
CHAPTER 6 Theo's Luna

  Elsie's POV

  It was really adorable seeing how excited Gracie was about her favourite toys. We sat on the grass, beneath a Willow tree to shade us from the warm sun. As nice as the day was, the Sun had become far too much for me to handle, my redhead skin didn't do well in the Sun.

  Gracie had pushed a ragdoll into my arms, and as I inspected her face, I noticed one of her button eyes was missing. The way the embroidery had been torn, her mouth downturned making her appear sad. This poor dolly had been in the wars.

  "This is Lucy," Gracie said "She's missing an eye, because she was a Warrior who had it removed by enemy spies when they tortured her,"

  I flinched, Gracie really had some imagination. What a dark idea for a small child to have in her mind. It made me wonder what kind of things she had heard, or even seen. Perhaps it was living with three men who possibly enjoyed their violence.

  I placed the doll on the ground, face down to remove the thought from my mind, and took my attention to Gracie.

  "Hey, so where's your Mom?" I asked, wondering if that was too much of an insensitive question to ask this little girl. But I hadn't seen or heard any mention of Theo's Luna.

  "I don't know," Gracie shrugged, she picked up Lucy and began to comb her woollen hair with her fingers as she spoke "She went away when I was really young and I don't remember her well," she paused "Uncle Kai and Uncle Oris call her words I'm not supposed to say,"

  I couldn't help but giggle at that last remark, this kid was funny "I'm sorry Gracie," I said, genuine in my words.

  That must be awful for her, but I'm glad she still had her Father and Uncle's around to make sure she was well loved and nurtured. "Is your Dad sad about it?" I felt as though my questions may become too intrusive, but I was too interested to know about Gracie's Mother.

  Gracie nodded "Yeah, sometimes he cries when he thinks no one is looking," she paused and jiggled Lucy about to mess her hair up again "But I've seen him cry, and I think it's because of Mom leaving," she paused and began to brush Lucy's hair once more "One time I asked about it and he said he was crying because his tummy hurt,"

  My heart began to ache, not just for Gracie, but I felt for Theo. As arrogant and rude as he had been to me, losing the love of your life, your mate was awful. Especially walking away and abandoning such a beautiful and intelligent little girl. I realised how well Theo had done raising her since then, she was a credit to him.

  It was then I realised what was missing in Gracie's life, she needed a female role model, someone to fill the space her Mother left.

  "Would it make you happy if I became your Nanny?" I asked Gracie, who had now become bored with Lucy and was picking daisies from the grass and piling them up. I expected she wanted to make a daisy chain, which reminded me of my youth and how I would make those by myself in the garden.

  Her little face beamed as she smiled "Yes! Yes Elsie I would love you to live with us and play with me all day! And read me stories at bedtime!" she stood to her feet and started jumping "We can bake cookies and pick flowers!"

  Seeing how happy Gracie was at the thought of me being her nanny really changed the perspective for me. She needed someone like me to spend time with her, teach her the ways of the world and enter fantasy realms with our imagination.

  Growing up as an only child could sometimes be tough, not having anyone close to your age to spend time with, she needed someone by her side to go on adventures with.

  Gracie reminded myself of me at that age, I had no female role model in my life. My guardian wasn't a real parent, and then became my lover. But, I still felt alone even having Rory as my lover.

  But now knowing what I know, I wish I had someone there for me to warn me and teach me of what would become of my adulthood. The idea of Gracie not having that person in her life, it scared me. If I could help this girl, I would try my very best.

  "Okay Gracie," I paused, pressing my hands against her shoulders gently to steady her excitement, her blue eyes shimmered as she smiled "I'll tell you a secret," I paused, leaning in to whisper "I'm going to tell your Daddy that I will be your nanny. Then we can play and read stories, and bake as much as we like,"

  "Yay!!" Gracie leapt and fell into my arms, she nuzzled my cheek "Can we play Warrior together too? You can teach me how to fight and be strong,"

  "Oh believe me Gracie," I paused and gave her a big hug "I will teach you to be the strongest warrior,"

  I meant every word. I would show Gracie how to be strong, mentally and physically. I would make sure this girl grew strong enough to not let anyone hurt her, walk all over her or abandon her. Gracie would be the toughest warrior.

  "I think we should go inside now Gracie," I said, grabbing her waist. I helped her to stand steady on her feet "Tell your Daddy and Uncle's the good news," I made sure I smiled for Gracie, wanting her to feel at ease as I could. I knew deep down the real reason I was taking this nanny position, but in the meantime, I would do it for Gracie as well.

  Gracie giggled "Yes, let's go Elsie!" she took my hand and kicked the pile of Daisies she had collected before leading me toward the house "I think Uncle Kai has a crush on you,"

  I laughed nervously as I thought of all the hurdles I would have to overcome to get where I needed to be.

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