlight or just liked the extra security that came from being below ground. Both were stocked the same but the one downstairs had proven more difficult to keep in order and had ended up with some of the Vampires keeping their own sections. Ella loved books and when it came to books she loved order so, for her own sanity, she tended to use the upstairs library and left them to their chaos in the other. She had tried to change their attitude but butting heads with hundreds of years of stubborn in Marcus sometimes left her feeling like she would rather just take up weapons and join Sinn hunting again.

As elegant and poised as always, Yoanna stood out against the backdrop of dark, leather bound books that filled the bookcases even though she was standing as perfectly still as one of the marble statues that stood as silent guardians around the room. She was so quiet that Ella wasn’t even sure that Yoanna was aware that she had entered the room until she spoke.

“You have her phone number, don’t you?”

“Sinn’s?” A fine eyebrow climbed at her redundant question and made Ella suddenly feel like a child again. “Yes I do.” Turning on the screen of her phone, Ella scrolled through her list of contacts. Luckily after being thrown with force against the wall her phone had proved to be tougher than it looked and had just fallen apart and not broken. After that though, Eric had insisted that all phones were kept in the protective cases he had provided for them all months before. “What happened?”

“I had to take a private call and, as I thought she was asleep, I left the room so as not to disturb her. When I got back she was gone,” Yoanna sighed in frustration. “I should have realised that she would try something. I was expecting it really but I was also hoping she wouldn’t. I want you to call and get her back here.”

“After what happened what makes you think I could get her to come back?”

“She trusts you enough to have her number, Ella. If I called on your phone she would hang up as soon as she heard my voice… you she would at least listen to first. I could go get her but that would take time and I want her to come back on her own accord. It will make things easier for her and me if she does. Figure out what will make that happen Ella… and if it helps motivate her don’t forget that Marcus stays where he is until she forgives him.”

“Well that’s something I very much doubt she would want to help with even before he threw her across the room,” Ella grumbled as she thought of the stubbornness in both of them. “The distrust flows both ways with them.”

“Yes, they do both seem to but cut from very stubborn cloth,” she tapped an elegant finger on the table in thought. “Work out what will get her here, Ella. If I have to do it by force I can and will but that will just make her even more difficult to handle than she usually is and I’ve waited long enough.”

“Difficult is one word to describe her,” Ella muttered. Chewing her lip in thought, Ella pressed speed dial on Sinn’s number and kept trying until it was finally answered. Ella put it on speaker and waited but as was usual with Sinn though she said nothing and just let the silence hang there and forced Ella to speak first. She knew why, just as Yoanna had worked out somehow, it was to check who was really calling first. “Are you there, Sinn?”

Sinn clicked the control on the Bluetooth in her helmet and switched mute off. “What do you want, Ella?”

“You need to come back to the mansion.”

Head snapping around in disbelief at Ella’s request, Sinn looked back in the direction to where the mansion lay. “What?! Are you crazy?! Has someone got a gun to your head?”

“No. I need your help.” Ella wondered if the call had cut off as the silence stretched out again. She looked to Yoanna but the Vampire held a finger up to her lips, telling her to wait a bit longer.

Sinn sighed at the continued silence. She should hang up, it would be so much easier if she did. But the fear of what she might know about why she was there or what she might try made Sinn answer. “What’s wrong?” she finally relented.

Yoanna smiled softly in satisfaction at Sinn’s reluctant query and urged Ella to continue.

“Just come back, Sinn. Please, I need your help.”

“She’s there isn’t she?”

Even over the phone, Ella could hear a hint of something in Sinn’s question that gave her pause and made her try to delay answering. “Who?”

“Ella, you know damn well who?”

“Yoanna?” Ella smiled when it dawned on her what it was. Sinn didn’t sound angry when she’d asked about Yoanna. There was unease and caution and a little catch to her voice that made Ella wonder if she would have been seeing an actual blush upon Sinn’s face if she had been there. Of course it could be wishful thinking on her part as Sinn liking Yoanna would make life easier and could help get Sinn settled away from her Mentor. “Yes, she’s still at the mansion.”

The line went silent again, not a crackle of static or whisper of quiet breathing to say if it was still connected. “Are you still there, Sinn?”

“I’ll come when it gets light,” Sinn answered quietly. Knowing Ella there was something else even more deadly going on there that they needed help with. Wouldn’t be the first or even the tenth time that had happened. Sinn didn’t want to run into the blonde again so the best bet was to go in when it was light and find out what was going on and if she really did need to stick around to help.

“Now, Sinn. You know damn well none of the guards are going to let you in when the Vampires are still asleep and they won’t let me out alone either,” she added before Sinn could think to suggest that as an out. “Being all pregnant has got them extra protective,” she explained.

“How in the hell did that happen anyway?”

“Oh, you know, the usual way pregnancy happens,” Ella chuckled. “Boy and girl get together…”

“That’s not what I meant, dummy! I thought Vampires were sterile! Or did you finally go out and find someone better?”

“Sinn!!” Ella barked at Sinn’s words. She had had quite enough of comments like that from people there and she wasn’t going to put up with it from Sinn too.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that,” Sinn apologized sincerely at Ella’s angry retort. She had crossed a line and she knew it but that didn’t mean she couldn’t take one more shot at Marcus. After all, he had tried to kill her so she felt he deserved it even if he wasn’t there to hear it. “I know you would never cheat on that blood sucking bastard.”

