
A shitty dance



I lead snow white .....i meant Samantha to the dance floor.

I call her snow white because that how she was . her skin is as white and fresh as a snow and she has the most bluest eyes ever with her long dark hair.

When she walked into my office for the first time looking into my eyes smiling at me my heart flipped and my stomach fluttered. My eyes roomed round her body shamelessly, her white blouse clung to her body like a second skin making her pink bra stick out, I thought she was trying to seduce me like every other women who coming seeking for employment in my office but I noticed how tried she was standing in front of me and the sweat on her delicious body.

She was the last female PA I was going to hire if she fail to impress me enough.

We stood  awkwardly now on the dance floor nobody making the first move . I never knew she was the one in the red hit dress when my friends dared me to dance with the women I thought was the most beautiful in the room.

I wanted to argue with them but then I turned my face around reluctantly and saw her ...sorry her back with her long black hair,though her skin looked familiar but I wasn't sure until I walked towards her.

I could even see the shocked faces of my friends ;I have never agree to dance with anyone when ever I come to the club ,I don't even flirt with anyone all I do is drink and type on my laptop ....don't be shock about me bring my laptop to a club... I am a workaholic and besides I was forced to come here against my will by my best friend. I was always waiting for the right women to fall in love with not some pointless random hookups.

Speaking of women ,i felt goosebumps on my skin. I looked down at her ,she was a foot shorter than me. snow white  brought her soft delicate hands round my neck . I held her waists as we dance softly to the song  perfect by ed sheeren  playing.

"When your legs don't walk like they use to before.

Why eyes don't smile from your cheek"

What was she doing in a club like this when she had a new job tomorrow? Have she read the book I gave her?

"When your hands don't play string the same way

Baby will you still love me the same"


She stepped on my toes with her strong foot snapping me out of my daze.

"Sorry am not really a good dancer" she said in a apologetic tone .

"No problems o... am sure its a one time don't have to bring yourself down "I gave her a kind smile like a gentleman, if it was another women I have already left her by herself here but some reason I can't do that to her.


I guess I spoke to soon,she step on me again not once ,not  twice but thrice. I could feel my feet bleeding internally.

"Why don't we sit down .....the song its almost over"I said to her pointing to the direction of my friends at the VIP table and relax; the truth was she really was a bad dancer. she wasn't really like snow white in that Disney movie who could dance perfectly with the prince .

"But I can with my friend, it will be rude if I leave her all alone"she said ,we looked over to were her friend was seated but she wasn't there anymore.

"Since your friend left you already to have the night of her life"

She turned her head around to see what I was talking about . her friend was already dancing more like tweaking and grinding on a guy both having the time of their life.

"Alright let go"

I lead her to the VIP section my friends sat. My best friend Michael had two blond women giggling on his lap. If you haven't guess my best friend is your typical billionaire Playboy whose not ready to settle and enjoy everything life have offer ,he has way why settle down and be stuck with one when you can have them all.

We got to the section ,I offered Samantha a sit close to me. I could feel she was uncomfortable with the eyes practically eye raping her including that of my best fried who had already sent the two woman away to focus on on my sammy.

"Woah!.....what do we have Angel in disguise.." He said in an husky voice  uses and the same lame pick up line he uses to lure women to his trap.

"My name his Samantha Novara " Sammy said uncomfortably are beautiful blue eyes looking every where but him.

I glared at him passionately,my fist clenched at the thought of Samantha becoming one of his trophy I  gave him the eyes that says "she off limit so back off punk" ,he immediately understood raising his hands in surrender in the air and focused back on other prey of his. his a male predator.

"Would you like anything to drink?" I pointed to the different expensive wine that could expose someone taste bud in amazement but could also get you freaking high.

I wanted to see if she was the type of women to ask for a strong drink when there have work the next day.

" yes thank you a glass of water will do!"

What? Was she pretending or she said wine.

"Sorry did you say wine? I thought I heard you say water"

"Yes that what i said water!....I ...don't drink especially when I have a job tomorrow to...avoid hand over"

"Hmm..." I called the female waiter and told her to get a glass of water. She did that but not before trying to shamelessly flirt with me even though she saw I wasn't alone. Talk of desperation.

That good to know ,she takes her job seriously that the first step to not getting fired its part of my commandment if she has read it.

My other past secretary thought it was absurd I gave them rules to follow like there were little children but there were mistaken I didn't make it this far as the most successful billionaire just to fall because of someone carelessness.

"So Mr boss....what is a man like you doing in a club like this"

"I could San you the same thing...Miss probation PA...and please call me Romeo"

"And I would love to be your Juliet" she muttered under her breath I wasn't sure I heard her clearly... It could be my imagination playing mind games with me.

"Then you can also call me Sammy or Sam if you don't like that one you can call me Sammy or then you also have ....s-" I cut her off her rambling "don't I call you snow "


"You heard me....I think it suit you ....I mean your akin his as white as snow ...then your eyes are a pair of beautiful blue and not to mention your long black hair " she was a blushing mess by the time I was done complementing her . this is the first time I have ever complemented someone apart from my mother. I also didn't want to tell her about her heart shape face which suit her and her soft smooth skin ,I didn't want to appear like a weirdo.

"Hmmm.....Mr DiCaprio ....sorry...I meant Romeo do you carry your laptop to a club?" She asked pulling me out of my thought. Her eyes shone with curiously at me making my heat beat faster than my most expensive car when am driving.

" see I'm a workaholic" I suddenly felt shy about telling her about myself but  also felt so comfortable around her that I could spill my darkest secret to her.

O boy...this isn't good!.

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