
3. Going Away

Elysia’s POV:

I followed Tanya out of the room without question and we walked in silence until we reached the small living area that we barely ever occupied. It was reserved for Tanya and her friends when they visited and the only time I had ever really stayed in the space was whenever I had been assigned to clean it.

In the living space was another girl, I didn’t remember a time where I had ever seen her so my guess was that she wasn’t one of Tanya’s girls.

She was beautiful, extremely so, with beautiful curves, flawless skin, red flowing hair that dropped to her waist, and hauntingly captivating eyes. As I approached her, I couldn't help but feel a pang of envy mixed with curiosity settle in my stomach, especially since she had an air of confidence that I could only dream of achieving.

She watched me with eyes that seemed to penetrate deep into my soul and the intensity made me almost stumble. Thankfully, Tanya was speaking so I had an excuse to look away from the girl in front of me.

“This is Michelle. She’ll be in charge of you from now on. Go and gather the things that hold the most value to you and say goodbye to your friends, I know those rascals are not sleeping.” Tanya said with an air of finality that crushed my heart and when the tears began rolling out, I couldn’t tell but in seconds a sob was bursting through my lips and I was kneeling in front of Tanya with my hands clasped.

“Please, Miss Tanya. Don’t send me away, I’ll do better and work harder and I won’t cause you any trouble.” I said, holding on to the woman’s dress, and for the first time since I had lived with the short, chubby woman, I saw pity flash through her eyes.

“I don’t think you’ve ever caused me any trouble girl. This isn’t within my power. There has been an order from someone way, way above me. You’re one of the manageable girls here and I would have loved to keep you around for much longer. You’re welcome to come back to visit my home anytime. Now, do as you’ve been told, don’t keep the nice lady waiting. ” She said and the resignation in her words, made me cry even harder.

I didn’t want to upset Tanya or the lady so I picked myself from the floor and made my way back to the room, where the majority of the girls were awake, looking at me with question-filled eyes the moment that I stepped into the room. I only continued to cry though and made my way to the small locker that had been assigned to me.

“What’s happening Elysia? Are you been sold?” Lucy asked, gently rubbing my back to comfort me but it only made me cry harder.

I accepted the hug that she offered and although her soothing words did nothing to soothe me, I still appreciated the empathy in the moment. The majority of the girls were now around me, trying to comfort me and offer their support in any way they could. Their presence alone made me feel better and I soaked in as much as I could before going back to packing up the little things I owned.

I didn’t understand the situation. This wasn’t the usual ordeal of things when an auction was about to happen and the fact that I was the only girl that had been chosen scared me even more so I didn’t answer their questions or offer any explanation.

There were a couple of books that I had been gifted through the years on my birthdays, which were my only priced possessions and I packed them up. We only had a few clothes each which we wore during special days because we usually always wore a uniform or a night dress like the one I was in and so I packed those too and finally I pulled out the box that contained the only thing I valued more than my life.

It was a necklace that had belonged to my mother. It was the only reminder that I had left of her and although I never wore it, whenever I felt alone in this world I could always hold it close to my heart and feel my mother’s presence. Once I was done, I said a final goodbye to the girls, and with tears streaming down my face, I made my way out to the living area where Tanya was talking in whispers to the beautiful girl.

“…only white omega wolf I have for now.” My ears perked as it caught the last of her sentence and it made my heart sink.

Their conversation came to an end the moment they noticed my presence and Tanya offered me a small smile, one that felt strange because I couldn’t remember a time when I had seen a smile on the woman’s face.

“Here, have this for your journey.” She said, offering me a large cookie which I accepted with gratitude.

“Now, be a good girl and make me proud, and remember you’re always welcome back here. That’s not something I tell a lot of the girls that leave so it better count as something.” She said once more, giving me a gentle pat on my back that made my eyes sting with tears once more.

I followed the girl out of the house with a last wave to Miss Tanya. I had always lived in this house with the knowledge that one day I would have to leave and it wouldn’t be on terms that I would like but as I exited the building into the night, I wanted nothing more than to go back into it and snuggle into the thin sheet of my dingy bed. I didn’t want to accept the reality that I had spent years preparing for.

I didn’t know what was happening or where I was going and I felt more confused than I had been five years ago when I knocked on the door of Tanya’s home.

“You’ll be okay. He’ll probably not like you and send you right back.” Michelle said and the coolness in her tone made a shiver crawl up my spine.

We walked into the road and to a white truck that had been parked at the side of the road and Michelle walked over and undid the lock, the moment she opened the large trunk of the truck multiple eyes stared back at me taking me aback with shock.

“Go in,” Michelle instructed and I swallowed painfully before climbing into the truck, holding my small bag to my chest as I settled in a corner.

Once I was settled in, the door of the trunk was slammed shut and the space was bath in complete darkness. I could feel eyes on me and it made the lump in my throat grow bigger. Soon the truck began to move and my eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness around me. Some of the girls were asleep, while others just seemed to watch the space in front of them, the silence unsettled me but I didn’t dare say a word.

The reality of my situation settled like a ball deep within my stomach and I curled in on myself, letting the tears run down my cheeks freely. I felt so helpless and it seemed like all I could do was cry and cry, even when it never solved anything. The moving truck made my stomach churn and it made me feel sick but I didn’t think there was anything I could do about it so I curled in on myself more and shut my eyes tight, willing the exhaustion to take over.

The cold metal of the floorboards beneath me made me uncomfortable but I was too tired to care. A small sigh escaped my lips but I let the sleep overtake me, as I said a silent prayer to the Moon Goddess that she kept me safe and brought me back to Tanya’s home.

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