
Chapter 6: Is it wrong for me to kiss my mate?


I looked at him in horror. What the hell did he just say? A mate? I am his mate? No way! Is my hearing problems? If not, why the hell am I hearing this nonsense?

“What did you just say?” I asked again trying to make sure that I am not hearing things.

Suddenly, I felt my chin being pinched and lifted high, making me look him in the eyes.

“W-What are you doing?!” I tried to push his hand from pinching my chain to make me look at him but his hand didn't even move an inch as his head continued leaning down slowly on my face until the distance between our faces shorten.

I could scent his mental breath, breathing slowly in my face, making me flinch as I didn't even dare to move, for fear that if I move, our lips would meet each other.

A smirk appeared on his lips as he softly whispered. “Is it wrong for me to kiss my mate?”

Before I could protest his words, I felt my lips being licked and my lower lip was pried open by him. I tried to close my lips so that his sneaky lips won't be able to pry in, but he bit my lower lip enough for me to taste my blood, making me groan from the pain as he easily sneaked his tongue inside of my mouth.

“Mff...” I muffled in between our kisses, as my hand tried to push him away but he easily caught my wrist, trying to stop me from pushing him away.

How dare this fucking ruffian for kissing me! And, who the hell is his mate?! I would never let myself entangled with a man who will betray me in the future.

Whenever I think of my past where he betrayed my love for him and he was happily smiling when he pushed me off the cliff, letting my body be torn to pieces by those fucking rogue hunters, just by remembering about it, making my blood boil.

I don't know where I suddenly got my strength back to push him off me, and slapped him hard on his face, making him look at me in disbelief. As if he can't believe that I slapped him.

“You f*cking brute! Who the hell is your mate?!” I angrily shouted as I glared at him while pointing my fingers at him.

I felt like my blood pressure suddenly rose because of the audacity of this jerk!

However, it was as if he didn't hear me cursing at him, nor see me getting angry, he calmly stood up from the floor after being kicked down, and dusted off his pants before he walked towards my direction, making the finger that was pointing at him slightly trembled from anger.

This man, who is my professor, was as if he was made from a stone and didn't even care about the curse words that come out of my mouth, and without a pause, he cupped my cheeks and kissed me deeply, making me pause as I turned red from anger.

I was trembling when he deepened the kiss and I felt like I couldn't breathe.

I'm going to kill him!

Enraged, I was about to kick him again when he retracted from kissing me and hoarsely whispered in my ears.

“You can't push me away nor make me leave you. You have to bear in your mind that I am your mate, and you are mine. I will always be with you from then and forever.”

He didn't even wait for my response and directly left the wardroom, leaving me boiling from anger and speechlessness from his shamelessness.

After he left, I angrily let out a roar as I took off the IV drip on my left hand, and I didn't even bother to care about the pain in my hand when the needle was pulled off.

“Damn it!” I angrily hissed as I tried to calm my urge to destroy everything in my surroundings.

I am his? Heh! If he said those words to me back then, I would have been overjoyed by what he said and would have even happily danced in his palm, but now that I returned time, all of that happiness was replaced with hatred and furiousness.

I gritted my teeth in anger as I was about to get off the bed when suddenly the door was opened, making me stunned when I saw the person in front of me who was also shocked when she saw me.

“M-Mother...” I softly whispered to the woman who took great pains to raise me and love me.

I saw my mother tremble as her eyes reddened while rushing towards my direction and she looked at me from up to down.

“W-What happened to you? Why are you angry? Who made you angry?” Amelia's voice trembled from worries as she caught the IV drip that fell on the ground then she uneasily called the nurse.

I took a deep breath to regulate my breathing, to calm my madness and anger as I obediently lay down on the hospital bed while watching the nurse who strictly advised me not to carelessly took off the IV drip on its own without the nurse or doctor's instructions.

I watched her reattach the IV drip in my left arm as I let her do so since if I won't obey the nurse's instructions, for sure that with my mother's scorching glares, she could burn a hole in me that's why I didn't dare to disobey the nurse this time and let her scold me for a while.

