
Chapter 07


I stood, and before I even knew it was in my hand, a glass was shattering across the wall of the room.

My chest heaved heavily in rage as I was pissed at how my body acted whenever I was with her.

It shattered with a crash that shook the entire room.

I took a deep breath and shook my head, i was certain She definitely heard my rage though had the doubt that that he knew it he reason why.

 My gaze paused on the trail of white alcohol trailing to my feet from where it had broken.

If there was one thing I could not get off at the moment it was most definitely hate, try all I could it was hard to get over that sick feeling at the back of my head each time I looked into her face and I hated myself for it.

For start, I was just learning how to let people into my life after staying all to myself for a long time and as if isolating myself wasn't enough, I had to deal with her too.

I resented parents who killed my father and most of my family, though that was years ago the nightmare was still vivid at the back of my head, burnt right Into it.

Deep down I wish I had gotten back to them like they deserved but at this moment, it seemed impossible so I was going for the next available thing right there on the table here.

As much as I lied to my parents grave to let things slide, and not be consumed by this emotion called hate—I could feel it sinking down into and slowly taking away everything in me that once hadi light, my hate for them was like darkness.

At this moment if there was anything I could hate it was definitely two things: The woman sitting close to me and the fact that my body didn't act In accordance with my brain.

The hatred fucking burned deep in my chest leaving me pissed off, as she sat there close to where I was, it was as though all I could inhale was her air.

I tried all I could to ignore the sick feeling it gave me but it was impossible, no matter how hard I tried I couldn't just take my mind away from the fact that she was someone meant to be disliked.

My chest tightened, as I could feel each breath that was struggling to leave my lungs.

There was something about this woman I didn't quite like. The more I looked Into her eyes, the more I saw the need to totally ignore her existence if that was possible.

 I could not quite ignore the fact that her parents were responsible for my misfortune and that was one fact.

Yet, she had to be the most beautiful woman I had ever come across.

One thing about pain was that fact that it always found a way back up, it was hard to push away.

I felt that same pain at this moment, each time I looked into her eyes that should be beautiful I saw an entirely different side of her—I saw her parents' sins.

The car moved slowly as we drove through the heavy traffic.

As the driver resumed driving I sat back in my chair and cracked my knuckles. It wasn’t until then that I recognized the depth of the whole feeling I was having.

The restlessness that ghosted under skin was quite noticeable if she had looked the good thing about it however was that she didn't.

I didn’t know how I was going to get through the whole trip with her at the back of mind— She was right there beside me and all I had to do was demand for what I want from her and she'd be mine.

She was there willing to take off her clothes whenever I asked her to. The 

the idea was a constant in the corner of my mind, and it was the exact reason why I had chosen her in the first place.

I took a good look at her side and could see that she was heavily asleep, somewhere in my mind I could understand her plight and blamed it on the fact that I made her reach orgasm a few moments before we left home.

At that moment all I did was sit right there as I couldn’t think about anything but how she had looked naked in my bed, how smooth her skin was, how she’d tasted.

She stirred and when I saw that she was almost opening her eyes I turned to look in the other direction.

The truth was, not every man could handle being in my shoes, and having an offspring of someone you despise so close to you,and not reacting the same way I was …Perhaps that was the reason that my blood ran hotter than most—

Though maybe that had just been an excuse to justify my greed, and possessive of things that weren’t mine.

As an Alpha I wanted what I wanted, and once I did it was practically mine, no matter how I had to get it .

The fact was I had taken her and made her mine not caring if she had someone in her life, I didn't care about her happiness, what I wanted most at that moment was to soothe my ego and I was doing exactly that.

A song filled the car , the soft notes invading a tense atmosphere full of 

shifting gazes and anxiety— 

"We are here." I whispered into her ears in what had to be the coldest way possible.

She jerked, rubbing her eyes and looked around at the environment that I was sure looked strange to her.

If I was sure of one thing it was the fact that she had not been in this sort of place considering the fact that I took her purity and she wasn't comfortable in her dress.

"What are we doing here?" I rolled my eyes annoyed at her question.

A pool sat at the side of the exclusive section of the club, allowing a view to almost everywhere.

My gaze followed hers to see the women nakedly making their way to the pool. Before I could say a word, she pulled her hands to herself .

"There is nowhere I am going in ." She said stubbornly.

There was a look in her eyes that amused me and staring deep down into it as well I couldn't help but to rub my jaw at the audacity she had .

It was the first time she was refusing my orders and I definitely thought to make it be the last.

“Woman, don’t,” I warned. My stomach twisted. I wasn’t sure how I had kept my Cool till this moment as a part of me just wanted to hit her so bad.

She must have seen the look in my eyes and most definitely could hear how annoyed I was still she was adamant on not doing what I wanted.

Bitterness crawled up my chest as I tried to remember her name again. I swallowed the lump at the back of my throat as anxiety filled the inside of my throat, but it was now too late to get away.

I had the worst reputation of any man when it came to patience and at that moment I was losing every bit of it.

Though, somehow, I’d found the courage to be myself around her.

I had been taking classes on how to act and control my temper but I felt that sweet part of me was dead and buried along with the death of my parents and just as it was when someone got sucked into their old habits by what they do continuously, I was tumbling back into the abyss of what I dreaded the most and I didn’t know how to get out—not at this moment.

Alexa was centered on pissing me off as sulked like a child, any other person would have been amused seeing that expression but I wasn't.

I was totally pissed, I was on the verge of losing it totally if she didn't do as asked.

She was adamant on not leaving the car testing my sanity that was hanging on a loose thread.

At that moment my chest heaved heavily.

My sanity snapped.

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