

   “Do I still look blind to you?” Calven jokingly added. He could at last read his phone texts, contracts and documents without having any person read it out to him.

“I am sorry. I really did not mean it ” He bowed his head and apologized. Morris Hayden had worked for the boss for a couple of years and always knew that the boss was blind, and unable to see but that did not give him the audacity to cheat or rip off him.

     Even with him losing his sense of vision, Calven Gray could hold and shoot a gun perfectly and he did not want to take any risk.

“Paige Adams?” He turned over to the next page and saw the woman's picture. She gave him a bad vibe.

       She did have the structure of a female but an attitude of a spoilt male brat. All her pictures, he never found her wearing female clothing's, rather jeans and some boyish attire.

       His interest grew more as he swiped through the last photo and went ahead with the real information.

“You have never heard of the beautiful but yet brutal princess of the Adams'? How come you have not heard of the name, Paige Adams ”

         His cousin, Gray Bryan added with a confused look. The social media was either flooded with news of Paige or her wedding disaster.

       How come his cousin never saw or heard of that familiar name? In the whole of New York City (NY, City) she was crowned the most beautiful yet, no suitor went to her.

       Her last suitor was chased away with a cutlass having half his clothes burnt, and since the news leaked out to everyone's ears, men would rather marry an ugly wife than approach her for fear of their lives. To him, she was queen of disaster and beauty.

“Is she that popular for her mischievous nature? I see her as very irritating. ” He confessed.

        After the car hijacking incident, he had felt this feeling of discomfort and somehow familiarity with her some place, moreover, it could be his imagination.

“She is the main target of mockery and most of her age mates tagged her a disgrace to womanhood. In her latest video, she blasted the citizens for having their fucking noses in her business and what was wrong with having a tattoo ”

          He turned on his phone and played the video for him.

“Hello you motherfuckers! I posted a picture with my new tattoo and you called me a disgrace. What the fuck is wrong with getting a tattoo?”

        In most of Paige Adams' videos, she used foul languages and was happy to use them. She hated people's criticism a lot for her boyish behavior and also hypocrites.

“She is just this way. Uses foul words and makes everyone go against her in a second. She is not afraid of being herself ” Bryan pauses the video, removed his glove and threw it in the garbage.

“Your dad keeps sending me incoming calls. When are you gonna visit him? I am tired of pretending to be you .”

        Bryan washed his hands under the tap and grabbed an apple and peeled its red skin off. Though they were cousins, Bryan was deemed as a carbon copy of Calven and would normally help him deceive his father.

“That old man is so troublesome even during his old age. I thought if he grew older that he would become less annoying, but seems like I was really stupidly wrong .”

           Calven stood up and went to the other room that had a mirror. The room was kept dark at all times. He turned on the light, closed the curtains and shut the entrance tightly. 

         Calven went to the mirror and stood in front of it. He could not see his face perfectly fine and only struggled to see half of his face.

         Light from the window reflected on the mirror. Half of his face was seen but an additional shadow was added on the mirror.

        A hairy side with bulging fangs and furs. Calven Gray reached out to break the mirror before his beast side was heard.

“Don't you dare!”

           The voice sounded harsh as he redrew his hands from the mirror. The wolf's face could be seen on the side of the mirror.

       He transformed back into a human and chuckled evilly. How could he try to destroy his savior? The one who saved his life?

          Savior? Calven had an accident which made him loose his life once, however he got reincarnated again in the next life and shared a body with an ancient wolf.

      Technically speaking, he was still alive because of the Wolf's soul in his body. His soul was nowhere to be found and could either be dead.

      He agreed to share his body with the wolf on one condition that they would both have their time to shine. He could live perfectly as a human and under the night or full moon, the wolf could live as his own form.

“Why are you here? We agreed that you would only come out in the night ”

        He also said with a harsh tone too. He had severally warned him not to ever disrupt his human life but he simply ignored

“Woah! For a person who died and is alive because of me, you do sound too feisty. I am bored in this stupid body of yours. I want to come out .”

“If you are bored then go and sleep. Now it is in the daytime and there is no way I will let you come out now ” Calven took the mirror in his arms and smashed it into two. 

       The mirror disappeared into dust after it was smashed. Calven composed himself once more and left the restroom.

“Get my plane ready, I am going back to New York”

“Now?” Hayden in shock questioned. Did they not just arrive ten minutes ago? Why were they leaving so fast?

“Don't forget, have more eye exercises and remember, they know you have lost your sight, so make sure it stays like that for now.”

       Bryan said with meanings attached to it. The culprit responsible for his accident was probably lurking around in the shadows waiting for any wrong move before firing back.

       He did not want his cousin to face such people so he had to remind him again. In this life, they were demons and devils who hated the success of people.

      Being crowned the business king for the last two years, he had been faced with all kinds of dilemmas which finally resulted in a tragic accident.


“I am not stupid. I know how to live my life ” He went out of the room and into the car, he entered.


In the Adams' Enterprise.

          Paige Adams strode into the company and not new to the environment anymore, she took steps into the company's entrance with a coloured bright shirt, a pair of sharp leather black trousers paired with boots, and walked to the marketing department.

          She shoved the key into the key holder and turned it. The door refused to open as she brought out her photo card to use the scanner.

         Both of her identities got denied at the same time. She looked at the colleagues who secretly whispered and hid their faces secretly. The murmurs arising from them made her more suspicious.

         She tried once more and seeing it got denied, one of the colleagues stood up and whispered into her ears.

“Miss Adams, Miss Alice came in this morning with some technicians and changed the scanner and the keyhole. So that must be why you can not enter your office ” She explained before she went to her seat.

       Paige Adams clenched her fist angrily and walked to Miss Alice's office.

“Do you not know how to knock before barging into one's office?” Alice Ligne said with all mockery. She turned around and saw the fuming and yet calm Paige Adams.

“Oh! No wonder! It is you!” She bluffed and waited to hear what she had to say. Alice Ligne and Paige Adams were always at loggerheads with each other since high school. 

      Alice disliked the fact Paige had both brains and beauty and easily got jobs when she applied for ones.

       She envied her with so much passion that even in her father's company she was in a higher position than her.

      Not with the fact that they were father and daughter but by the fact that she deserved it seeing she had more knowledge in business than anyone including Alyssa.

“I would like to ask why Miss Alice denied me access to my own office? Has envy eaten you so deep that your shameless nature has blinded you?!”

   There was obvious disdain and mockery in her words. Paige Adams never had the time to look at Miss Alice in whatever way and that only made her furious.

“You better watch your words!” Miss Alice hissed and snarled at her. So she knew that she envied her and cared less! “About your denial, I am just following the CEO's commands and that is all .”


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