
Chapter 16

“Sure thing. So, make sure to pamper your guy mentally and physically. Feel free to pet him. He is your baby. Men love cuddles, hugs, kisses and romance too. Gently massage his back with baby oil. You can tickle and play with his ears. Get a comb and scratch his scalp – he will enjoy it. A foot massage will do some magic too. Just spoil your man.”

“It’s been a while since I did any of these things.”

“Also leave handwritten notes everywhere – expressing your love and respect for him. Take him out to dinner and feed him. Whispering in his ears sweet nothings or jokes to get him smiling. Feel free to cook his favourite and take it to his job. Suggest his outfit sometimes. Tell him he looks dashing. Manicure his nails and help him shave sometimes. All this speaks volumes to a man.”

“That’s a lot.”

“Not really. These are just a few ideas. Your creativity is what matters. When you are the type who supports her man with her attitude and prayers, ideas will be coming on how to please him.
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