
Chapter 13

Aubree's Pov


Ever since Laura found Nathan, nothing remained the same between us. One year had passed by, and our friendship was taking a new turn. We used to be so close that we hung out every day. But now, it seemed as if we were no longer friends. And Laura felt the same thing. So one day, we decided to meet, so that we could discuss the matter.

We both met at a restaurant and began to talk about our lives.

"I'm so sorry Aubree. I'm such a bad person to abandon my best friend just because of Nathan." She apologised.

"It's all right Laura. I do know that we had other priorities. But now we need to spend more time together." I said with a smile and she smiled back at me.

"No I'm serious. I never knew that I would be ignoring you because of Nathan. I'm damn sorry. I hope I can try not to be with him all the time." She babbled while I just sat, giggling.

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