

We were tucked into a booth in the corner of the Queens head. It was still pretty early so it wasn't completely filled with police yet. Our thighs were touching again and it was making me hot and thirsty. I watched Leon take a gulp or his drink, turning his face to me. You would never think looking at him that he killed someone a couple of hours ago.

"Does what you did earlier not bother you?" I asked, moving closer to him.

"Erm, no." He chuckled. "He was going to kill you, it's what we're trained to do." He put his head back against the chair, but turned it to face me. "You've killed someone," he said bluntly.

"Yeah I know, but he was a terrorist so it makes me feel a little better." I smiled weakly. I had only ever had to take one suspect down and when someone had a bomb attached to their leg it helps your moral compass.

"And this guy was going to kill you, it's the same. I'll do my candle shit though." I sat up further, my brow crossed.

"You're what?"

"Yeah, anytime someone dies on a job, which isn't a lot, let's be honest." I nodded, it really wasn't. "I tell my mum, who then lights a candle for that person in church." He drained the last of his drink.

"I didn't know you did that." It made me smile.

"I don't, my mum does." Leon laughed, he put his hand on my thigh and I felt my mouth go dryer than a desert. "Another drink?" He asked, half standing.

"Yeah, thanks." I watched as Leon walked up to the bar, it was no secret to anybody in our station that we flirted like crazy, the comment from Stuart wasn't the first like that and it wouldn't be the last. I always tried to avoid out of the station one on one social situations with Leon, because to be honest, I couldn't fucking trust myself. We were a team at work, an important one and we trusted each other with our lives, today being a perfect example. Putting feelings into the mix scared me, we couldn't have anything that affected us on the job. Leon put our drinks on the table, flopping down next to me.

"I didn't say, your hair looks really nice down, you should have it like that more often." He smiled, even his teeth were perfect.

"Thanks," I giggled. "I'm not a fan." I looked down at my drink.

"You should be, it makes you look even more beautiful." I looked up at Leon, moving my head to the side.

"Stop," I rolled my eyes.

"Stop what?" He moved his head back, pretending to be shocked. He knew exactly what I was saying.

"Stop trying to flirt with me, it's boring." Leon laughed, throwing his head back.

"Why can't I flirt with you? We're both single, the same age." He shrugged, taking a gulp of his drink. He turned his head back to me, his hand on my thigh. "You can't give me ten minutes of flirting? I did save your life today," he snickered.

"I'm not going to live that down am I?" I looked down again, trying to get rid of the huge smile on my face.

"No, I wonder if I'm going to get a medal of bravery or something." I slapped his arm, Leon laughing. His hand was still on my thigh and I wasn't moving it anytime soon. "Seriously, it's not a secret I think you're beautiful Lex, but if you dont think I'm beautiful I'll stop. I promise." His voice was serious for a minute and my heart jumped. "I know I always fuck about, as you and Stu always tell me." He rolled his eyes and I chuckled, looking at his face. "But I respect you, you know that."

"Of course I do, you're one of the only people I actually like there." I grabbed my drink, resting it in my hand. "We're friends," I whispered.

"The question is, do you think I'm beautiful?" I pushed his head away, trying to fight down my giggle.

"You're not, not beautiful," I muttered.

"That's not a fucking answer!" Leon threw his hands up. "Answer me woman!" He got close to my face, god he was definitely beautiful.

"Yes okay! Fuck sake Leon!" I moved my head from his. "But," I started.

"Nope, no buts. You confessed your love for me so it's done. It's out in the open Lex, no need to be embarrassed," he teased. My heart was smashing against my chest and it was annoying me. Why couldn't I have a partner who had been married for a million years and not fucking beautiful Leon Bailey?

"Whatever. Let's go home, we have work tomorrow."

"Yeah, let me take you home." He stood up, moving his hand from my thigh. I was slightly disappointed but at least I had some time with him in the car. "My lady," he smiled, putting his hand out.

"I can get out of a chair on my own, thanks."

"So rude Lex," Leon chuckled.

"Thanks and thanks for cheering me up." I turned to Leon. We were in his car, outside my flat.

"No worries, glad I could be of service." He smiled and I crumbled.

"See you tomorrow," I whispered, my hand on the car door.

"Lex, wait," he said urgently. I turned to him, my hand dropping from the door. We were staring at each other for a while, I felt my hand shaking and I didn't know why.

"What Leon?" I broke the silence, chuckling.

"Let me walk you to your door." I nodded, getting out of the car, I was only on the second floor and we took the steps up. I could feel Leon behind me, making my legs weak. As we got to my door, I turned to him, attempting to smile.

"So it turns out you are a gentleman," I breathed out, my brain in a muddle.

"Told you," he whispered, moving closer to me. I looked up at him slightly, him being much taller than me. I swallowed hard, my chest beating. My skin prickled as he put his hand on my cheek, staring into my eyes. We had very similar eye colours and his eyes were so beautiful. Leon's eyes went to my lips and I took a deep breath in. I closed my eyes as his lips touched mine. He was gentle, his hand still on my face. Leon moved back, my lips tingling from the simple kiss. He went to talk and I grabbed the back of his head, pushing his lips back on mine. He opened my mouth then, his tongue sweeping across my own. I put my arms around his neck, my hand on the back of his head. Leon put his arms around my waist, pushing himself closer to me. I moved my head to the side, allowing him to push his tongue further into my mouth. I could hardly breathe but there was no way I was coming out of this kiss. His tongue massaging mine was turning me on and I needed to change my knickers urgently. Leon bit my bottom lip as he pulled away, I knew I had a frown but I didn't care.

"Fucking hell," he whispered, his hands still around my waist. I dropped my arms from his neck. "See you tomorrow?" Leon smiled. I nodded, but I was disappointed. "Or," he trailed off.

"Or what?" I giggled, looking down.

"Or I can come in? I could do with a coffee to be fair."

"I have coffee." I grinned.

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