“ you understand all of what I instruct?” The nurse strictly asked while squinting his eyes at me.

I sighed heavily and nodded my head. “Yes, I understand.”

“You won't do it again next time, right?” She sternly asked while her eyes were still squinting at me.

I happened to meet my mother's eyes, and saw her glaring at him as if her eyes were telling me ‘if you dare to do it again next time, I'll spank you’.

How could I dare to disobey?

I looked at the nurse with my innocent eyes and smiled sweetly at her. “I promise you that I won't do it again,” I said while I was nodding my head profusely.

After hearing the answer that satisfied her, the nurse left the room without nostalgia, leaving me and my mother alone in the room.

En. I know. I'm going to face my judgment day and whether I could go to heaven or hell.

As expected, I heard my mother's voice ring in my ears.


I pursed my lips and could only look at her naively and pitifully, trying to gain her sympathy and also to make me look innocent. However, my mother didn't fall for my actions.

Her hands reached out and pinched my ears hard and even twisted them, making me yelp from pain.

“M-Mom... m-mom... ouch... ouch... it hurts! I won't do it again!” Psychological tears had already dropped down my cheeks and it hurts badly especially that this was mom's specialty.

This is much worse than being ripped and stabbed by rogue hunters especially since it's your mother who did this to you as punishment.

However, Amelia just glared at me and even gripped my ears tightly, making me shout from the pain.“ Really? This won't happen again?”

I immediately nodded my head—as if it was my instincts that replied to my mother's threat. “I promise! I promise! L-Let goes off my ears now...”

After seeing that I was speaking those promises from my heart, she let out a snort and let go of my ears.

“If you dare to harm your body again, the next time I will spank your butt!” Amelia's body said while glaring at me and I noticed the corner of her eyes reddened.

I couldn't help but feel guilty upon seeing how much I worried him. I wrapped my arms around her waist and buried my face in her stomach.

“I'm sorry, mom. I made you worried.” I softly said while hugging her tightly, inhaling the nostalgic scent of her.

I heard her let out a soft sigh and I felt a hand gently caress my hair. Whenever she did this to me, I couldn't help my eyes redden, and was on verge of tears. This was always her way of comforting me ever since I was a child—and even the in the last of her breath.

“I know that you were bothered by something or had something you were hiding and I won't pry deeper into it. However, as your mother, can I ask you to cherish your body?” She softly asked while caressing my head.

I immediately nodded my head after hearing her words. “Yes, yes! I promise you. I will cherish the body that you have given to me. The body that you give birth to live.”

I heard my mother chuckle and even flicked my forehead. “Silly.”

I raised my head and grinned at her.

However, our mother-and-daughter time was interrupted when a familiar face went inside to meet me.

It was none other than Vivian. My best friend backstabbed me.

I smiled sweetly and greeted her after seeing her enter the ward. “Vivian, you're here!”

A smile appeared on Vivian's face as she sat on the vacant chair next to my bed. However, after my mother saw that we have something to talk about, she patted my head gently before she bid her farewell to me and didn't even forget to remind me to cherish my body because it was my foundation before she left the ward.

After seeing my mother leaving, I quickly put off my genuine smile that was only for the people that I cared for and started to put on my fake smiles in front of the people I hate.

A fake smile that is always mistaken as a genuine smile.

“Vivian, how come you only visit me at this time?” I pretended to sulk, making Vivian chuckle as she shook her head.

“Well, I'm busy trying to get news about what happened to your Uncle who hurt you. But of course, I was worried about you deeply that I couldn't even properly sleep at night until I can give you justice.” Vivian said solemnly while looking at me with those ‘sincere’ eyes of hers.

If I was a fool just like back then, I would completely and blindly trust this woman in front of me.

It's a disappointment that I got knocked hard and woke up from being a fool and living like a fool.

I squeeze out some tears in my eyes. “T-Thank you. It's good to hear that you cared for me. B-But do you know what happened to my Uncle?”

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