
Chapter 8 : Get Out

Her pointed nose was tilted up as she walked, but she somehow kept her icy blue eyes on me the entire time she crossed the space between us. While the other men and women at the dinner were dressed in semi-formal attire, Amanda took it upon herself to wear a shimmering blood-red gown that looked like it belonged on a runway.

She was undoubtedly angry about something. Her black heels clicked against the smooth floor. Her fiery hair fell in luscious waves down her back, with shimmering pins holding a few strands away from her heart-shaped face.

I hated to admit it, but she had a pretty face.

I felt Avery straighten in her seat as Amanda approached. She tried to keep her tone pleasant as she smiled at the girl. “Hello, Amanda. Is there something you need from me?”

Amanda flipped some of her wavy red locks off her shoulder before poking her lower lip out. “I just wanted to offer my condolences to you, Avery. It sounds awfully troublesome to be stuck babysitting a worthless rogue.”

That was obviously a stab at me, but I found that I wasn’t hurt at all by Amanda’s words. My lips tilted up at the corners in a sneer actually.

Avery was more affected than I was. I felt her stiffen beside me. She tilted her head slightly, looking up at Amanda with confusion across her round face. “I don’t find it troublesome at all actually. Claire and I are becoming fast friends.”

Amanda frowned for a brief moment, but recovered quickly, throwing her head back as she laughed. “Oh, so the rogue does in fact have an actual name? I don’t see why you’re bothering with it. Why not just assign it a number? I suppose even zero would be putting more worth on it than what’s deserved though.”

I almost snickered. My amusement only grew at the jest. I wondered how long she had spent coming up with that one. It almost sounded rehearsed.

Avery’s lips thinned. “That’s enough, Amanda.”

Amanda’s eyebrows started to knit together dangerously. “I don’t believe you have the authority to order me around.”

Avery had to work to calm herself. She took a deep breath before narrowing her bright green eyes at the redhead. “Perhaps not, but you heard what the Alpha said. I am the only one who’s allowed to interact with Claire, which means that you are definitely not allowed to bully her.”

Amanda scoffed, placing a hand over her heart as if she was actually offended. She shook her head as if Avery was nothing more than a silly toddler.

“You obviously misunderstood the announcement. I’ve no doubt that the Alpha, quite frankly, doesn’t give a shit about the rogue. The reason he required us to stay away from it is for our own protection. We wouldn’t want to risk being exposed to its filth.”

Avery stood quickly, causing her chair to fall back and hit the floor with a loud clack. A few of the pack members closest to us looked up in alarm.

My eyes widened too as I looked up at my friend. The spark in her eyes was a little too similar to when she found Damien in my room just hours earlier. I put a hand on her arm.

It looked like Avery was about to start a brawl. She was normally well-tempered, but now she looked livid enough to say something or do something she would regret, and I couldn’t let her do that for my sake, especially toward someone like Amanda, who just wasn’t worth it. 

I gave Avery’s arm a reassuring squeeze and pulled her back as I too stood up from my seat.

Amanda turned her attention to me, her eyebrows raising, but I ignored her and started to tug Avery away. “C’mon, let’s get out of here. You don’t need to concern yourself with matters that are, quite frankly, a waste of time.” I gave Amanda a pointed look as I raised the pitch of my voice just a little to match the redhead’s arrogant one.

Amanda caught on immediately, her face turning red with anger. “You’re the waste of time here, rogue. Not me.”

I waved her off as if she was a pet that was begging for food.

The simple gesture pushed the hot-headed woman over the edge and she lunged toward me. I narrowly avoided her curled fingers and then smirked. “I wonder if the Alpha noticed the sauce on your chin. I do feel it is a vast improvement to your face though.”

Amanda’s wide blue eyes rounded in mortification, her hands going to her face. Her fingers carefully grazed her skin for a moment, her eyes narrowing slowly into icicles when she realized that I had tricked her. She looked ready to dive at me again, but I looked past her and gasped.

“Oh, hi, Alpha!” I chirped. “Amanda is breaking your rule!”

I almost laughed loudly when Amanda froze, her jaw dropping. She whirled around and I used the opportunity to pull Avery away from the scene. We were already halfway across the room when Amanda let out an enraged shriek. She finally realized that she had been pranked once again.

I giggled. Fool me once…

Avery was shaking with laughter as soon as we stepped out of the throne room. She threw an arm around my shoulders as we descended the steps. “Whenever I need to be cheered up, I’ll just think about the priceless look on Amanda’s face just now! Come, let me walk you back to your room.”

We spent the entire trek laughing about the exchange with the annoying redhead.

