


“I will let you know if anything changes,” Charlie promised. “Take care of yourself, Kian.”

With the phone pressed against my ear, I squeezed my eyes shut and dragged in a deep breath. “Thanks, I appreciate it.” I ended the call, then slipped my phone inside my jacket pocket.

Any day now. It could be today, or maybe tomorrow. I knew the next time Mrs. B’s son, Charlie, called, it would be to relay some bad news.

With the weight of the world weighing heavily on my mind, I slumped against my steering wheel, resting my forehead against the toughened leather. It was eight thirty on a Monday morning. Classes were due to start at 8:50. If it wasn’t for the promise of a scholarship, I would’ve opted to stay at home with Jaxton. His parents had been nothing but supportive to me during the last two weeks, putting a roof over my head and setting a place for me at their dinner table. Their extended family, the biker clan, had been a godsend to me too, keeping my mind occupied by teaching me
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