
Chapter 4

Chapter 4

_Sarah's Pov

I tried hard not to think about the punishment I was to receive from the Alpha. I tried not to feel the pain of being rejected since I haven't accepted my rejection. I tried not to think of how I was accused of stealing jewelry. I haven't even seen any jewelry since I came into the palace. I remembered when I was preparing the bath for Diva. She brought in a Jaden box and placed it on the table. I never thought it could be jewelry. I had finished preparing the bath that night and headed out not after receiving a slap for not arranging her clothes well. I never touched anything.

Tears fell freely from my eyes. I just hope my punishment should be my dying. I didn't want to live any longer, I didn't want to be in this life anymore. The moon goddess has cursed me. She cursed me and didn't grant me a beautiful life. She cursed me to live in regret all my life.

My wolf cringed and I cried the most. She had suffered a lot more than me. For the past months, she hadn't stepped foot on earth. The pain I felt wasn't compared to how weak she would be. I sob louder.

The rattling of the iron gate made me jerk out of my sleep, "They are coming." I thought, shifters begin to enter the cell. Of course, I knew they were coming for me. It was time for my punishment.

The gate to my cell was opened and I didn't even think twice before my hands were handcuffed with chains, not just chains, but heavy convoys. I cowered in fear as I was dragged out of my cell, out of the dungeon.  

I was dragged from the dungeon down to the packed building where I would get my punishment. The sun gleamed and I could tell it was late in the morning. My body aches. My eyes were heavy and I looked like shit. 

I just hope we end this thing quickly so I can know my fate. Pack members were already gathered at the square center and the moment I passed through them, they began to throw things at me. I didn't mind, I just wanted to get out of the mess. I didn't blame them, I blamed my parents for their dreadful mistake.

The noise expired when the King Alpha paced towards the square. I could only see through the corner of my eyes because I bent down and my head facing the ground but I could scent the aura of last time. 

This time, I didn't care about the punishment. My fears left me and I was dangled with anger. I haven't stolen anything yet I have to receive severe punishment because of what someone else did. My anger increased when the Gamma was called to visit.

"Do you have anything to prove your innocence?" The king's voice trembled through the crowd and I could hear giggling from everywhere. I saw Diva from where she stood, smirking devilishly and I suspect something was wrong. Something tells me she lied about the stolen jewelry. 

How was I supposed to get a roof when I was locked up in the cell? It's not like I would even get one if I haven't been thrown into the dungeon. I have no idea what the jewelry looked like and I have no means to find them.

"You always disrespect me!" King Alpha cringed, "You won't give me an answer?"

I threw my head at him but the stare I got made my head back down again. If I peek too much, I might have my neck pulled out of my head.

"She wouldn't speak, Gamma, hit her till her last breath!" 

That was the last thing I heard when the leash began to hit my body. The first one landed and I was sure it wasn't just leashed because when it hit me I felt my skin tear. It was an iron whip.

I growled each time I was hit. I felt my body crumbling as blood spewed from my back. It was a tremendous torment and pack members were laughing heartily at my agony. The way my body shook from the hit looked like I could break at any time.

As I struggled with myself on the floor, a loud growl suddenly filled the climate and the earth trembled from it. I felt the ground shake and a thumping sound hitting the earth.

Another growl came in again and I knew someone had shifted. The wolf was running toward where I was and I felt its claws hit the soil, angrily. I noticed the Gamma had stopped whipping me and members of the pack were wailing, I wondered if I was going to be turned into pieces by a wolf, the King Alpha to be precise.

I tried to raise my head but I could only make use of my corner eyes to see. I saw it, it was a tall gigantic brown wolf. His eyes were vague and dangerous, ready for attack. I decided to close my eyes and waited to be pounced on. Then, my wolf reacted, she wiggled in my head and I sniffed a scent, it was faint though but I could swear I smelled the same fragrance I smelt the first day I came. It was my mate, sorry ex-mate.

Before I could open my eyes to see his wolf again, I heard a harsh howl and screams from the crowd. Instead of ripping me out, he had pounced on the Gamma, slashing all his flesh into chunks. He made another growl and members of the pack began to retreat.

I watched as his wolf sneered and unexpectedly, something that had been fired from a long distance pierced into the side of his core. His wolf groaned, making him topple, and I was also forced to spin my head. I saw King Alpha sauntering towards the wolf that was already standing right in front of me, shielding me. Why would he? 

The King was holding something that looked like an arrow in his left hand and a syringe in his right hand. The syringe contained silver content and I knew instantly that my ex-mate wolf had been shot with wolfsbane. My ex-wolf was strong since the wolfsbane was meant to weaken him. Instead, he stood firm as if nothing had touched him. Puff, he was the next King Alpha, what was I expecting?

"You have no right to intervene, Jake!" King Alpha sneered at him and he responded with a bark, scraping one of his paws on the soil.

"I command you to leave here, now!" King Alpha commanded but Jake's wolf wouldn't attempt as his canines were clasping together out of anger.

I didn't know the rest of the story since I fell into a deep slumber, maybe I died at that moment.

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