
Chapter 8

Emma sat in the hospital room with a calm exterior, but inside she was falling apart. None if this was right. Her mate should not be in that bed, possibly never waking up. She should not be facing the possibility of raising a baby alone. She wasn’t even ready to have kids! Negative thoughts filled her mind as her eyes became unfocused. She could hear the doctor’s voice, but she didn’t have a clue what he was saying. Her mind drew up memories and created scenarios that felt real. She was physically in the room with Quincy and Dr. Adams, but mentally she was very far away. She urged herself to focus. She knew that there were too many responsibilities resting on her shoulders for her to have the luxury of falling apart, but she just wanted to leave it all for someone else to deal with. She imagined walking away from the pack duties if Daryl didn’t make it. Even if he didn’t die, would she want to spend the rest of her life taking care of the pack without her mate?

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