
Chapter 5

Francine woke up early the next morning, feeling energized and excited to start the day. She had a spring in her step as she headed to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for her family.

She had decided to make French toast, bacon, and fresh milk. As she whisked the eggs and dipped the bread slices in the mixture, she couldn't help but smile at the thought of Azure enjoying her cooking. She had always been passionate about cooking, and she hopes someday, Azure will be her biggest fan.

After cooking the bacon to a perfect crisp and pouring the milk into a jug, Francine set the table with her best china and cutlery. She wanted everything to be perfect for Azure.

As she put the finishing touches on the table, Francine heard footsteps approaching. She turned around to see her mother, Beatriz. The old woman walked into the kitchen. She looked surprised to see her daughter up so early and cooking breakfast.

"Good morning, Mom," Francine said, trying to act casual.

"Good morning, darling," Beatriz said, eyeing the spread on the table. "What's the occasion?"

Francine felt a pang of guilt in her stomach. She had always been honest with her mother, but she didn't want to admit the real reason why she had decided to cook breakfast today. Usually, it’s her mother who cooks for everyday. She helped her at times.

"I just felt like cooking today," Francine said, hoping her mother wouldn't press the issue.

Beatriz looked at her daughter skeptically but didn't say anything more. Instead, she sat down at the table and looked at the table preparations.

As Francine finished her cooking, she heard footsteps coming down the stairs. It was her father and Royce. They had just woken up and were greeted by the delicious aroma of Francine's cooking.

"Good morning, mom, Francine," Royce said, grinning as he entered the kitchen. "What smells so good?"

Francine blushed, feeling a little embarrassed. She knew Royce would tease her about cooking breakfast.

"Oh, it's just Francine being domestic," Her mother said, nudging Francine playfully.

Royce laughed. "What's the occasion?" he asked, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

Francine pouted her lips, feeling annoyed since she knew Royce was putting up something on his sleeve. "I just wanted to cook today," she said, trying to sound nonchalant.

Royce smirked, clearly enjoying Francine's discomfort. "Well, don't let us stop you," he said, grabbing a piece of bacon from the plate.

Francine rolled her eyes but couldn't help smiling. Her older brother could be a little obnoxious sometimes.

As she finished cleaning up, Francine felt happy and content. She had cooked a delicious breakfast for her family and for Azure. It was a small victory, but it made her feel proud of herself.

"Royce, can you wake up Azure and tell him that breakfast is ready?" Zeke said, his tone firm but gentle.

Royce let out an annoyed sigh. "Why do I always have to do everything?" he grumbled.

Francine rolled her eyes, feeling annoyed by Royce's entitled attitude. She knew that Zeke was only asking him to do a simple task, but Royce acted like it was beneath him.

"Come on, big brother," Francine said, trying to reason with him. "It's not that big of a deal. Just go wake up Azure."

Royce shook his head stubbornly. "No way. Azure is like a prince that needs to be served. I'm not her personal valet."

Francine felt a surge of anger at Royce's attitude. She couldn't understand why he was always so entitled and self-centered.

Zeke and Beatriz watched with amusement as their son Royce grumbled about being asked to wake up his Azure. 

"Come on, Royce, it's not that hard," Zeke teased, ruffling his son's hair. "Just give him a gentle shake and tell him it's time to wake up."

Royce rolled his eyes. "Fine, but if he gets mad, it's not my fault."

Beatriz chuckled. "If he gets mad, we'll take the blame. But why don't we see if Francine wants to do it instead?"

Francine’s cheeks flushed and she agreed without hesitation.

"Sure, Mom," Francine said. "I'll go wake him up now."

Francine grinned to herself as she made her way to Azure's room, excited at the prospect of waking him  up. She loved the idea of being the one to greet Azure in the morning, and couldn't wait to see his sleepy face light up when he saw her.

Before knocking on the door, Francine paused to check her appearance in the mirror. She wanted to look her best for Azure, for what reason, she also doesn’t know.

Satisfied with her appearance, Francine took a deep breath and walked towards his room.

Francine starts wondering why she has to act like this. Why is she so conscious? A lot of guys in her university wanted her attention, but she was never conscious. 

