
Episode 7

Monalisa's POV

I adjusted on the bed and slowly opened my eyes. Oh! It is morning.

I rubbed my bleary eyes, yawned and sat up. The pillows were still in the positions I left them last night, but Alex wasn't on the bed. I looked down, his bathroom slippers were still on the floor but his shoe was gone.

I grinned. Today must be a good day. I muttered some prayers before getting down from the bed. Mum had taught me to always say a prayer before starting each day but sometimes I end up forgetting to do so.

I ambled over to the window and pushed open the curtains, causing the rays of sunshine to force their way into the room. I paused, staring through the glass windows; I could see a nice view of the city from where I stood. I still can't believe that I am currently lodged in one of the best five star hotels in Chicago. 

Could this be the life I have always yearned for? A life in which I and my mum can easily get whatever we want and not let anyone look down on us or make us feel less important.

I let out a sigh and shook off the thoughts. Today is a good day and I won't let anything ruin it. I turned on the volume of the music player which was hung on the wall, beside the flat television. 

I hummed to the popular Ariana Grande music as I arranged my clothes into the wardrobe. I picked up a skimpy gown, it was so short and transparent. The neck looked so low that i can easily detect that it would barely cover my boobs.

Eww! I don't remember getting something like this, I am sure this must be the handwork of my mother in-law. She is so full of naughty ideas. 

 I chuckled and wrapped it up in a nylon and hid inside my box. I whirled around and my eyes fell on the tray of plates on the table.

Breakfast has already been served?

I ambled over to the table and uncovered the plate to behold my fluffy pancakes coated in honey syrup. 

I have always watched George hotel advertise this pancake on the television and I have always yearned to have a taste of it. I remembered saving some money with my best friend, Kate.

We both wanted it but it was for the rich and we couldn't afford it. If only she was here...

I quickly brushed my teeth and took my bath. I changed into a casual wear, blue short and a white top. I sat on the chair and munched on the pancakes. I took some pictures and videos. When I get home, I will show them to Kate.

I heard the door cracked open and I

whipped around to see Alex. He was dressed in a white dress shirt and blue trouser coupled with dark blue shoes. My smile changed into a frown.

"How were you able to open the door?" 

"The keys" He answered, shaking the keys and I gave him a derisive look. 

 " What? You might plan to lock me outside the room, so I had to take my own keys. I don't trust you, even a bit"

I hissed and returned back to my pancakes. It's just as delicious as it's looks. I will definitely bring mum and Kate here to try this out too.

"Hey! Excuse me. I need your help with something" I heard Alex say. 

I paused and blinked my eyes in disbelief. If I heard correctly, Alexander Marvins needs my help? Tsh. That sounds funny. Maybe, my ears are playing games with me. I shook my head and inserted my fork into the last pancake and slowly brought it closer to my mouth with my eyes closed. This is the last pancake and I am going to enjoy every bit of it.

At that moment, I heard a bang on the table causing me to jerk back in shock and the pancake to drop from my hand to the tray on the table. What the heck!

"I am talking to you bitch! How dare you snub me?" Alex growled. 

"My fluffy pancake" I shrieked out.

"Why are you acting as if it is big deal, it is just a pancake" He bickered.

" That is what you think. But this means a lot to me, why did you have to ruin everything?" I sadly said.

He let out a deep sigh and sat down on the chair directly opposite mine. 

"I..I.. didn't mean to...I.."

I quickly cut him off. " Is the explanation supposed to bring back my pancake? Huh?" 

" Easy! Easy." He exclaimed with his hands up in the air. "Fine, I will treat you to a dinner where you will be served pancakes. A much better one than this. Is that okay?"

With precipitous speed, my anger disappeared into thin air. I looked up to him. "Is that a promise?"

"Yes it is. Will you listen to me now?" 

I exhaled. Was I a bit extreme now? 

"What do you want?" 

He leaned forward. "I want to leave the hotel to go see Lena but I can't because mum has sent someone to watch us"

" To watch us?" I exclaimed.

He nooded in the affirmative. " I was about getting into my car a few hours ago when I noticed that there was a particular man who had consistently followed me from the receptionist hall to the garage. I accosted him and he boldly told me that he was sent by mum. When I called her she confirmed it and told me that she is trying to protect us and make sure nothing goes wrong with our honeymoon" He explained.

" Oh my gosh! Could it be that she is suspecting us?" I gasped.

" I just hope she isn't. She will be heartbroken if she finds out that our marriage is just a charade. So I need your help."

" And how can I be of help?"

" I want to see Lena and I want you to go with me so that the bodyguard won't be suspicious, since you are with me" 

" Lena? Your girlfriend?" I exclaimed. And he nooded.

"Are you freaking kidding me? Why would I go with you to see your girlfriend?" I snapped.

Alex had told me about his girlfriend before we signed the marriage contract. We both agreed to not interfere with each other's life and it doesn't matter to me if he has many girls outside.

But why in the world will I go with him to watch them have fun while I just stare?

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