

A friend will not let his friend get on the wrong path.


Time is running so fast, the simulation will be finished in a few days. Allena is relieved that she doesn't have to follow Bryan's solution because Zeyn has chosen to back down. Right now Allena's job is only to convince her parents that she and Bryan love each other and Bryan deserves her.

In his busy playing cellphone, Bryan suddenly came to his class and sat next to Allena.

"Dear ..."

Allena, who was too focused on playing her cellphone, then gasped in surprise.

"Uh, Bryan, since when were you here?" He asked in surprise.

"Just now, see what the focus is on the cellphone."

"No, I don't see anything," said Allena, lying, even though she had been stalking Zeyn's Instagram all along.

"Yes. Oh yeah, how are we planning? You didn't forget, right?"

Allena immediately fell silent, she forgot to tell Bryan about Zeyn's words yesterday.

"Well, Bryan, I don't think we need to do that," Allena said nervously.

"You mean?"

"Yes, because Mr. Zeyn said that he was going to resign, so we don't need to do things that are out of bounds like your plan."

Bryan was silent, he looked as if he was thinking about something.

"Are you sure? Could it be he tricked you, right, so you don't do it? Ohiya, did you tell him about our plan?"

"No, Bryan, I didn't tell you our plan at all. But Mr. Zeyn did it because he thought that I chose not to wear the exam questions later and he thought I would rather not pass than have a match with him, that's why he is. took that decision, "explains Allena. He tried to convince Bryan.

"But unfortunately it can't guarantee that your match will be canceled, can your parents still crush your match?"

"No Bryan, I'm sure the matchmaking will be canceled, and Mr. Zeyn also said that he's going back to Berlin."

"So you don't want to do that with me?"

"Bryan, please. I would, but not now. I can't, Bryan, please understand."

"Then you think I want? I don't want either, Len, but this is the only way to agree with your parents' relationship. Okay, Mr. Zeyn will resign, but your parents could even match you up. another man." Bryan is still trying to persuade Allena.


"Allena, you love me, don't you?" Bryan asked, he grabbed Allena's shoulder and looked at her deeply.

"Yes, I love, really love."

"Please, follow my words, it's for us. I promise I will take responsibility."

Allena, who had been eaten by Bryan's gentle words, couldn't do anything else. As if hypnotized by Bryan's words, Allena subconsciously nodded her head as a sign that she agreed with Bryan's plan.

At that moment, Bryan smiled happily, and finally, Allena agreed to do it.

"I'll check in tomorrow," said Bryan, smiling.

"Bryan, but—"

"You just calm down I will take responsibility," said Bryan again trying to convince Allena.

Allena who has been in love now can only obey Bryan's words, she believes that Bryan will not lie. And maybe Bryan's plan is the best, it's all for the sake of their relationship, yes Allena had to do that.

During their conversation, the two of them didn't realize that Leah overheard the conversation between Allena and Bryan.

Leah knows this is just a crocodile from Bryan, she won't let Bryan ruin Allena's future. Without thinking anymore, Allena went straight to Mr. Zeyn. He had to tell Zeyn all this, yes he had.

Lea decided to go to Mr. Zeyn's office, but unfortunately, the man was not there. After searching through other teachers, Leah finally headed to the computer lab. Yes, maybe Mr. Zeyn was there.

Arriving at the computer lab, it was true that Mr. Zeyn was there, but Mr. Zeyn was not alone, he was with another computer teacher. Lea confused, how to talk to Mr. Zeyn, while there were too many teachers there.

Finally, Leah had an idea, maybe a little lying would help her.

Leah bravely knocked on the lab door.

"Excuse me, sir, thump, I was ordered by Dewi to summon Mr. Zeyn."

Feeling called, Mr. Zeyn immediately approached Lea.

"Yes, what's wrong, Leah?" He asked.

"Hm, sir, you were called Buk Dewi, told to go to his room," said Lea, lying again.

"Okay, I'll be there in a minute."

"But Mrs. Dewi told me to do it right now, sir, he said, something important to say was important."

"Okay, I'll be there." Mr. Zeyn immediately walked over, while Leah followed behind.

After arriving near the stairs, Lea immediately chased Mr. Zeyn.

"Sir, Mr. Zeyn," he called as he ran towards Zeyn.

Zeyn, who felt called, immediately turned around.

"Yes, what else, Leah?" He asked.

"Hm like this, sir, before that I was sorry because I was presumptuous because you have lied to you, "he said, sounding nervous.

"You mean?"

"You were not called Mrs. Dewi, but I called you. Because I have something to talk about with you."

"So I was not called Mrs. Dewi?"

"No, sir, I called you. Sorry, sir," he said.

Zeyn just smiled, "What do you want to talk to me about? Try talking now." He said again.

Leah sighed for a moment, "This is about Allena, sir," he said.

"Allena? H-hm what's wrong with her?"

"You don't have to hide anything anymore, I know how you matched Allena with you."

"Leah, how do you know where?"

"Allena told me, sir. But you can calm down, I can keep a secret. But right now that's not what I want to talk about."

"Good, what do you want to talk about? Did you say about Allena?"

Leah nodded. "So you see, sir, I heard the conversation between Allena and Bryan earlier."

"What conversation?"

"Hm, sir, hm Bryan invited Allena to check into the hotel," he said softly so that no one could hear him.

"Ha? What for?"

"So yesterday Allena had a chance to tell me, she said Bryan invited her to do that, sir, um, the pok is for the child. Bryan said so that the match between father and Allena could be canceled and Allena's parents blessed their relationship."

"Are you serious? You're not lying, are you?"

"Yes, sir, I'm serious. Yesterday Allena also told you about it, but I said no. And I heard earlier that you gave in, you will reject the match, but Bryan still persuades Allena to let Allena do that. And what a fool Allena is. instead agreed. Sir, please stop their plan, I know this is just a trick, Bryan. Sir, please help me so that Allena's future is not destroyed in the hands of a man like Bryan. " Lea begged in front of Zeyn, hoping Zeyn would help her.

Zeyn seemed silent for a moment. "Do you know when they'll check-in?" He asked.

"Tomorrow, sir. I heard it firsthand."

Zeyn looked so shocked, he couldn't believe Allena could think like that.

"Sir, please help me. I know how to do it by Mr. Allena, he is willing to give anything to the person he loves. But I know that Mr. Bryan is not worthy of being loved, he is a playboy, likes to change girls behind Allena. "

"Previously, thanks for telling me this, later I will follow Brayan and I will thwart their plans. Once again, I thank you very much, Lea," said Zeyn sincerely.

"Yes, sir, you're welcome." Lea can see that worry on Zeyn's face, Lea knows that her teacher is a good man and she is very suitable to be Allena's companion.

Lea hopes that Mr. Zeyn can stop Allena and Bryan's plans, I hope.

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