


I kept rolling around on my bed, my whole body was in pain, and I couldn't sleep.

Since I could feel my twin's pain, I could tell Darren must be punishing her now.

If only I could appear there and go help her if only there was a way.

Now I am stuck in a pack full of hungry Lycans who destroyed my home and granted me pain.

And here I am just an ordinary soul with no wolf.

I need to be strong to save my sister. The thought of my sister going through brutal punishment as a cause of my disobedience crossed my mind and I shook my head in fear.

He is crazy, he can do anything to get his aim. I could only roll on the bed like a crazy woman the whole night.

I didn't get a sleep wink, I checked the time on the nightstand and saw it was 5 in the morning.

I forced myself up wobbling into the bathroom, with my body filled with pain.

I stared at my reflection to see an almost skinny lifeless girl goggling back at me.

I couldn't even recall the last time those eyes held happiness.

I soaked my painful body inside the bathtub and just lay there for my pain to ease.

I have learnt a lot about the Lycan’s world not knowing I will live there one day.

They are extremely powerful than us, they are very fast in sprinting, and every one of them has their unique powers.

A bite from the current King could make a human turn into a Lycan wolf.

The moon goddess curses them to live way longer than werewolves.

“Lady Hazel, are you in there?'' A knock came on the door, waking me up from my deep slumber, I looked around to see it was now shining brightly.

I must have found the bathtub nice and slept away. I thought, “Ye.. Yeah,” my patched voice croaked out.

“Do you need help?” another voice came again when I understood they must have been the ladies assigned to help me.

“I am fine,” I said and walked out of the bathtub, but my body gave up.

I fell to the ground, “Lady Hazel!” they called again but I was too weak to answer.


Fluttering my eyes open, I found myself in a bright weird environment.

“Where am I?” I asked but didn't get a response.

“I am not dead right now am I?” I forced myself up, still trying to figure out my location.

Until I heard an oddly familiar voice calling for my name.

I trailed the voice, and in its direction, I saw both Mum and Dad.

I haven't seen them for years, “Dada! Mama!” I screamed, like I used to when I was a kid, and ran to them but some kind of force pushed me back.

I stared down at my body to see a string that bonded my both legs.

“Mum! Dad! What is happening to me? Why can't I come to you?" I kept wiggling so I could be set free, but it wasn't working.

"I want to feel your hugs, I miss you both so much!”

“Why have you betrayed us? Why did you leave your sister to the devil? You promised to protect her.”

My breath seized hearing my parent referring to my sister, “Is something wrong with Ivy?”

My heart felt like some sharp object had torn through it, “Tell me the bastard didn't kill my little sister!”

“He won't kill her! He can't kill her! So you should go save her,” My mum's voice was stern and I could tell she wasn't happy with the decision I had taken.

“How can I?" I asked desperately, I also needed to save my sister, nothing should happen to her.

But I didn't get an answer, instead, Everything turned black again and I felt my body on something like a bed.

“It's been three days now, and she still hasn't regained consciousness, what can you do to make her do so?” Maddox's voice rang in my ear.

“Damn, I'm back to the Lycan world!” I thought.

“Ivy,” I called, shaking my head, “I need to be with Ivy,” I whispered again.

"She is waking up.." Another voice said again.

My eyes opened and my gaze met with that of Maddox and the same man who had first come to check on me when I first came to the mansion.

“Ivy!” I called again and rose from the bed, “Where are you going?” Maddox held my hands but I flinched from the sudden feeling that crept down my heart, because of his touch.

“I need to save my sister,” I said and stood on my feet but my legs stiffened, making me fall back to the bed.

“If you don't want me to make you go back to your unconscious state then shut your mouth and rest up.” Maddox snarled but I wasn't going to back down.

If I don't save my sister she is going to die in the hands of that monster and my parents are going to be so mad at me.

“Lady Hazel, your body is destroyed, your wolf is dead and still in you. If you don't take it easy, your wolf soul will leave your body and you are going to die.”

The healer explained but I could care less about it.

“I don't care if I die, as long as my sister is fine, I could care less about whatever that could happen to my body!”

I stood from the bed again with both of them now watching me and not doing anything.

My legs wobbled to the door which was now three in my eyes.

It stretched my hands to open the door knob but it wasn't getting to it.

“For Ivy, please! We can't leave without one another!” I whispered still trying to reach the door.

Then I felt Maddox pull me back to the bed and gape directly into my soul.

“I saved you from the bastard! I paid a lot of money to set you free so forget you once had a sister and live your life.” My mouth was sealed.

It was like he was using his power but my body kept repelling it, in anger I pushed him away and let out a big scream that I was sure could cause some damage to them.

The Lycans are sensitive to noise and one thing I can do is scream.

“Your powers won't work on me! You won't intimidate me! I didn't beg you to save me!” I growled back at him and as if I pressed the wrong button he flared up.

I held my neck gasping for breath, a force pushed me and my back hit the wall painfully, making blood splat out of my mouth.

“Your sister is dead! Your life now belongs to me! Darren kill her already!”

I coughed out, now as tears were trickling down my face, looking up at him.

“You will live for me only now and not her!”

“A.. And.. If I don’t?” I wheeze out, “I will torture you to the moment that you beg for death, don't test my patient.”

I couldn't talk, it was like my lips were sealed, he released me and I fell back to the bed.

I looked at him with hatred, “You!” I murmured in pain.

“I will repay you,” I wheeze out holding my neck which was causing me great pain.

“Alpha Maddox, are you alright?” The healer asked but he swatted his hands off him.

“Take care of her,” He told the healer and walked out of the room.

“Lady Hazel, I get that you hate us so much but you should try and understand him, he only wants the best for you.” I shot a deadly gaze at the healer which made him shut his mouth.

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