
Chapter Fourteen

Inserting the cream that the doctor sent home with me proved to be more difficult than I’d expected.  The pain in my ribs and my fear of making matters worse prohibited me from being as flexible as I needed to be in order to do it properly.  I was still struggling with maneuvering my body to better accept the applicator when Kenzie knocked on the bathroom door.

“Are you okay in there?” she asked with a concerned tone.  “Noah tells me that you’ve been in here for some time.”

“He noticed I went to the bathroom?” I cried with disbelief.  “Is there no privacy in this house?”

“Not if you want to stay safe, there isn’t,” she replied.  “What’s going on.  Do you need help?”

I hesitated for a moment before giving in and telling her that I did indeed need help.  When she entered the room and I explained why her assistance was required,

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