
Chapter 16

My day went smooth, I did my normal routine as a student. Attend a class, study in the library and eat together with Lily and Jordan. No Celestine and the two nuts. No Blake in my sight. No stress, everything went alright. 

I think I was brought to the old times where I entered the campus peacefully and full of positive vibes. Just a wonderful day to be thankful for. 

Afternoon came and the school had a small number of present students because of the weather. Cold cloudy day with a touch of a wind, swaying the green leaves of trees. Maybe this was what Marcus was saying last night. 

I went to Gymnasium to check the situation and the people working there. I scanned the area, only a few of them who were present. 

"Amber!" Carla waved her hand to catch my attention. I smiled at her. Way back then, Steph greets me like Carla does. How I miss her presence. 


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