
A Frustrating Disappearance!


I awoke after what had been the best night's sleep in years. I couldn't believe that a random hookup with a stranger could bring me so much excitement. I got up, ready to either touch her again or continue our escapade.

However, my blood boiled when I found an empty bed beside me. I instantly got up and checked the bathroom, but she was nowhere to be seen. My eyes then fell on a tissue paper with red writing on it.

I picked it up, and a familiar scent wafted into my nostrils – hers. But as I read the note, my anger grew. How dare she treat me like a common stranger? She should have been thrilled to have been with Mr. Green, the city's most prominent figure.

"But she didn't pay you the slightest bit of attention," a mocking voice inside me taunted. No, this wasn't the time to dwell on that. I closed my eyes, trying to sense her presence nearby, but it felt as though she had never been here, or worse, she wasn't my mate. Her scent was the same as that of those who were wolf less, but I distinctly remembered feeling that she was my mate last night. How could this be possible?

An alpha could never have a wolf less mate, so why had I felt that way? I didn't care if she was my mate or not. The moment she had entered my life, she had become mine, and I would figure out the rest when I found her.

"I will find you soon, my little birdie. And when I do, I'll clip your wings and lock you in a cage, so you won't be able to run away next time," I declared, taking out my phone from my coat and lying on the ground. That's when I noticed a shiny object lying beside me. It appeared to be some kind of jewellery, perhaps a bracelet.

I smiled, imagining her soft, smooth wrist adorned with this piece of jewellery. I couldn't wait to get my hands on her again – my little troublemaker.

"Sir, we've finally found you," my secretary said, entering without even knocking, clearly oblivious to the audacity of his actions.

"Clean this area thoroughly, leaving no evidence behind. Catch those bastards who dared to drug me last night. And, last but not least, find that girl who was here last night. But remember, not a single hair on her body should be harmed," I ordered, heading to the restroom to take a shower before going to my workplace.

"Sir, we found those waiters," my PA informed me when I went down to the basement to check on my new guest for the night.

"We weren't aware of Mr. Green's influence. We were only paid to drug the drink. We are innocent. Please spare us," I heard their voices, and I sat in front of them. Watching people get tortured was one of my favourite pastimes.

"We will extract the information about the ones who ordered them, sir. Any other orders?" Parker, one of my top underworld operatives, spoke.

"Have you found her?" I inquired.

"We obtained the footage, but she kept her head down the entire time, sir. We need to review all the footage to identify the girl's face. Please forgive me for this incompetence," he replied. First, they failed to do the job, and now they were apologizing like weaklings.

"Do your incompetent people even know how to do anything correctly? Turn the whole world upside down or burn the entire city if you have to. I want that girl found before I personally kill every single one of you with my own hands," I raged. Deep down, there was an unusual sense of possessiveness. What if I couldn't find her? No, I was Daniel Green, the Mafia king, and I had never failed in my life. I would find her this time as well.


IN ROOM 507:

Ciara found herself momentarily stunned after Liya left the room. After some time, David returned, his towel still wrapped around his torso. Upon seeing him, she lost control and began throwing anything within her reach in a fit of anger. She didn't care what hit him; her rage was consuming her.

"Calm down, you crazy woman. What's gotten into you now?" David asked, watching her behaviour and realizing that both sisters had a fiery side.

"You're asking me what's happened? I ruined the perfect opportunity to pay off my father's debt and ended up sleeping with a complete loser who was the reason I had to be here instead of Liya in the first place," she replied, her anger palpable. David was now looking at her with confusion, but he had no intention of letting her slip away so easily, knowing that she was somehow related to Liya and could be of use to him in the future.

"What if I could make everything right for you?" he asked, smirking as she looked at him with curiosity. He took out his phone and dialled a number, speaking in his native language.

"Mr. Green of DG Corp, are you sure?" David asked, his shock evident as he quickly ended the call. He then proceeded to explain everything to Ciara, who became equally stunned.

"How dare she get so lucky after putting me in such a bad position? I will destroy that bitch," Ciara seethed with anger.

"Or you can make better use of this situation and get your money from Mr. Green if you use your mind right now," David suggested, his mind already concocting an evil plan.

"Why don't you use your so-called genius mind, then?" Ciara taunted him, still upset with him.

"Mr. Green has already slept with your sister, which means we can use this to extort him for his reputation, just like your father was supposed to do through those loan sharks. He'll even pay us double the price in return, as he is famous for his passion for business and maintaining his high reputation," David explained. Ciara remained silent, not responding to his plan, and began dressing.

"What are you doing?" David asked, puzzled by her sudden actions.

"Going to Daniel Green to ask for money or something else," Ciara replied cryptically. David realized that she was quite similar to him in her determination. After both got dressed, they left their suite and saw Mr. Green leaving the hotel with his guards who kept anyone from approaching him.

"Mr. Green! Mr. Green!" Ciara began shouting, but David quickly covered her mouth to stop her.

"Are you crazy? You'll get yourself killed if you try to approach him like this. We need to approach him professionally," David advised. Ciara stopped and looked at him, eager to hear his further plans. They may not have been able to meet Mr. Green today, but they weren't going to give up so easily.

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