
Chapter 10

This strange and cute young girl came up and hugged midnight, A.K.A Henry from behind giving him the warmest embrace that she could muster up from her tiny body as if she hadn’t seen him in years.

“There you are little mouse, took you forever to get here” I said letting out a small chuckle as I held onto Beth’s arms tightly securing her in place behind my back.

Jax couldn’t stop staring at the young female with the long curly blonde hair, The Thundering sound of a rapid heart strummed under her sternum as she must have felt him watching her every movement when she arrived, she broke out of Henrys space as if she was curious on who he was.

“Hello” I said giving a polite bow, but she didn’t answer me. Rude, instead she immediately recoiled behind Henry’s back once more Using him as her shield again. Interesting. one thing is for sure - she’s been hurt, maybe by another vampire? But I don’t blame her she has every right to be afraid of us, Hell even me, we vampi

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