
Chapter 6

Patricia's POV

"You're all over the news!"

I felt nothing but fear for the judgements that I'll receive and embarrassment because I know some people especially my schoolmates will think differently about why I would marry a rich man.

Nervousness engulfed me when various issues about me came up at school.

"Have you tried to check online? The students are talking about the picture of you and Callum Velasquez at the restaurant last night! It's spreading!" Jess's alarmed and slightly frightened voice rang in my ears.

I was just at the entrance of the school when she reported me about that. I walked straight and looked around. The students spread out and I could feel the eyes of others following me, even if it was college or high school.

"You are the topic of almost everyone in our department and almost the entire college building!" she said irritated. "Why is the media there? I thought you told the Velasquez that you didn't want to publicize your marriage? You have the right to demand!"

I haven't even seen the article they talking about but I know immediately what it contains.

"I didn't even know there was media there, Jess. It was just a peaceful dinner for us but I didn't expect that it will turn into this!"

"After all, that can't be avoided either. We are talking about Velasquez here and their family is no joke. Almost everything their family does is in articles if not, in magazines!"

"There's Patricia, look!"

I heard the girl who I thought was from high school.

"Damn, what a luck! It really went to the first-born, who is very hot!" said by her friend.

"But infareness, they fit! She’s also pretty!"

"Yeah, pretty. But I heard that their company is losing money and it's surprising that they're getting married right away! It's pretty obvious that it's just arrange marriage. Maybe you already get why it’s all of a sudden. Maybe to save their losing company,"

My ears rang when I heard that so I stopped walking. I turned to the two women who were talking about me and my head got even hotter seeing their judgment looks.

How dare them? Are they saying that my family is a user?

"Stop. Don't let yourself affect by their presence, they are nonsense!" Jess rolled her eyes at the two girl as she held my arm when I was about to approach them. "They're just jealous of you because they're not pretty and don't have a hot fiancé!"

I just calmed myself. I don't want any fight because but if all I hear are their hurtful words, I'll be forced to talk to them back. They were not on my shoes to judge me that fast. They don't know anything.

We continued walking until we reached the college building and Jess was right. Almost all the students we passed in the hallway were looking at me. I could see the surprise, confusion and judgment in their eyes. I could hear their whispers and I can't count how many times their eyes glanced at me.

I acted nonchalant and looked straight ahead. We got to the classroom and I didn't expect the question from my blockmates.

"Patricia, you're getting married!"

"When is the wedding?"

"How lucky you are!"

"Hope all!"

"Please stop pestering, Pat!" Jess's eyes widened at them.

I sat down but I could still hear some whispers. Good thing that Jess is here because I can't handle them alone.

"Don't mind them, maybe they were just surprised by the news," Jess whispered.

Our class started and even my teachers couldn't help but to look at me for a long time as if they wanted to say something.

As our class continued, I kept hoping that our class would be over immediately so that I can go home and finally confront mommy about this. I'm sure Jordan knows about it too. I don't know what his reaction will be especially since I am the topic of almost everything here.

Our morning class ended and I didn't go to the cafeteria to take a break until lunch because I knew I would only be the talked there. I stayed in the classroom and Jess just gave me food that I barely ate because I had no appetite. I just want to go home.

"Just eat! Alright, you'll be just hungry!" Jess almost shoved in my face the food she bought. "You know what? If you’ll got affected, they will be happier. It's really good that you didn’t go in the cafeteria because almost everyone there was talking about you! I almost got into a fight with Nadine's group earlier!"

My eyes widened.

"Jess, don't you dare to get in trouble just because of this,"

I don’t want her to get in trouble.

"Whatever!" she burst. “I just warned Nadine that if I hear anything bad she said about you, I will mop her ugly face on the ground!"

I just shook my head.

"But in fairness, the pictures of you and Callum are intriguing..." she showed the screen of her phone where the articles about us were.

The son of famous businessman, Callum Velasquez was seen having dinner with his fiancé who was none other than, Patricia Ylona Clemente, son of businessman Jonathan Clemente together with their family...

Seeing that picture of me and Callum in the comfort room almost gave me goosebumps. When I saw him right behind the door when I came out. We’re facing each other while looking firmly and seriously at each other. This is the time he talked to me.

I was breathing heavily because I didn't notice anyone else around us these hours. Who would have thought that there were people watching over our actions this night? Even the pictures of my family talking to Callum's parents are included.

Gosh! Is this how crazy the person behind this shits? Are they happy now and contented?

"This is insane. I don't know what they want to happen" I said and was about to click on the comments on the article when Jess hit my hand.

"You'll be crazy if you see the comments!”

I just shrugged.

"But...what does this picture of you and Callum really mean?" Jess intrigued. "He’s looking at you here! Gosh, I knew it! Looks like he’s obsessed with your beauty!"

"We're just talking-"

"Just talking? Really? But why are you in comfort room?! It's in comfort room, isn't it?"

"It's not what you're thinking!" I said annoyed. "He just talked to me. He admitted that he also got forced to our marriage,"

"Oh, is that so?" her voice sadden. "But, what did you feel when he was staring at you like this? If I were in your position, I would have passed out!"

I don't know whether to laugh or be annoyed by Jess. If she only knew what happened that night.

The students did not stop talking about me. So when I got home, I immediately looked for mommy but they’re still not there. I only saw was my brother Jordan on the sofa being treated by Cheska, his friend.

"Jordan? What happened to you?!" I came to my brother in surprise and looked at his bruised face and even a broken eyebrow. "Did you fight?"

"Nothing" he answered lazily and removed my hand.

I turned to Cheska.

"What happened to him, Ches?" I asked.

"Uh…he had a fight with our classmate earlier," she said shyly.

I looked back at Jordan. "Why did you do that?"

He remained silent so I got irritated. He's not usually like this.

"Jordan, I'm asking you-"

"I said it's nothing!"

I was startled when he shouted loudly, even Cheska.

He got up angrily and turned his back on us. I was just shocked the way he acted. He’s not like this.

"Just please be patient with Jordan," Cheska suddenly said. "Because you were the talk of our whole class earlier. He didn't like what our classmate said about you so they fought,"

I pursed my lips and remained silent. I knew it. Jordan will never get over it.

My disappointment with my parent’s promised back again. I feel sorry for Jordan, I know he also got embarrassed.

"Sorry for Jordan's act and for the issues" I shyly smiled at Cheska.

"I understand, Miss Patricia. We're just here for you" I smiled.

She also then immediately bid goodbye to go home.

I was restless at home and called mommy several times. They're still at work. I can't even look at my social media accounts because I'm afraid to see that I'm the one most people are talking about.

Until my parents came home.

"Pat, I've seen the pictures and the Velasquez's didn't also know who behind it,"

We went straight to the living room to talk. The problem is also visible on mommy's face.

"Maybe the media really wants to interfere with their life so they spread even small things" daddy said. "But don't worry, we already talk with the Velasquez,"

"They will make sure it doesn't happen again," mommy smiled at me. "Even your wedding date. They will make sure that it's just their family and ours,"

I remained silent.

Thinking and still absorbing all these things. I feel suffocated. Am I able to experience this before getting the contentment of my family? Until when? Even now that I'm not married yet, the hurtful words I receive are various, what else when we get married?

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