
Better looking during the day

I woke up from the sensation I felt around my face, like something was fixated on me. Hot breaths fanned my forehead and I groggily opened my eyes and saw a pair of eyes fixated on me with branches from somewhere behind its eyes rubbing my neck, a feeling of panic arose inside me as I jumped up with a start and whatever was in front of me vanished into thin air and appeared at the other side of the bed.

Luckily it was just a girl with long brown hair smiling at me intently, “nice reflex…you could protect yourself with such speed so Asher doesn’t have to think of making me guard you.”

I looked at her blankly because I was yet to register my surroundings until I heard her say the name; Asher. She further introduced herself, “I am Ari ...Arizona. Alpha Asher’s younger sister and vice-captain of his squad.”

I nodded at her, neither did I introduce myself or greet her. If she was in this room then she knew who I was and what I suddenly identified as, her brother’s mate. I looked around me as I took in the surroundings I slept in last night as it was too dark to see. The room was large, with a grey theme and white furniture. The bed I laid on currently was most likely king sized with adequate pillow for cushioning. 

Glancing around the room, I noticed how big the window looked and realized that it may have been the reason why Ari was in here, staring at me like a hawk. Asher most likely felt that I wouldn’t be here when everyone woke up.

Ari still stood at the foot of the bed with arms crossed watching my every move, I eyed her carefully. She was a splitting image of Asher, they could be mistaken as twins and that’s where the similarities ended. Their height difference was too much, Ari looked tough with all the black she had on but the clothes could not hide her stature at all.

She headed for the door, “I need to let Asher know you are awake, don’t go anywhere.”

Before leaving, she turned to me, “there are clothes on the couch over there so take a bath, and hopefully they are your size.” Ari offered a much simpler smile before leaving the room.

After she left, I crawled out from the comfort of the bed and placed my feet on the floor, the cold floor penetrated through my socks giving me a wakeup call from the relaxing mood, reminding me clearly where I was. 

When I got to the bathroom, I threw the dress I had on towards the mirror without bothering to take a look at it because I already knew how horrible I looked in the morning. Once my dress was off I laid in the bathtub to soak before scrubbing off last night’s business off my body but not my head.

The dark skin around my ankle was quite obvious through the bubbly water, and I remembered clearly how I got it due to my heroic attempt of leaving Asher’s arm. Luckily that was the only place that was bruised up although I had struggled like my life depended on it.

I shook off the thought s of last night and welcomed those of today. What was I going to do, how was I going to act? All my life I always had someone around me to advice and protect me or I considered the pros and con before doing anything. This time, I wasn’t even given the chance to consider and now that I did it, there were clearly no pros to think of. 

When I was out of the bath, I dried off quickly and took the clothes Ari had laid on the couch for me. The underwear was a tad too little so I opted for the bra I had thrown aside before for comfort ‘because wearing Ari’s own would to discomfort. The sweat pant and shirt she kept aside were my size and I added a sweater just in case things got way colder than it already was.

Ari was leaning on the wall outside the door when I emerged from the room, when she saw me she sized me properly before giving an approving nod, “This outfit looked like they were tailor made for you, I wish I could say the same for myself.”

I laughed lightly; glad to know Ari’s personality was nothing like her tough outlook.

I didn’t get to say my piece before she continued,”I spoke to Ash and he said you could come find him in his study although he may not be on seat right now because he had somewhere to visit, so you can wait for him there.”

I nodded, “where is his study?” I tried to hide the nervousness in my voice as I thought about seeing Asher again.

“I will take you there,” Ari said while heading out: “I also need to take permission to swap with Nicki on his orders not to leave your side after all I have things to do too”

I looked at with eyes wide open, she had said it before in the room but I did not pay much attention to it, I think I heard him say it last night too to someone.

“I am too old for a baby sitter” not especially when the babysitter is smaller than me and is a relative of the man I want to not have anything to do with.

Ari rolled her eyes at my speech and laughed dryly, “My brother clearly doesn’t share than opinion with you as I am standing right here telling you all these.” She arched one of her brows, but I laughed slightly as I didn’t know what to say.

A clamor or rather a whisper for help travelled through the walls to my ears and this made me stopped in my track, Ari didn’t hear it or was pretending not to as she kept walking and I had to speed up to catch up with her. 

“Did you hear that?” I said to her as we walked further down the hallway.

She glanced at me through the side of her eyes before looking forward; “Hear what?” before I could reply we took a turn into a room that had a dozen pack members in it and my response got drowned in timidity.

A few of them looked at us and resumed their activities while the rest kept looking at me until we took another turn out of the room. It was uncomfortable as I wasn’t really a people person in my pack and I was yet to familiarize myself with this place and the wolves here.

When we exited the room, I had already forgotten about the words I wanted to ask Ari, and she likewise did not talk about it.

Ari led me towards a closed double door room and she walked in without knocking as if it was her turf and not her brother’s. My heart began to beat faster on thoughts of seeing Asher, was it me or was it my wolf being excited, I could not tell.

A girl clothed in green sat on the biggest desk that obviously belongs to Asher swinging her legs, upon seeing us or me; she frowned before looking back at Ari.

She got down from the desk, “Asher isn’t here right now..” she looked at me once again, “I bet he’ll be too busy to attend to whatever it is you both came here for since he has to attend to me.”

Ari rolled her eyes and muttered under her breath to me, “Here we go again.”

Ari stomped her foot lightly and put her hands in her pants pocket, “Oh yeah? Well, as you already know, I don’t show up here without a good reason and this time he summoned me to bring his mate to him …Louise.”

I stood behind Ari awkwardly as both women exchanged words until Louise smirked and walked back to the desk. Ari took me to an empty seat and sat with me.

Ari patted me,” I’ll be here until my brother comes so don’t worry about her.” Louise kept glancing at our direction and for some reason Ari thought it was bothering me and it actually was but I decided to ignore her.

We waited outside for almost ten minutes and any time I heard foot step from outside, my heart starts racing thinking it was Asher but the sound gets further away each time. Finally, heavy footsteps could be heard outside and it finally stopped in front of the door.

My heart started beating so fast that I thought it could burst at any given moment; I heard a click from the door as it was pushed open. His scent blowing in with each step he took and I inhaled sharply to take every inch of it, I could feel the scent deeply like he was right in front of me. 

My gaze fell on his figure and the contrast between day and night was clear, I couldn’t believe I fought not to be with this man. He wore a prim yet tight grey shirt and I could see his bulging muscles begging to be free, his pants were black but free, how I wished they were tight so that I could see what he had underneath.

While I was busy admiring what my dead eyes failed to be hold during the day, Ari had walked past me and on her way out grabbed Louise who was already making her way towards him.

He stood there looking at me while I observed him, when our eyes met he walked towards me and called out to me in his husky voice, “Skywalker.” And just like that, my knees gave way.

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