She walks to Azure's room. Francine knocks on Azure's bedroom. She called his name and invited him to eat breakfast. But he is not responding. Francine starts to worry and opens his bedroom. 

She noticed the rise and fall of his chest with each breath. He looked peaceful, almost serene, in his slumber. She breathed a sigh of relief, realizing that he was just a heavy sleeper. 

Francine couldn't help but stare at Azure's sleeping form. He looked so peaceful and handsome, his features relaxed in slumber. She found herself getting lost in his beautiful face, feeling mesmerized by his presence.

As she continued to watch him, Francine couldn't help but wonder why she was suddenly so conscious of Azure. There were plenty of guys in their university who had shown interest in her, but she had never paid them much attention. Yet, here she was, staring at a stranger who had only recently entered her life.

She shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. She had work to do and couldn't afford to get distracted by silly crushes.

Azure's eyes fluttered open, and he sat up groggily, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. As he looked around, he realized that someone had been in his room while he slept. His heart skipped a beat as he saw Francine's innocent face staring back at him.

For a moment, he panicked. Had he done something wrong? Was he violating any of the Forenbach family's rules by sleeping so late? He had only been staying with them for a day, and he didn't want to upset anyone.

But then he remembered that he was a guest in their home, and they had welcomed him with open arms. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves.

Francine couldn't help but feel embarrassed for having startled him. She apologized, "I'm sorry if I scared you. I just needed to wake you up for breakfast."

"It's okay," Azure replied, "I just wasn't expecting anyone to be in my room."

He got up from bed, turned to Francine and asked, "So, what brought you to my room this morning?"

Francine hesitated for a moment, feeling a bit awkward. She didn't want to come across as nosy or intrusive. "Well, it’s breakfast time. Mom wants me to wake you up. We want you to eat together with us,”

Francine couldn't stop stealing glances at Azure as she was standing in front of him. She couldn't help but admire how handsome he was and how his features seemed to be carved perfectly. She was lost in her own thoughts, almost dreaming, until Azure asked her a question that jolted her back to reality.

"Is everything okay, Francine?" Azure asked, looking at her with concern.

Francine felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment. She realized that she had been staring at him for a while, lost in her own thoughts. "Oh, sorry. I was just...thinking. Okay let’s go down, everything is waiting for you. Let’s eat breakfast," she stammered, feeling self-conscious.

Azure isn't used when someone is worrying about him. So, he gave Francine a grumpy attitude and said "Is it normal in this household to be nosy about the privacy of others?"

Francine was taken aback by Azure's grumpy attitude. She didn't understand why he was reacting this way. "I'm sorry, Azure," she said, her voice trembling a little. "I didn't mean to be nosy or invade your privacy. I just wanted to make sure you were awake for the project."

Azure noticed the hurt in her voice and immediately regretted his grumpy tone. He sighed and shook his head. "I didn't mean to snap at you. It's just that I'm not used to anyone worrying about me. I've always been on my own, and it's a little overwhelming to have people looking out for me. Now, let’s go together downstairs,”

Francine nodded, feeling a little relieved that his outburst wasn't directed at her. "I understand," she said softly. "But you don't have to feel overwhelmed. We're all here to help and support you. You're part of our family now, and we care about you."

As Francine and Azure made their way down to the dining room, they were greeted by the cheerful voices of her parents, Beatriz and Zeke. "Good morning, Azure! Did you sleep well?" Beatriz asked with a smile.

Azure nodded, feeling a little more at ease now that he had apologized to Francine. "Yes, thank you. Good morning, Mrs. Forenbach, Mr. Forenbach," he replied politely.

Zeke chuckled and patted Azure on the back. "None of that 'Mr. Forenbach' business, son. Call me Zeke," he said with a grin.

As they sat down at the table, Royce rolled his eyes at Azure. "What's with the new guy? Can't believe you guys are fawning over him," he muttered under his breath.

Francine shot him a warning glance before turning back to Azure. "Ignore him, Azure. He's just grumpy in the morning," she said with a reassuring smile.

Azure nodded, but he couldn't help feeling a little uneasy around Royce. He didn't understand why he seemed to have a problem with him, but he didn't want to cause any trouble. 

