
Eight Basic Chords

"I have a school project to make. My friends rejected me to be part of their group. So, I think I'll pass to those you've offered." he said back in a sad tone. "Anyway, can I borrow your acoustic guitar tonight? It's one of the requirements I need."

I slowly dragged my gaze to the corner where I leaned my acoustic guitar. "Yeah, of course. Is there anything you need in that project aside from that? I can help."

"I had them all except the guitar. So, I think I'm all set. Thanks though." Ghino started to fill his mouth with the food and drinks I prepared for him.

"Okay," I shortly retorted. Until then, a bridge of silence has backgrounded my unit as we both focused on filling our stomachs.

After the meal, I drive him to his dorm. Of course, we were assisted by my security guards behind us. It's for his safety as well. We still don't know if the rest of those wolves who tried to kill him maybe were just around the corners, waiting for a perfect opportunity.

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