
Found A Mate

"You don't have to be afraid of me dear, I'm harmless"  The Queen said, smiling at Ingrid.

"Myself, Queen Alina of Demacia." I was so shocked. I mean I don't even know the Queen. How rude of me. I bowed in a way of respect.

"Hail the Queen!" I said, my head still bowing.

"I'm sorry your majesty… I didn't mean to be so rude" I apologise sincerely.

"It's alright dear, I'm  sure you didn't know. But, I hope this is the first and last time being rude.And I can see You're very protective of these kids too." The Queen said. I nodded with a smile and got a chair for her to sit.

"Yes your majesty, these kids need someone to protect them and give them some education." I said. She looked so friendly. Most of the people in high places don't  even care if the poor villagers like us are hungry or not.

"That's great work you're doing my dear, but how did you learn how to teach? Did you go to school?" The Queen enquired. I Was afraid of telling her anything. But, I guess I can't be afraid of telling her anything, can I?

"Yes, I did go to school. But I did my high school and did not finish in college, ``I said politely. 

"And why is that?" She asked resting her hands on a cane she was holding.

"Personal reasons…and money problems" I said knowing that in my last year in college I had to withdraw because there was no income.

"Do you live here too?" She asked, tapping the cane on the floor.

"And what did you study?"she continued.

"No, we just came to visit my grandmother and take care of her. We live in Lonia." I replied politely. I hope she doesn't ask too many questions.

"And I studied medicine," I smiled sadly. Being a doctor was always my dream. But I didn't graduate. But I was lucky enough to find a job until I was fired.

"How did you learn to teach?" she again asked.

"When I was in college, I tutored some children to get money" I wasn't ashamed. Being a single mother had its own  advantages and disadvantages.

"Mama I'm hungry..." Paula said beside me.

"Is she your daughter?" The Queen asked, looking at Paula. She extended her hand to touch her hair…but Paula retreated back. My daughter  hated anyone touching her head.

"Yes, she is your majesty" I replied and gestured for Paula to go greet the queen. She went towards her hesitating.

"She's beautiful…" She said caressing her face. She has two dimples. Emerald eyes and dark eyebrows.

"What's your name dear?" She asked, looking at Paula.

"Princess Paula Petersen" the Queen mouthed an 'o'. This daughter of mine liked calling herself princess…just because one day she watched Frozen and wanted me to call her princess.

"So you're a Princess?" Her majesty seemed to be enjoying her company.

"Yes, because mama calls me like that" she giggled childishly showing her small teeth.

"How old is she?" The queen asked, pulling me back from my trance.

"She's six years old… How bad of me can I get you something to drink? '' I was embarrassed seeing that I haven't offered them anything to eat or drink.

"Oh I see…No my dear, we're okay." I had to check on my grandmother. She has to eat  and take her medicine.

"Excuse me your majesty, I have to go check on my grandmother" I said bowing after she granted me permission to leave.

"Paula, let's go so you could eat" I stretched my hand, but the little brat didn't even barge.

"It's alright dear, there's plenty of food in the cars. She could eat that with other children. Marah tell them to unload the food before it gets cold. And everyone should come" Her Majesty said and turned back, playing with Paula.

I sighed, relieved that Paula was getting along with strangers. My daughter is so rude and doesn't mind telling people where to get off.

I went inside and found grandma awake.

"Hey granny, how do you feel?" I checked her forehead. The fever had now subsided. I felt relieved.

"Is the Queen outside?" I looked at her surprised. How did she know the queen was outside?

"Yes, how did you know that grandma?" She chuckled weakly. She swallowed her soup that I had made minutes ago.

"I can hear the commotion and someone came to tell me that she's here" She said, patting her stomach. I guess he was full. I fed her the medicine. When I was about to put everything away, I heard someone calling Paula's name.

I thought I was hearing things when the commotion increased and one of my students barged in.

"Miss…Paula. She…" I didn't wait for him to finish. I rushed outside. Not again.

"Antonio, go get the injection right now!" I yelled at the boy who came to call me.

Reaching where Paula was, I knelt down. 

"It's okay sweetie calm down" she was gasping for air. The pimples had spread to her neck. I hope they don't reach her face, otherwise she'll throw a fit if her beautiful face gets affected.

"Antonio!" Why was he so slow today?

"Here Miss!" He gave it to me. And I injected Paula. A few minutes later, she was beginning to feel drowsy as she closed her eyes.

"My daughter, i'm sorry i didn't know she'll act like this under my watch" I looked up hearing the Queen's voice. Her face looked flushed, she must have been shocked to see Paula reacting that way.

"It's okay your majesty…it must have been something she ate. Does any food you brought have nuts in them? ``She only had an allergic reaction when she ate nuts.

"Yes… she ate a cake with nuts," A lady who was beside the Queen answered whom I came to know that it was Marah

"Oh God she's allergic to nuts" I facepalmed myself.

Afterwards, we spent a lot of time with the Queen mother. She went her way. She even offered me a job to guard her wheelchaired grandson. I told her I would think about it. She was a nice lady to talk to.

Arriving at the castle, Queen Alina looked at Marah with a smile on her face, leaving Marah confused.

"I think we found the perfect mate for him" she said, a smile still plastered on her face.

"And who could that be?" Marah looked at her.

"Ingrid Petersen"

"But she has a child," Marah stated.

"Who cares, I have to be selfish. And I believe that she's going to love him, so is he" the Queen jisted. She couldn't wait.

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