Zeke smiled warmly at Azure and gestured for him to sit next to him at the table. "Come sit with me, Azure. We have a lot to catch up on," he said, patting the seat next to him.

Azure hesitated for a moment, feeling a little nervous about sitting next to Francine's father. But then he saw the kind expression on Zeke's face and decided to take a seat. "Thank you," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

As they sat down, Royce rolled his eyes and muttered something under his breath. Azure felt a little hurt by the gesture, but he tried to ignore it and focus on the conversation.

"So, Azure, how are you finding life in Forenbach house?" Zeke asked, pouring him a glass of orange juice.

"It's been great, thank you," Azure replied, taking a sip of his juice. "Everyone has been really welcoming."

"That's good to hear," Zeke said, smiling at him. "We're glad to have you here."

But Royce couldn't resist making a snide remark. "He's not really family, Dad," he said, pouting his lips. "Why are we treating him like one?"

Zeke's expression turned stern, and he glared at Royce. "Because he is a guest in our home, and we treat all guests with kindness and respect. You should know better, Royce," he scolded.

Beatriz chimed in, adding her own rebuke. "Royce, that's no way to speak to our guest. You should be ashamed of yourself."

Royce slumped down in his seat, looking embarrassed. Azure felt a little uncomfortable with the confrontation, but he also felt grateful for the way Beatriz and Zeke stood up for him.

"Thank you," Azure said quietly, looking at Beatriz and Zeke. "I appreciate your kindness."

Zeke smiled at him again. "Of course, Azure. You're always welcome here. Now, let's finish breakfast before we're all late for our day."

As they ate, Azure couldn't help but notice how delicious the food was. The French toast was perfectly crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside, and the bacon was cooked to crispy perfection.

"Wow, this is amazing," Azure said, taking another bite of the French toast.

Beatriz beamed with pride. "Thank you, Azure. It's all thanks to Francine. She's quite the cook."

Francine blushed and looked down at her plate, feeling a little shy about the compliment.

Azure smiled at her. "It’s great,”

Francine looked up and smiled back at him, feeling a little more confident. "You're welcome. I'm glad you like it."

Zeke and Beatriz continued to chat with Azure, asking him casual questions and his interests. Royce remained quiet, still looking a little grumpy.

But Azure didn't let that dampen his spirits. He was grateful for the warm welcome he had received from Beatriz and Zeke, and he was enjoying the company of their family.

As they finished their breakfast, Azure felt a sense of contentment wash over him. For the first time in a long time, he felt like he belonged somewhere. And he knew that he had Francine and her family to thank for that.

They finished eating breakfast. Beatriz is washing the plates. Zeke told everyone that Azure has to buy his personal belongings and clothes. Royce is annoyed again. Azure said he doesn't have to buy his stuff.

Zeke looked at Azure, surprised by his response. "Are you sure, son? It's important that you have your own things,”

Azure nodded. "Yes, I'm sure. I don't want to be a burden to anyone."

Beatriz smiled at Azure. "That's very responsible of you, Azure. But, you’re not a burden to us. Don’t worry about that,”

Royce rolled his eyes again, muttering something under his breath.

Francine noticed his behavior and nudged him under the table. "Royce, stop it. You're being rude."

Royce glared at her but didn't say anything more.

“Francine, I know you’re free today. Is it possible for you to accompany Azure to the shopping mall? You need to buy him his clothes and shoes. Some personal stuff,”

Azure is hesitant. But Francine is looking forward to being with him in the shopping mall. So she agreed. “Sure, dad,”

"Are you sure you want to come with me?" Azure asked, feeling a little hesitant about having Francine accompany him.

Francine smiled. "Of course! It'll be fun. We can hang out and maybe grab some lunch while we're at it."

Francine couldn't help but feel a little flutter in her chest at the thought of spending more time with Azure. She nodded, feeling a little more at ease with the idea.

"Have fun on your little shopping trip," Royce said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Francine rolled her eyes at her big brother.

Holly Wood

Hi readers! This is my first novel in GN. I hope you can support me and give me some comments. I am currently participating in the contest, and your support will help my novel a lot! Please give a new writer like me a chance to bring you nice stories. Love lots!

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