
Chapter fourteen.

Returning to the hotel, Cassandra had a little extra time to indulge in a relaxing bubble bath before it was time to get ready.

All thoughts of Johnathan and his infidelity had vanished from Cassandra's mind, and all she could think about was Jason. She planned on arriving at the show a little early before the band took the stage in hopes of spending a little time with Jason before he went on.

Cassandra tried calling Eloise again before getting dressed in hopes of taking a few minutes to bring her friend up to speed, but like the last time, she got her voice mail.

Not hearing from Eloise left a pit of worry in her stomach. Why was she not answering or responding?

She would try her again before she left the hotel.

Cassandra curled her hair into small, smooth spirals and threw on her outfit. She touched up her make-up, giving it a little more dramatic look for the show. Cassandra was ready to head out to the venue to see Jason. Even though it had only been several hours, she had missed
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