
Chapter 04.

Andy's POV:

I opened the door and walked inside his office, looking at him. He was sitting on his chair reading from a paper he was holding, ignoring the fact I was standing facing him. His eyes finally met my gaze, making my knees weaken, I couldn't stand anymore, he's got a hold on me, and he doesn't even know his power, he doesn't know how weak he could make me with just a glance from his eyes.

"Take a seat, Andy" he offered me to sit, which I immediately did. I was looking at him silently, he put the paper he was holding on his desk, looking at me, he stood from his chair, fixing his tie.

"You were late..." he started saying, I looked up at him, trying to say something but he shakes his head, he doesn't like to hear excuses, I know, but...

"Andy, since when have you been working at this company?" he asked. I frowned, is he thinking about firing me?

"Sir, I..." I started saying but he shook his head, again, I think I know what's happening right here, I've become certain, he called me to his office, just to fire me.

"You're one of our excellent employers, you work hard, you don't care about anything more than your career, and you worked hard for your current position, I know, I've been your boss over the last three years" he said I nodded.

"I assume you love your job, don't you?" he asked, I nodded immediately with no hesitation, he sat on his desk facing me, I was still staring at him, I'm confused, what's all this about? I opened my mouth and was about to ask him, but my mouth was shut again, his hand traveled to his pocket, he grabbed something and looked at it, I narrow my eyes to see what was it, but after a moment I figured it was something sparkling, my eyes widened when he finally offered his hand for me, taking a closer look, it was my earring, the one I wore last night to the party, it was lost, I frowned looking at him confused.

"I found it inside my car this morning, I figured it was yours" he said, his blue eyes holding my gaze for moments, I took my earring from his hand looking down. I felt my cheeks burning from the way our eyes connected.

"That's all, you can go back to your work" he ordered, I frowned, that's it? He gave me all that speech for nothing, I had to hear all that lecture for nothing? It seems like I'm only overreacting, for nothing, I mean, it's nothing, he said go back to your work, but then I realized that Harris doesn't say something for nothing, I'm certain about this, is it possible that all of this was some kind of a threat? That if I said anything about last night, I'll be fired?

He's been my boss for three years, I know him well enough to understand what he means, and I've been working for him for three years, he knows I'm smart enough to get his message. I sigh going outside his office, without looking back.


"Andy, can you please just send me the details about the NovaCore project? I'm asking you this for the fourth time today" Jill said glaring at me, I looked back at her, "oh...sorry I forgot" I said still ticking my pen on my desk, she stood from her chair coming to my desk.

"Okay, what's going on? Why did Mr. Ford call you to his office? You've been acting weird since you came back from it" she asked, I shook my head, "nothing, I'm just not in the mood for work today" I answered, but she narrowed her eyes, not buying it.

"You're not in the mood for work? Something's strange is happening in this world today, you came late to work, for the first time in your freaking life, and now you're not in the mood...for work?" she exclaimed, I rolled my eyes, standing from my chair, "I'm hungry, I'll go have lunch, see you later" while she frowned, "Andy?" she said I turned to look at her, "what?" I asked as she shook her head, "the details?" she said raising her eyebrow, "shoot" I said before sending her the details, I was so not myself today.

I headed to the nearest restaurant to have a peaceful launch, away from all the fuss of work, and all the crazy thoughts, but to my surprise, I met Sam, he works with me too, I didn't like the fact that I met him, he's been asking me for a date for a long time, but I wasn't interested in him, like never.

"hey Andy!!" he almost yells making me sigh, he was already sitting on an empty table, I couldn't ignore him, since our eyes already met, I only waved at him hoping he won't ask me to join him, "come on" he said pointing to the empty seat on his table, I rolled my eyes heading towards him.

We started having our launch, I remained silent, but he was throwing random questions all the time, while me? I was answering, to be honest I felt bad for him, but what am I supposed to do? my heart belongs to someone else already, someone I shouldn't be falling for, cause he'll never be mine.

"I heard that you've been called by our Boss today...what happened?" he asked I looked up into his eyes, I was a bit surprised that he knows such detail, he must've been so busy stalking me the whole time, "yeah, it's nothing, it's probably cause I've been late today" I answered nervously.

"yeah, is everything alright, I hope you're not sick or something" he said I smiled nervously, "No! I just couldn't sleep last night that's all" I said looking away from his eyes, my eyes traveled to the people who just entered the restaurant, I gasped when I saw the last person I thought I'll be seeing right here, our boss!! Harris!!

His eyes caught mine, he frowned looking at me and at Sam, he immediately looked away, to the other man who was walking along with him, they were sharing a conversation. I could tell it was a work meeting, shoot, why did I come here, did I really have to eat?

"Andy?" Sam's voice cut my thoughts, I looked at him with a questioning look "yes?" I asked while he frowned, he was bothered that I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying.

"shoot!! I have to go, I have a lot of work waiting for me" I said looking at my watch, which wasn't working, it was just an excuse to leave, I wasn't feeling comfortable anymore, since our boss took a close table to ours, "really? Too bad!! It's okay we'll have lunch some other time" he said, making me look at him, "sure" I said, when I turned and was no longer facing him, I rolled my eyes, yeah right!!! Never gonna happen!

When I was about to pass Harris' table, his eyes glanced up at me, when our eyes met, I felt a sudden heat coming from his direction, I can never get used to this! Come On Andy!! Hold yourself together, I nodded at him, he nodded while he was holding a glass of wine in his hand, I looked away while I was still walking, he seemed annoyed about something, I hope it's not because of me.

"Andy!" he called out my name, I froze for a moment, turning slowly at him, he was looking at me, "yes sir?" I said heading to his table, "when I'm done, I'll find you my office" he ordered, making me flinch, what? why? I was about to ask but he gave me one of his deadly glares, I turned around, closing my eyes, I sigh heavily, now what? This is the second time he has called me to his office in only one day.

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