


The sound of a cab stopping in front of the house brought my attention to the window, making me jolt out of my bed. I peered out, and true to my expectations, it was Chelsea.

Just the person who the thoughts of her has almost driven me crazy.

I made my way down the stairs, anger slowing rising in the depths of my chest. The thought of her being with that boyfriend of hers made my anger intensify, and I was almost seeing red.

I watched as she walked in, but there was something different about her aura, the way she carried herself.

Just as she closed the door and prepared to turn, I backed her up against the door.

“Where are you coming from?” I asked, as I stared down at her form. She went silent, trying to avoid eye contact.

Okay, this is not the Chelsea that I know.

“Chel.” I called her name in a soft tone, using the tip of my index finger to bring her face to focus on mine. She stared at me for a while, before looking away, no words said.

I stared in confusion and alarm.
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