

Chapter 4

Camila Russell.

Camila woke up on the other side of the bed, probably because of the way she slept, which caused her to wake up with a banging headache. Despite the throbbing in her head, she knew she had a lot to accomplish that day. A new chapter in her life was unfolding, and she was determined to make the most of it.

She decided to start her day on the right foot, beginning with a hearty breakfast. Camila made sure to take the medication that Nadia, her caring nanny, had provided to alleviate the headache. The small pill worked its magic, and her body gradually began to feel better.

Today's schedule was planned down to the minute. Camila had an important appointment with a realtor to explore potential locations for her coffee shop. She had been diligently saving up for this dream, a small coffee shop that she could call her own. It wasn't easy, considering the constraints her family imposed on her daily allowance. But Camila was determined to make her dream a reality.

Every day, the household staff watched her closely, ensuring she didn't spend any money without their approval. To circumvent this, Camila had devised a simple yet effective solution: she kept a piggy bank hidden away, where she could save her allowance without anyone being the wiser. Despite this precaution, some of the ruthless maids in her father's mansion had resorted to stealing or snatching her hard-earned savings, justifying their actions with absurd excuses.

After finishing her breakfast, Camila picked up her bag, ready to venture out into the world. As she walked towards the front door, her shoes made distinct clicking sounds on the polished floor.

"Where are you headed, young Madam?" Nadia called out to her from the kitchen, where she was clearing Camila's dishes.

Camila paused, considering her response. "I have an important appointment to attend," she finally replied, feeling a sense of independence she hadn't experienced in a long time.

"Please be back on time for lunch," Nadia said with motherly concern.

Camila reassured her, "I won't be back before then, but I'll be home before dinner. See you in the evening, Nadia" With that, she made her way to the main door, her hair flowing behind her as she walked out.

As she approached the bus stop, Walter, the driver who had brought her home after her wedding, called out to her. He was waiting beside a gleaming Mercedes Benz, ready to offer his assistance.

"My lady, where are you headed? I'll drop you off," Walter offered as he hurried towards the car.

Camila frowned, surprised by his sudden appearance. "I don't need you to drop me off. I'm not going too far, so I can walk to the bus stop and find a taxi to take me to my destination," she said.

"Forgive me, my lady, but the boss, your husband insisted that you shouldn't leave the mansion without me as your entourage," Walter explained respectfully.

Camila clenched her jaw in frustration but conceded, "You'll drop me off wherever I want, without complaints or murmurs, even if the journey becomes lengthy, you can’t make a single complaint because you insisted."

Walter nodded and gestured for her to enter the car. Camila had mixed feelings about the situation. While she appreciated the newfound respect she received, she couldn't help but worry about the consequences of her independence. What if Walter discovered her quest for the perfect location for her coffee shop? Camila was already in hot water for secretly applying to the Mexico Business University (MBU). She didn’t know what his reaction would be, or if he would even have any reaction Opening a coffee shop in a middle-class neighborhood was an even more audacious plan.

As the car glided smoothly through the city, Camila couldn't hide her delight at the sudden changes in her life. Just a few days ago, she had been on the receiving end of rudeness from an assistant maid in her father's mansion. Now, she had a caring nanny and a loyal driver by her side.

However, her elation was soon replaced by apprehension. She couldn't help but worry about her husband, Leonardo, and her father-in-law, Chairman Lucas Vincento. What would they think of her endeavors? Would they support her dreams or stand in her way?  She thought to herself “it’s just university, and everybody deserves to be educated. How bad can it be? They can’t possibly ask me to quit school, right?”.



Chairman Lucas Vincento sat in his office, engrossed in the company's sales and marketing data on his tablet. His personal assistant, Mr. Dave, a young man in his early thirties, entered the room.

"Any news on how she's faring?" Chairman Vincento asked, not taking his eyes off the tablet.

Dave cleared his throat before answering, "She was admitted to the Mexico Business University just last night, Sir."

The chairman finally looked up from his tablet, his expression one of confusion. "When did she apply for admission? Her family didn’t mention anything about that"

"It appears she secretly applied while she was still under her father's roof and received her acceptance letter only last night," Dave explained.

Chairman Vincento nodded thoughtfully before reclining in his swivel chair. He considered the information for a moment, his mind racing with possibilities. "Is that what Nadia told you?"

Dave replied, "Yes, Sir."

The chairman pressed further, " alright but what else is she doing? Where is she now?"

“Walter had mentioned that she was currently scouting for a vacancy in a middle-class neighborhood just north of the mansion. "It seems she's scouting for a building," Dave reported.

Chairman Vincento scoffed. He was becoming increasingly concerned about the changes in Camila's behavior and ambitions.

"And what about Leonardo, where is he is he aware of all these?" Chairman Vincento inquired, his voice filled with frustration.

Dave provided an update, "He was seen heading to his regular nightclub with Sir Kingston. Miss Diane was also present at the club."

