

Today we are finalizing a deal with a very influential client duo of ours. Well not that important but we've been trying to lock them in for months. It's these two friends who have an IT company called Steve & Ryder. They are two fairly young guys who started off their company about 5 years ago and immediately blew up, they made this spyware software which the market loved. They have been making several other programs and now are currently looking for some lawyers as there have been some cases about fraudulent matters as well as copyright and piracy issues basically just people trying to sue them because they have money now so they are kind of desperate.

Most of our clients are older established businesses, signing on people like Steve & Ryder would make our cliental base more diverse leading to newer younger person types wanting to sign with us.

However, I personally wasn't the biggest fan of them the last time I got to meet them. Even though both of them are

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