
Foot ball match

Michael was feeling curious to know what's inside those gift packs, so she decided to open the gifts there in the hall.

All the girls followed the suit and opened their gifts๐ŸŽ as well.

Tiya has got a small teddy,  a pair of ear rings, a hand bag and a perfume where as Michael has got a big teddy,  a pair of gold plated ear rings, a big hand bag๐Ÿ‘œ, a small sling bag๐Ÿ‘›, a perfume, a ring ๐Ÿ’, lipstick ๐Ÿ’„and a pack of chocolates ๐Ÿซ.

After checking the gifts,  all of them happily went to the dance floor, it looks like a 'magical world' of disco lights,  laser beams, the irreplaceable glow of black lights shining on the people and loud music.

The dance floor was abused as it was filled with hundreds of caged students who were ready to party away their lives.

No one could see the dance floor.  There was no room for any more but somehow Justin-Tiya, Sam-Michael, Jazz-Jammie and all others hit in the space.

Music kept playing and party went on, every one was dancing like idiots,  jiving,  twisting,  turning and jumping with the music.

Tiya likes to dance so she was so much into it that she didn't notice the absurd look of Justin on her body. His eyes were like X-ray machine exploring every inch of Tiya's body. 

Sam and Michael were at quiet a distance from both of them,  still Sam's eyes were on Tiya. Michael has already noticed his look and she knows something is wrong with Sam so she made an excuse and told him that she is feeling hungry.  They both went to the food section.  Music was not so loud there so Michael got a chance to talk.

"Why don't you just tell her"

"What are you talking about, I don't understand?  Can I get something for you? "Sam asked trying to escape from Michael's questions.

"Stop pretending! I knew it right...  Why don't you just confess that you love her? "

Sam looked towards Michael  in an absurd manner and said, "Are you talking about Tiya?  We are just friends and nothing else."

"I can see it in your eyes.  You love her more than anything else"

Listening those words from Michael, Sam started looking towards Tiya and saw that Justin's hands were on Tiya's hips and now he is moving his hands inch by inch towards her breast.

Michael also saw the same scene and told Sam to go and help Tiya but she felt shocked when she heard what Sam just said.

Sam with a funny look on his face just said, "Poor Justin!!!"

Michael was trying to understand what does Sam mean by that when she heard a loud scream.

It was Justin who was crying in pain,  From others point of view it looked as if his foot got twisted while dancing but only Sam knows what has actually happened to him.

"I told you...  That poor fellow, he must have got two to three fractures in his leg and the funny part is he himself will never get to know what actually happened to him." Sam explained with a sarcastic tone.

Tiya on the other hand acted like she was extremely worried about Justin,  she helped him to be out of the dance floor, get an ice pack for him and even guided him towards the medical room of the building.

Michael and Sam followed from behind and showed concern on their faces towards Justin's condition.

Just behind them the football team and their coach also followed them. The coach was looking pissed off as he was continuously cursing the boys, "You guys never listen to me.  How many times I warned you people ? but you always take my warnings as something funny and never follow my orders."

One of the team member came forward and tried to coax the coach, "Relax coach I am sure it will be nothing serious, he must have some cramp or small injury that can be cured in an hour."

Sam, Tiya and Michael were listening to their conversation when doctor came out.

Coach stepped out and asked the doctor about Justin's condition. 

Doctor said with a sad look, "He is having three minor fractures in his right leg.  It will take at least one month to recuperate properly."

"What the hell was he doing to have such severe injury? " Coach cursed feeling irritated and anxious at the same time.

"Tomorrow we are having an important match with High school B,  How are we supposed to play without a middle player???????? "

"This is the heights of bad luck." other team mates started complaining as well.

Coach said with a sad look on his face, "I think we have to drop tomorrow's match,  as it is already mid night and we can't find any replacement in such a time."

"I think we have to drop tomorrow's match,  as it is already mid night and we can't find any replacement in such a time." Coach explained sadly.

"Damm it!!!!!!  Justin how could you be so careless???????  It was such an important match for us." Another team mate started blurting out.

Hearing their conversation, Michael stepped forward and asked one of the boy about the situation,"What is actually happening? Was that match really important for our high school?"

"Actually our high school A has never won this trophy ๐Ÿ†.  It's really important as this is the first time we are on the top of leader board and tomorrow is our final match against our toughest competitors. If we will not win, it's considered to be a misfortune but in case if we drop off the match,  it's more of a shame for the whole school." Boy explained the situation thoroughly to the three of them.

Sam and Tiya looked at each other and then Tiya said, "Sam was the captain of our school football team when we were in city A.  I think it will be helpful if you can use him."

After hearing Tiya's words,  coach find a sliver of hope and looked towards Sam with a hope.

Joe who was the captain of the team blurted out in anger, "We have not registered his name so logically he can't be a part of our main team and we have to use our extra players."

"Damn it!!!!!!!!  Our extra players are of no use,  they are selected just because we were not having another option. Then Sam you just join as an extra in case if you are required." Coach was feeling helpless against the rules.

Everyone went inside the room together and said a few words of encouragement to Justin so that he will not feel bad and then left the room to have some rest as they have to be ready for tomorrow's battle in the football ground.

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