“Sinn!” gripping the phone a little tighter, Ella resisted the urge to bite it or throttle it in Sinn’s place and settled with rolling her eyes which seemed to amuse Yoanna. “God, you and Marcus drive me crazy sometimes! And more than ever I need you two to get along.”

“Sorry, Ella, ain’t never gonna happen. I don’ remember a whole hell of a lot from the other night but I do seem to remember that he nearly killed me.”

“Yeah, well I kind of need you to forgive him for that,” biting her lip she held the phone away in anticipation of Sinn’s response to that bit of news.

“HA! Yeah, right!” Sinn snorted derisively. “Now, what crazy shit is goin’ on this time that makes y’all think I would walk right back on in there while all the Vampires are up and about?!”

Ella grinned as Sinn’s accent suddenly dropped into a distinct Texas drawl. Knowing her it would shift out just as quickly but it was always a sure sign that her dark-haired friend was off guard. “Exactly what I said… I need you to forgive Marcus.”

“Ella, you really aren’t making much sense! Now why in the hell would I need to forgive him or even want to when he’s never forgiven me for pointing a gun at him that first time? Not like I even hurt him that time but I’m supposed to forgive him for cracking my head open? I remember the blood Ella! I- I don’t know what happened but I know I shouldn’t be alive after losing all that blood!”

“He’s being locked up for hurting you,”

“Locked up? Wait- Marcus is being punished? I thought he was the god over everything there? Did a coup happen since I was in Bitten last?”

“No, Marcus is still in charge here but Yoanna is over everyone… you remember Yoanna? The blonde Vampire you woke up naked with? You looked so cute cuddling up to her like that.” After Sinn’s jibe at Marcus, understandable or not, she couldn’t resist getting a shot in herself. Especially if it kept Sinn off-guard as then she wouldn’t be picking holes in everything and would be more likely to react how she needed her too… or at least that was what Ella was hoping anyway.

“I- we didn’t- I-”

“Point is,” Ella interrupted Sinn’s embarrassed floundering. “Yoanna wasn’t too pleased that Marcus hurt you and he’s being punished until you come back and forgive him for what happened.”


“Sinn! Please,” she begged softly, sweetening her tone to try and win over her friends cooperation. “Come back to the mansion and help me get my husband back… he just thought you were going to hurt me.”

“I would never hurt you!”

“I know that, but he over reacted with me being so close to giving birth. I know you and he have your issues with each other but, please, I would really like to have him there when the baby comes. And you too. Please, help me have that.”

Propping her hip on the edge of a table, Yoanna listened in and smiled at Ella’s tactics as she used her pregnancy to cajole, guilt and manoeuvre Sinn in the direction she wanted. It was done so blatantly that there was no way that Sinn couldn’t know what was happening but Ella had the advantage as Sinn really seemed to trust and care a great deal for her.

“And why can’t I just forgive him over the phone?”

Crooking a finger at Ella, Yoanna took the phone from her. “Because, my dear, Sinn,” she purred as she heard Sinn’s breath catch. “I want to see those eyes of yours. Only when I see it in your eyes will I believe that you forgive him. Now, if you want to help your friend here get her husband back I suggest you turn up. Otherwise her baby can grow up without a Father for all I care.”

Handing the phone back Ella, Yoanna returned to her lounging position against the table. Ella had been doing well but she knew her stubborn Sinn had got to the point where she needed an added incentive to step back into the lion’s den.

“Please, Sinn, help me. Come back?”

“Okay, fine,” Sinn sighed. “I’ll be back later.”

“Just after sunset and through the door this time? The front door,” Ella specified to try to stop Sinn from quite literally dropping in on them again.

“Through the door,” Sinn agreed reluctantly.

“And no weapons!”


“You know they won’t let you in armed and you won’t need them anyway. I promise.”


“You don’t honestly believe she will come unarmed do you?” Yoanna chuckled as Ella stuck her tongue out in exasperation at the phone after Sinn abruptly hung up on them.

“Oh no, she’ll be armed to the teeth. I would be if I was in her position, just ask Marcus. It used to drive him crazy how much I managed to sneak in when he thought I shouldn’t need anything.” Unfortunately there had been too many times when the weapons she had got through searches had proven to be the thing that had saved her life. “She’ll be searched thoroughly though and I guarantee that she’ll still get some in with her anyway.” It had become something of a game with them. A dangerous one at that with how deadly Sinn could be with just bare hands but until her last drop in most of her visits had gone by fairly painlessly. “Last time she admitted before she left that she’d still had five weapons of some kind left on her the whole time even though three of the most experienced guards patted her down.” Ella smiled at the memory but her eyes were deadly serious as she looked at Yoanna.

“I really like, Sinn… she’s good at heart but… please, don’t take this the wrong way but don’t trust her just yet, Yoanna. Please. She came here the other night to kill you for some reason and until we know why and can work things out she will more than likely try again. I know you are very powerful but I know you want Sinn too. For your sake and everyone else’s… don’t give her the chance to hurt you.”

From anyone else the warning would have just made Yoanna furious but she knew it was meant well and came from someone that cared deeply for Sinn and knew just what she was capable of. “Do not worry, I know she will more than likely try something tonight. Just make sure that the guards understand to keep out of the way if she does. She is mine to handle and they are not to touch her unless they want to join Marcus… assuming I don’t kill them for disobeying me that is.”

That small smile of anticipation on Yoanna’s face worried Ella no end but she gave the Vampire a small bow and went to make sure that everyone was aware that Sinn would be turning up later so they could try to avoid any confrontation between them at least.

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