
Chapter 18: Tears of Beauty

Mark threw Sharmaine into the room, every time he saw Sharmaine he felt like he saw Pandora's betrayal. Sharmaine did not speak, she once protested to Mark, but the person who received the punishment was her mother. After that, no matter how Mark treated Sharmaine, she was as obedient as a pet.

"Sharmaine, how's that going?"

Sharmaine bowed: "It will be over soon, don't worry."

“Make you suffer is my purpose, you have no right to be happy. Sharmaine, you are the disgrace of Pandora." Mark is cold.

Sharmaine clenched her fists, she was silent, moonlight shining on her.

Mark threw down a potion in front of Sharmaine: "Take it and get the job done soon, your mother can't stand the pain so much."

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