

 "A round of applause for the Celebrant as we welcome him and His mother in grand style to the high table" all the guests quickly moved forward to take their places as they welcomed Prince Williams who was accompanied by his mum to the hall.

 Mrs. Farchester was gorgeously dressed in her red gown, the gown was none compared to others, it had a Christal design from the neckline to the tail, the gown was made from the finest of Silk., It shone so brightly that the Chandeliers also assisted in the distribution of colors.

 Mrs. Farchester Smiled all through, waving her hands at the guest, while Prince Williams walked Confidently and boldly holding on to his mother with his eyes searching everywhere for Valerie, as they walked to the high table which is located on the grand stage, it was indeed a grand entrance one which is only done and achieved by Royalties.

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