It was strange. All of a sudden, a wave of giddiness washed over me. I couldn’t remember the last time I felt this way like I was filled with childlike mischief. Ironically, it was the conflict with Amanda that had sparked it. The argument had been far too similar to some of the silly fights I had with other girls in my own pack.

Despite the years I had spent with just Uncle Ben as a companion, and the couple of years I spent completely alone, I was able to feel like a little girl once again.

It was a freeing feeling.

Avery seemed to feel similar. She had a light hop in her step as we entered the large living compound and made our way down the hall to my room. She blinked in surprise when we got to my door.

“Wow, someone already came by to fix your door.”

I put my hand on the new gold-colored doorknob. Avery had completely kicked off the last one to break into the room earlier. I twisted it and we walked in together.

The room had been in disarray when we left for dinner. Not only had there been shredded pieces of the towel strewn about, but Damien had also managed to knock over various pieces of furniture in our scuffle. Now, everything was back in its place and there was also a new, thicker blanket on the bed and the bathroom had been completely wiped down as well.

A shiny new key laid quietly on my coffee table. 

Avery whistled low. “There’s no way the help here would have been able to get this done that fast since they would have had to leave for the dinner.” She looked at me happily. “This could have only been accomplished if it was under the Alpha’s orders.”

I found myself shrugging despite the fact that Avery seemed thoroughly impressed by the state of my room. However, as soon as I laid eyes on that bed with the soft blue, plush comforter, I found my body was starting to slump, my shoulders sagging. I had to admit that my suite looked very cozy, and the bed was extremely alluring.

Avery noticed my fatigue instantly. “You’ve had a long day,” she said softly. “I’ll let you get to sleep. You must be exhausted.”

I nodded gratefully, already imagining the feeling of sleeping in an actual bed with soft sheets and fluffy pillows. That could wait for another minute or two though. “Avery, wait.”

Avery was already turning to go when I called out to her. She turned, tilting her head quizzically. “Yes?”

I used the tiny bit of strength I had left to throw my arms around her, pulling her against me. I felt her stiffen in surprise, but then she laughed lightly and returned the hug, wrapping her arms around my shoulders.

“Thank you,” I murmured, giving her a squeeze.

I could have said what I was thanking her for, but the list felt like it was growing by the hour. She saved my life today and stuck up for me multiple times. She was also my only friend and the only member of the Moonstone pack that wasn’t treating me like I was a pile of dirt.

She seemed to read the layers beneath the simple phrase. Her voice was warm and just as layered. “Of course.” Her eyes were bright when we pulled away from each other. “Sleep well, Claire.”

Oh, I thoroughly intended to. 

In less than a minute, I was completely buried beneath the thick blanket and sheets, letting the sweet darkness take over me.

Sadly, it just wasn’t my night to rest peacefully.

I sucked in a breath when I suddenly snapped awake. I didn’t need to glance toward the window to know that it was the middle of the night. There was a thin stream of moonlight coming in from between the slit in the curtains. I held the breath I had sharply inhaled.

Someone was in my room!

Hesitantly, I turned my head, gasping when Jared’s golden eyes met mine in the darkness.

I sat up quickly, my eyes adjusting and my heart leaping into my throat, beating so wildly that I thought it was going to stop completely.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I shrieked. “Get out!”

The golden eyes narrowed. “Quiet,” he commanded.

I wrapped the blanket tighter around my body, feeling naked in just a thin tank top and shorts. Vulnerability slammed into me and I held back a whimper when I remembered Damien’s firm, slimy touch on my body. My voice came out shrill.

“Please, get out! What the hell is wrong with all the men in this pack?!”

My eyes widened as they adjusted to the darkness and I was able to make out Jared’s large form. His eyes glinted angrily and he growled, a low terrifying sound that had my blood freezing over.

Before I could force my body to move, his large hand shot out and gripped my chin. Unlike when Damien had done the same hours earlier, my whole body shivered, but it wasn’t from fear. Before I could process the emotion, Jared scoffed right in my face, “Please. You think too highly of yourself. I have no interest in fucking you, rogue.”

I scowled, my skin heating up beneath his touch. “Then what the hell are you doing in my room?!”

He lowered his head so close to mine that I could feel the heat coming off his face as well. “I’m here to kill you.” 

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goodnovel comment avatar
Ashton Wilson
This story grabs the reader's attention with every chapter. The tension and suspense are emphasized by the romantic potential, adding more to the story and entertaining all readers. The interesting hierarchy of the wolves is another excellent part and makes people want to learn more.
goodnovel comment avatar
Ashton Wilson
Oh boy. Something is about to happen.
goodnovel comment avatar
Agreed! All of the books I’ve read from Alice Knightsky have been amazing like this one.

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