The chairman banged his hand on his desk, growing angrier by the second. "You're telling me that my son is oblivious to all these happenings involving his newlywed wife?"

Dave shook his head, confirming that Leonardo had no knowledge of Camila's recent activities.

Chairman Vincento stormed out of his office, with Dave following closely behind.


Leonardo Vincento sat at his desk in the CEO's office, engrossed in his work on the computer. He had a mountain of responsibilities to manage, and he couldn't afford distractions.

Suddenly, Chairman Vincento burst into the office. Leonardo stood up, exuding authority and formality as he addressed his father.

"What do I owe the pleasure of your sudden visit, Mr. Chairman or should I say, father?" Leonardo asked, maintaining his composure.

Chairman Vincento didn't mince words. "You weren't at the mansion last night to observe your wedding night."

Leonardo raised an eyebrow. "Of course, I was. Where else would I have been if not at home? I slept home last night and I left for work thus morning so what are you talking about?"

The chairman clarified, "I'm not talking about the family house. Why weren't you at the white mansion?"

Leonardo furrowed his brow, slightly taken aback by the question. "I was busy with work last night, Father. You know I can't afford to neglect my responsibilities not even for some woman who has the title of my wife, especially when they concern our company."

The chairman couldn't hide his disappointment. "because this whole marriage thing is new to you it seems like you’re not taking it as serious as you should, and you haven't quite grasped your duties as a husband yet."

Leonardo adopted a more conciliatory tone. "Since it seems I'm inexperienced when it comes to my marital duties, why don't you enlighten me and tell me what my duties are, Father?"

The chairman took a deep breath, considering how to approach the subject. "Do you have any idea what your wife has been up to lately?"

Leonardo leaned forward, curiosity piqued. "Well, I know she was accepted into the Mexico Business University last night. She's also been scouting for vacant properties around town, particularly for a shop. Is that sufficient information, or do you need more details? Or is there something I do not know?"

His father seemed astounded by Leonardo's knowledge. "How do you know all this; you haven’t even showed up to the mansion?"

Leonardo reminded his father, "Remember, the white mansion and every single one of its staff belong to me, and I'm the one who pays their salaries. They're loyal to me before anybody and everybody else, including you."

Leaving his father to digest this information, Leonardo's secretary entered the room.

"Forgive the intrusion, Mr. Chairman," she said with a bow. She had come to inform Leonardo about an impending board meeting.

"The board meeting is about to begin, sir, you have to go to the board room right away, the board members are already seated for the meeting" she whispered to Leonardo.

Leonardo gestured for her to proceed. "Thank you. I'll be right there." He gave a nod of acknowledgment to his father and his secretary before leaving the office.

Chairman Vincento was left in a state of annoyance, realizing that his son had known about Camila's activities all along. He couldn't help but feel that he had made a fool of himself.


Camila Russell.

Camila was on the hunt for the perfect location for her dream coffee shop. She scoured the city alongside Walter, her driver, who was unaware of her entrepreneurial ambitions. After an hour of searching, she finally found a suitable space.

Camila's eyes lit up with excitement as she explored the space. It was previously a law office and retained its domestic charm, with colors and frames still intact. It required minimal renovation, mainly repainting and furnishing.

"I love it! I'll definitely take this one its perfect for what I have in mind and I can definitely envision working here!" Camila exclaimed, her voice brimming with excitement. She could already envision her dream coffee shop taking shape here.

The real estate agent beamed with delight, extending a file and a pen to her. "Since you like It so much, would you like to go through the papers and sign the ownership papers?"

Camila eagerly took the pen and file, her heart racing with anticipation. She went through it and signed the necessary documents with a wide, dimpled smile that revealed her joy.

"Will you be starting work on this place soon?" the agent asked.

Camila nodded enthusiastically. "Absolutely! I can't wait to turn it into my dream coffee shop."

The agent smiled warmly. "Best of luck with your new venture. I'll take my leave now."

Camila spent fifteen more minutes examining every nook and cranny of the space. Once she was satisfied, she walked out to meet Walter, who was patiently waiting for her by the car.

As Camila approached the car, a soft voice interrupted her thoughts. "Walter?!" The voice belonged to a young woman, Rosella, who wore a puzzled expression as she looked at Camila, clearly confused about who she was.

Camila's eyes widened with surprise at the unexpected encounter. She hadn't met her sister-in-law before but she has seen her picture in a frame and Nadia has told her about rose, and she wasn't sure how to react.

"What are you doing so far away from the white mansion?" Rosella inquired, her expression nonchalant. "I thought you were left to watch over my brother's new bride." She was indirectly asking who Camila was.

Camila felt a rush of emotions as she processed the words. "The lady I was ordered to protect is standing right here with us," Walter chimed in with respect, gesturing towards Camila.

Rosella's eyes widened as she turned her gaze towards Camila. "Are... you my brother's wife?" she asked, her voice quivering with uncertainty.

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