
At the bar (1)

The morning sun brightened up the great City of France. It's Monday morning, which means another day of work for Kelly. After the incidents that happened the previous week which stressed Kelly up, Kelly was able to get rest on weekend. She lazied around and took a great sleep during those two days of the week.

The thoughts that she would meet Mrs. Kim at work and the issue of the deal made her naseat. She couldn't imagine she would have to continue with the deal.

Kelly hit the snooze button on her alarm clock lying on her bedside drawer. She stood up from her bed feeling so lazy and unmotivated. Kelly took off her nighties and hung them where she always kept them. She sluggishly worked into the bathroom. Kelly is found of bathing without her bathing rope or towel. She doesn't feel anything so special about it. After all, it's her room and she isn't sharing it with another.

Within 20 minutes Kelly was done with her bathing. She dressed up looking so gorgeous. She made sure she paid at
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