
Chapter 4 - Unknown Number

Jake finished his dinner while talking to Grace. She told him good night and left his room.

Jake got up from the couch and took a pencil and paper to do some designing.

After working half an hour, he went towards the bedside drawer to take his phone. He was about to touch it but something clicked in his mind and his mind diverted from his phone.

He remembered that he was supposed to finish the literature book which he was reading. He went towards the bookshelf and took the book.

He sat down on the bed and started reading the book. Soon his eyelids become heavy and he fell asleep.


Next Day

"He still didn’t see the message!" Emma sighed early in the morning, checking her phone as she was brushing her teeth lazily.

"He hasn't seen it yet but he will soon! I am so stupid!" Emma said, groaning.

She couldn’t sleep properly the whole night. She checked the message a million times throughout the whole night.

"Before he sees the message, I should go and talk to him in college! But he runs away from girls, so how will I talk to him?" Emma asked, thinking about Kyle.

She freshened up and got dressed for college, determining she will talk to him directly.

After having breakfast, she quickly left for college.


Jake got dressed up in a navy blue suit, looking dashing as always. He took a watch from his watch collection and wore it!

He took his phone from the bedside drawer and shoved it inside his suit! Giving a last glance at himself in the mirror, he left the room to join breakfast with his family.

He went downstairs and first he went toward his grandma to greet her. His grandpa died last year.

He wished good morning to everyone and sat down to have breakfast.

Walter, with his younger brothers Joseph and Michael were sitting on the couch. Sipping coffee and talking about business and all.

Grace, Joseph's wife Ava and Michael's wife Stella were serving breakfast to the kids with the help of the houseworkers. No matter how rich they were, they loved taking care of their family!

"Ray and Scarlett, stop fighting all the time!" Ava scolded her twin kids who kept quarrelling every second.

"Mumma, he stole chocolates from me again!" Scarlett whined glaring at Ray who was smirking as he loves to irritate his twin.

"Ray, stop troubling her! Both of you finish your breakfast or will be late for school." Ava said and served Scarlett a pancake with chocolate syrup as she was whining for chocolate.

"Where is Ariel?" Grace asked Stella.

"She must be getting ready!" Stella said.

Ariel is Michael and Stella's only child and is a popular fashion blogger. She is twenty-one years old, studying fashion design taking inspiration from Jake.

Well, don’t take her makeup-caked face seriously. And another important thing is that she is rude AF.

"Here comes our queen!" Stella said sarcastically looking at Ariel who was dressed up like she was going to a party.

"Good morning to everyone!" Ariel said and sat down.

Everyone continued doing their work. Jake was eating a boiled egg, boiled potatoes, salad and apple juice. He has his coffee in the office.

Suddenly he remembered that he needed to check some important emails from his clients. He took out his phone and unlocked it.

Then he noticed that last night he received a message from an unknown number. His one hand moved towards the apple juice and his thumb moved towards the message to tap on it.

He started sipping the juice and finally opened the message.

"Please make me pregnant hubby!" The message registered on his mind and he spitted out the juice on Ariel's face in shock.

"What the hell, bro!" Ariel exclaimed in shock, as her makeup and dress were ruined.

Ray and Scarlett started laughing hysterically seeing Ariel's horrified face.

"I am sorry, I am sorry!" Jake said quickly getting up, handing her some tissues.

Ariel quickly ran to her room to fix her face.

"What happened, Jake? Why do you react like this?" Grace asked.

"I think bro got a message from his girlfriend!" Scarlett said giggling looking at his surprised face.

Jake rolled his eyes at her words and quickly shoved the phone inside his pocket.

His ears turned a shade of red because of reading the message! He started shoving food inside his mouth to hide the look on his face from everyone!

First time in his life, he was feeling embarrassed. If we want to say specifically, yes he was shy!

It's not like, he doesn’t know about love, sex etc! But he never expected such a blunt message in his single life!

Wtf was that? The message came from an unknown number! Maybe someone sent it mistakenly, Jake thought and continued eating, trying to forget the message.


Emma got out of the taxi and entered the college! She saw Kyle talking to his friends!

She took a deep sigh and decided to go and talk to him. But before that, she decided to check the message again!

She opened her phone and checked the message to get a mini heart attack!

"Fuck! He saw it!" Emma said and fake cried as tears were not pouring out!

Amelia noticed Emma's puppy face and quickly went to her!

"What happened now?" She asked and Emma pouted.

"I will tell you but promise me you won't scold me!" Emma said, looking at Amelia's serious face.

"What the fuck did you do?" Amelia's voice boomed!

Emma told her everything and Amelia wanted to faint because of her crazy friend.

"Which planet did you come from?" Amelia asked, not able to believe her new shit.

"I told you not to send him this type of message! I am damn sure he had a heart attack!" Amelia said, getting worried.

"Well, he is looking fit and fine!" Emma said looking at Kyle and Amelia also looked at him!

"It's impossible! He should have left the country by now!" Amelia said looking at Kyle who looked normal.

"Amelia, please help me to get my first love!" Emma said, whining.

"Forget him or I will slap you seriously!" Amelia said, giving her scary looks, making Emma shut up!

Emma Miller will get her first love, Emma thought, determining her mind!

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