
Chapter 4 – You are a Dream

After a long journey, they all decided to take a break. They had reached the boundary of the village. Neel received a call from Grandma, informing him that she had reached the Malhotra’s mansion safely.

Neel jumped out of his Jeep, followed by his friends, all scattered around admiring the place.

Although all had been in denial mode about visiting such a place, they now couldn’t deny the fact that it was most peaceful from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Everywhere they turned, there was only greenery.

Neel took out his water bottle and walked away to check out his surroundings.

He was just admiring the pleasant green view and turned around to take a sip of the water when something soft collided into his chest, followed by a soft muffle.

He was startled as he stumbled back a little and noticed the soft object was none other than a girl.

“Please…save me… Some men are behind me.” She was shivering badly out of fear, her head buried in his chest; her quivering lips touching his little open chest, making him shudder with desire. He has been near many girls before. But her touch seems so pure and divine.

He noticed her wearing village clothes, which were now torn in many places. Her bare skin was visible to his eyes.

Her hot tears wet his chest, pulling him away from his lusty island. The next moment, he wrapped his arms around her petite form and said, "Don’t worry, I am here."

Hearing a soothing voice from the stranger, she slowly pulled apart to look at his face. and the world stopped around both.

Savita Oberoi entered the Malhotra Mansion with her royal grace, making everyone stand up in respect for her. She greeted everyone and caught the familiar face, “You are misha, aren't you?" She asked with a gentle smile, to which Misha just nodded with a misty smile.

After many years, Savita proceeds to talk with her. From her talks, she got to know about the misfortune that happened to her and her daughter.

She couldn’t help but feel guilty for having some reason for her loss. Although Misha didn’t tell her the name of the person who destroyed her family, she knew well who it was.

"How is Anna? Where is she?" Asked Savita, wanted to meet the girl.


“All these talks can be done later too, Mrs. Oberoi," Malhotra interrupted, "but we need to talk about business first."

Savita nodded and watched his lawyer handle some documents in Misha’s hands, who, without even reading them, signed those documents.

"You should have read it once before you signed something. And this land is in your name?

"Yes, Mother, on mine and Anna’s names..."

Now Malhotra was taken aback; he only knew about Misha, not Anna. "Where is Anna? Call her then."

Misha was scared hearing his stern voice suddenly say, "She has gone out with a few native girls from here.

"I called you two here for work, not for roaming here and there," he hissed, glaring at Misha.

Just then they saw one of the girls from the village running into the mansion and saying, "Aunty, Anna..." She gasped for breath while hearing everyone shoot up from the seats.

"What happened to Anna?" Misha asked, getting impatient.

"Anna...she... when we were coming back, some goons surrounded us. I somehow escaped, but she got trapped." The frightened girl told them

"What!! And you came, leaving her alone?" Misha scolds her, worried for her daughter.

By then, the girl was crying furiously.


Neel forgot to breathe, seeing such a beauty standing so close to him. He was shocked to see the face of his nightmares coming into reality. She had the same face that he had sketched on the canvas, but she looked more beautiful in reality.

Soon, anger started cursing through his veins, realising it was the same face that haunted his dreams and abused him in his nightmares, and she might be the same cunning witch in reality. Thinking of all those things, he pushed her away rudely, breaking her trance as well.

Anna, who had been lost in watching his face, couldn’t remove her gaze, although her mind warned her. She had been this close with the man for the first time and felt secure in his arms. And now watching him has made her fall in love with him at first sight. She was reminded of the dreams she had been seeing of her prince charming, whose face was blurry in her dreams, but today it seems he got the face.

She came back to reality in a harsh way with his push. She was startled and couldn’t comprehend his anger. And what for? Why is he angry? Why are those gorgeous eyes red in fury now when sometime before they were so soft as if melting her whole?

"Hey Neel…" his friends suddenly walked to the place while searching for him.

"What are you doing here? We searched for you everywhere."

Their words halted once they saw the girl; she was in such a messy state that they couldn’t recognise the face from the portrait.

But Aryan was the first one to gasp in shock, "OMG!!" He walked near her to confirm, and his eyes widen further. "She... it’s her…" He pointed frantically at her, making his friends rush towards her as well.

Anna was now so frightened; were they the same as those goons who were chasing her? She thought with fear and took a step back, trying to hide herself as well as crossing her arms over her chest.

Neel was pulled back to reality with her soft landing on his arms. His anger rose seeing his friend's behaviour. He then looked at Anna, who by now was crying. She clutched his shirt collar and said, "Please save me."

He instantly pulled out his shirt, wrapped it around her petite form, and pushed her behind him.

"Stay away, guys... "You scared her." Neel warned them.

His friends gaped at him, not able to believe he just told them off—that too for the mere girl.

"Hey Neel, relax buddy. But wait, where did I see her before?" he scratched his chin, trying to remember.

To be continued...

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