
Chapter 18: "Welcome to the Circus of Sorrows,"

Chapter 18: "Welcome to the Circus of Sorrows,"

───── ❝ R U B Y F R I D A Y ' S P O V ❞ ────

║ Gregorian Calendar ║ 01 - 08 - 2027 ║

║ Friday║ 2nd Midnight ║

"Still not getting used to this, Fridays?" As I walked through the assembly halls once again, Serene asked me those queries like a normal kick starter yet I'm deadly sure inside her, she already knew the answer to those. She asked as if this were all perfectly normal. As if we were not dancing on the strings of puppeteers who cared nothing for our well-being.

As she walk together by me, side by side she playfully nudged me with her elbows while wearing a grin on her face — which probably pertains to the harsh truth that I am still not getting used to the wicked games that their institution has been forcing me to play with.

That's not entirely a lie though. She's right, she's always been right about this — I would never get used to the wicked games their school forced me to play, the lies they wove around me, binding me ever tigh
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