
Chapter 4

Ruby's POV

I managed to leave the tense atmosphere of the meeting with Drako's help, but my heart still raced with anxiety. Drako led me to a quieter place, a garden on the outskirts of our pack territory. It was a much more peaceful place with flowers in bloom and a gentle breeze rustling through the leaves.

Drako looked at me with concern in his eyes, his hands holding mine gently as if trying to reassure me. "Ruby, you have to understand that staying here is no longer an option. The tension between Gonzalo and Alpha Ralph is dangerous for you."

I gazed at him, my heart heavy with indecision. Leaving everything I had ever known was more of a risk than staying here and enduring whatever more would come, but the thought of escaping the constant torment and uncertainty was tempting. "But where would I go? How can I trust Alpha Ralph?"

Drako sighed, his fingers tracing patterns on my hand. "Alpha Ralph is powerful and, from what I've heard, honorable. He's determined to make you his mate, and he won't let anyone harm you. You deserve a chance at happiness, Ruby, away from this pack's cruelty."

Tears welled up in my eyes, and I blinked them away. Drako had been one of the only, if not the only good thing that had ever happened to me in this pack, and the thought of leaving him behind tore at my heart. "What about you, I appreciate everything you've done for me. But I can't just abandon you here."

Drako smiled, a mixture of warmth and sadness in his eyes. He gently let go of my hands and took a step back, his voice tinged with resignation. "Ruby, irrespective of how bad I have seen you being treated, this pack is my home, and I have a duty to serve as Beta. I also have a family, including my daughter Teresa."

Teresa's name hung in the air like a weight, and I couldn't help but wonder how furious she must be with me for coming between her and her father. I sighed and began, "I'm sorry for causing so much trouble, Drako."

He held up a hand to stop me from continuing. "Ruby, none of this is your fault. You didn't ask for any of this to happen. And I want you to know that I'll always cherish the moments we've had together. You've shown me the strength to be kind in a world that often lacks it."

Tears welled up in my eyes again as I realized how much Drako meant to me. He had been my lifeline in this hostile pack, and the thought of leaving him behind was painful. "Thank you, Drako, for everything."

He smiled warmly, and then his expression turned thoughtful. "There's one thing I can do for you, Ruby. I can arrange a secret meeting between you and Alpha Ralph. That way, you can talk to him privately and get to know him more, I think you'd be more convinced that this is the right step after that."

I nodded, grateful for Drako's offer. "I'll set it up. It'll be discreet and safe. Just give me some time."


My stomach let out a loud growl, and I realized that I hadn't eaten anything since the morning. "Shit" I muttered under my breath, my eyes were already getting watery.

I sighed, feeling the pangs of hunger, and then a thought struck me. The events that had happened earlier at the pack meeting had left me in a state of heavy thought and worry. On one hand, I was drawn to Alpha Ralph's commanding presence and the promise of a better life. On the other hand, I couldn't ignore the complex feelings I held for Gonzalo, my destined mate. Despite the pain he had caused me, his rejection was just the icing on the cake.

I muttered to myself, "What a mess I've gotten myself into." It was both a curse and a blessing to be the center of such attention. The struggle between Alpha Ralph and Gonzalo over me was evidence of my desirability, but it also meant I was caught in a rollercoaster of emotions.

I closed my eyes and tried to sort through my feelings. The immediate attraction I felt for Alpha Ralph was undeniable. His charisma, strength, and the way he had looked at me had sent shivers down my spine. But beneath it all, I couldn't quite get Gonzalo out of my head, It was almost like I liked the way he pulled me and dragged me around, maybe I was crazy, I thought.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice Teresa approaching until she spoke, her voice laced with venom. "You must be thrilled, Ruby. Two Alphas fighting over you, "Well." She stopped herself. "One potential Alpha, my Gonzalo. She corrected herself. "Quite the accomplishment for a rogue's daughter."

I turned to face her, my stomach still rumbling with hunger but my resolve firm. "Teresa, I didn't ask for any of this. I'm just trying to survive."

Teresa's spiteful words stung as she sneered, "Just trying to survive, huh? Well, Ruby, you're already dead to me. I'll make sure of that myself."

I watched her walk away, her threat hanging heavily in the air. It was clear that my presence in the pack had created a deep rift in her relationship with her father, But I couldn't change what had already happened.

As I tried to shake off the tension, Teresa's voice interrupted my thoughts. "What are you doing here, anyway?"

I turned to face her, my exhaustion and hunger making me irritable. "I'm trying to stay as far away from everyone as possible so I don't cause more trouble."

Teresa scoffed, her eyes narrowing at me. "Trouble follows you, Ruby, no matter where you go. You're like a curse on this pack, and it doesn't matter how far you try to run." My eyes opened in shock horror. Run?. Did she know that I was hoping to leave with Alpha Ralph?

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goodnovel comment avatar
Deborah Benjamin
Indecision always comes with rejection. They will be fine in the end. This story has a lot of weight to it - one can draw life lessons from it
goodnovel comment avatar
Isiaq waris
Great job.... This story is very nice...
goodnovel comment avatar
Wakkie Dan
This very story is so nice....I love it

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