
Character's Data (Part 1)

{ E X T R A

C H A P T E R }

C H A R A C T E R ' S


( P A R T

1 )


1. Damien James Gibbons (Sir Daniel Blackheart)

     During the vampire attack, he was kidnapped at the age of eight and turned into a "cattle". Livestock means a blood factory to meet the basic needs of the vampires. However, he is instead turned into a vampire by Juliette, the only Dracula race left in the world. With his strength and contribution to the vampire kingdom, Damien is recognized as one of the thirteen noble-class vampires in the Trinity Kingdom.

Strength: Stops time for four seconds. [Cooldown] was around thirty minutes, which meant Damien could only use his power--stopping time--for every thirty minutes.

     (Note: vampires from the start h

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